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What's your plan for 2008?

Scent Cellar

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Are you going to expand or reduce your line? Going to add a few new scents and drop some that aren't selling well? Branching out into new products? Streamlining your packaging? I am gearing to reduce the number of products I make, going with fewer scents and going to try to get a handle on branding my product labeling. I am taking the next few weeks to assess this year's products and to work on new labels.

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My goal is to get organized (now that I have a work area, my old kitchen, because my new one is mostly finished, or at least usable). I will be able to leave stuff out if I need to and have more storage space.

I plan on adding around 10 new scents for the spring and summer. I will be ordering those shortly after CHristmas. I am hoping my open house goes well in January to get rid of some fall/winter stock and showcase my new scents.

I may try for some wholesale accounts and hopefully get some home parties lined up.

I am still trying to get going, so every little bit will hopefully help!


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My plan for 2008 is to above all be true to ME! I'm quitting candles and continuing on with soap. Candles just aren't fun for me anymore. I kind of knew it would happen eventually.. HCM is growing at a nice pace now, and between that and still enjoying my soap making I have enough to do.. probably still too much! I have my second grandchild on the way and I rather enjoy the short mountain trips we've been sneaking in lately ;) I'm thinking the less I have to worry about here, the more often those can happen!! I'm making really good money with candles and giving up 2 very large wholesale accounts and a bunch of smaller ones but quitting at the top of my game feels really good. :)

Last year on New Years Day I quit smoking and it's been almost a year since I've had a cigarette.. This coming Jan. 1st I will begin shedding stress (and try VERY hard to quit drinking Pepsi). My blood pressure is awesome~ I need a stress level to match it! I'm ready to give myself another healthy treat!!

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I plan on dropping scents that didn't sell well over the last 2 years. I also plan on playinmg around with an aromatherapy line. I start massage school in two weeks and thought it'd be cool to incorporate my candles and massage. Need to work on keeping up with my books a little better too.

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Last year on New Years Day I quit smoking and it's been almost a year since I've had a cigarette.. This coming Jan. 1st I will begin shedding stress (and try VERY hard to quit drinking Pepsi).

Congrats PA on your upcoming one year anniversary of not smoking!!!:highfive:

As for me,my goals will be to market myself better than I have in the past, by getting my name out there which means I plan to have my website done and up and running, or at least part of it by June 1st. I want to participate in more swaps, try a new soy container wax either from Greenleaf or Golden Brands, and try my hand at making a lotion or scrub.

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Well I plan to thin out some of the scents I offer in the candles and really tighten up the line because my price is going up in January. I'll still have the clamshells but I'm learning CP soap, lip balms, lotions, body washes, room spays and maybe a whipped butter sometime next year. I'd like to phase out the candles completely over the next few years. I getting sick and tired of lugging 30+ boxes of jars to every show and twice that amount to the two really big shows I do. However, that said, I noticed most of my major compititions have folded as well. It will all depend on sales in 2008. I know I need to take my company in another direction if I want to survive out there. CP soap is a way to do that because nobody in my area does it, that I know of.


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My plan for 2008 is to expand my candle line, into container candles bought the stuff last year bust just didn't focus enough on it, kept getting frustrated with them. Work on the packaging of my pillar candles, just not satisfied enough with it yet but is keeps getting better, and expand the line as I really love making pillars. Need to market myself more just doing craft shows isn't enough. In the back of mind is developing a website but just don't where to start, need to do some more research.

Pam F

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the wonderful people on this site.

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Hmm... where to begin?

Drop some scents from my line- ones that just don't sell enough to make it worthwhile.

Work on my website- I haven't updated my scent categories in a while and I need to reduce, reduce, reduce!

Get a shopping cart up and running on my website. I had been using Paypal buttons, but really want to be able to use my own, so I can accept credit cards. I tried using ZenCart, but have no idea how to use it with Dreamweaver- if anyone knows, I'd greatly appreciate it!!! Also, need to know how to set it up with USPS, UPS, FEDEX, DHL, etc... by weight, so I can have a way to automatically calculate shipping. I've been having my customers email me their orders and sending them invoices via Paypal. I really want to cut out paypal if possible... along with Ebay, they are too costly when it comes to fees.

Sell my leftover stock (took inventory last night and I have a TON) by sending out emails to my customers offering 40% off, having parties, getting some local customers to host, etc...

Cutting products- I've already cut the smaller bulb jars- they're just too small and too costly- as it is, I still have 15 jars made that did not sell. Cut the 4 oz flat tins- they really don't hold 4 oz of wax and too costly to make if I can only sell them for a couple bucks. I may look into larger tins, but only if demand is there. Cut the clamshell tarts- they just don't sell around here. I have like 30 made still and unlike other areas, people prefer the 1 oz tarts- they're cheaper.

Buy new votive wax. I've got maybe 10 lbs of the crappy V1 left that I am probably going to make a bunch of tarts out of and sell them at a loss on Ebay. Then I'm buying Ecosoya PB.

Keep playing with palm pillars until I get the right wick!!!

Market my palm containers. I've successfully wicked 16 oz mason jars as well as 10 oz bulb jars. I may add 15 oz bulb jars, just not sure yet. But I really want to try to upsell my palm wax containers, as they are so gorgeous and not too many people have them in my area.

I'd really like to select a line of FOs for my palm containers. They're so classy looking and if I do a high-end line (like Asian Amber from CS-that scent ROCKS) I may attract more wholesale orders from retailers who cater to visitors from NYC. AND, get a nice modern jar to use with this line... something like the metro, but not so thick.

Advertising. I have a friend who owns a communications business. Need to make enough $ to do a mass mailing in my zipcode. I need to work on that photo box so I can take some good quality pics- visual is everything when it comes to marketing.

Keep playing with balloon candles. I made a couple two weeks ago and just love the way they look when a tealight is placed inside of them. :)

Thinking of more ways to get my business out there. Eventually, I want this to become fulltime.

I think that's it! Of course, I will keep playing with ideas and experiment with new FOS.

Last of all- take a week or so off, as I've poured about $600 worth of candles in two weeks on top of being ill. I would like to relax for a few days, burn some of my candles and rest without worrying. Just gotta get my wholesale order shipped and a couple others taken care of.


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I am buying a new digital as soon as I can figure out which one will meet my needs. My present one is not cutting it. Just stepping up my advertising and product offerings. I was not busy this holiday season simply because the massess did not know I exsisted. Promotion I am realizing is key.

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This year I am condensing my product line because I am meeting with a merchant owner/buyer in Jan. that is going to carry my line in 11 of her stores that are nationwide. So I have am having to pick my most popular items for 2007 and mass produce them. I am probably going to have to hire a couple people and train them and move into a warehouse. We are having growing pains and we are trying to figure out how to branch out.

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For the new year I plan on organizing my stuff better. Cleaning out all my FO'S and only having so many scents to offer. I also plan on adding more candles in my store. I also want to learn to make pillar candles. And last but not least. Finally take out my new light box and use it. I also want to get more business into my store. Merry Christmas Everyone. santa chee Regina

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I think I already typed this somewhere. But anyways I'm going to cut down my FO list, retire some and add some new ones. Come up with a new line of candles and Melts. Finish my website probably after Income Tax when I have the money to pay someone to do it, since I'm touched when it comes to setting it up.

Mindy :)

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I am getting organized if it kills me. I bought the Soapmaker program like, months ago and have yet to put my stock into it! :o (bought it to help me with inventory control) I have all these extra fragrances laying about that aren't even in my line! I am selling those off and thinning my fragrance line. I had 85, got down to 60 but I want to take it down to 50.

I already got rid of the specialty candles that took too long to make. I just don't have the time and I am tired of fooling myself into thinking that I do! This year I had alot of stuff on my plate with buying a house and two family members passing away. I was overwhelmed and there were times that I didn't even WANT to make candles!

I am debating with myself whether I am keeping the coffee or not. I buy it wholesale and I am just a reseller.....so it's not like I am grinding the stuff myself. But.....it is one more thing to have to stock.

I am discontinuing a few things and not even adding a few things I was going to add. I want to get back to basics and stop adding crap that "might" sell. My candles are killer and people love them. Why should I take energy away from that by trying to market scrubs? There are several scrub sellers out there! Let them have that market and I can stick to what works for me.

I am going to advertise a bit more this year. I did pretty good with the pens and a craft show and craft malls, but I want to get my name out there even more. BUT, not so much that I am overwhelmed. That is the key! Because: .......and this is the biggest one.....

Lastly, I am taking some time for me. I am learning new things that I want (sewing, handmade lotions, swirls that rock in CP) to do. My cousin and my aunt passing away this year gave me a little bit of insight. Life is too short to be stressing over candle orders and marketing strategies. I barely take any "me" time and that is going to change. I am going to learn more, love more, and laugh more! I'm going to be a good businesswoman but a GREAT wife and mom! That is my goal list, and sorry it was like a novel! :o

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Getting better organized is my #1 priority for 2008.

Cutting back on retail and concentrating more on fund-raisers.

Also going to limit my testing of new scents for 2008. I sat down and looked at how much money I spent on samples this past year and it made me want to cry. That's where a lot of my profit went for 2007. I have a few samples left to test but I refuse to buy any samples in 2008!!

Only looking to add possibly 5 new scents this year, mostly just going to stick with tried and true fragrances from years past.


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:smiley2: I'm going to "hang it up" for a while at the end of this week. Making soap and lotions is a real joy, but I dislike running a business. I've got a list of "to do" things around the house and yard for the coming summer that are calling to me. I will still make my own soaps and lotions, but I've got to let the business go for now.

(If I had decided to keep the business going I would have reduced the fragrance line and product line and concentrated on wholesale.)

I hope everyone has a wonderful 2008!

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I have also got to get organized. We are up to two rooms in our house packed with candles making supplies and stock and it just is not working out. I am going to have to find a workspace that better fufills my needs. I also plan on cutting back on the fragrances I offer. I offer a full 320 that you can custom order but only about 60 that I make. I hope to cut that down to about 30. I also plan on marketing my business a little bit better. I would like a few more wholesale accounts and possibly my own retail space with a large workspace. There is a place locally that I have looked at that used to be a video store and still has the shelves behind the counter that would be great for FO and other supplies. I don't plan on testing or adding any new products. I have plenty at this point that have been tested and I just have to integrate them into my line. The only thing I would like to try is a sugar scrub and maybe a salt bar. I just got my site redesigned and I am working on making that work out the way I have always wanted. I am also looking at redesigning my labels with the new graphics on my website. A business van would also be a nice commodity if I could save up enough money. I am delivering wholesale orders in my sports car and there is really just so much that can fit in that tiny thing at one time. Either way I am looking forwards to a new year. Afterall, it will be where the second year of my business begins.

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I discontinued a few jars this year so now down to 3. 2 are sellers. Re-doing website and going to advertise finally with 1 or 2 search engines.

Starting pillars, chunk candles and layered candles. Adding some jewelry and purses to my site. See how they sell. Sending out samples to businesses within 50 miles of me. Adding incense and some body wash and bubble bath. So adding quite a bit this year but taking some things away.

Also re-do my work area in the basement . It needs some organizing. Might put one of my computers down there and a desk. To much in our 2 extra bedrooms with labeling, receipts ect. Want it with all other candle stuff.

This is alot to undertake because I have also been in kinda a situation like Brenda. Husband was in a wreck and fine but still in pain. Soon after that my grandkids other grandma died a sudden tragic death(suicide).She was a nurse,been very ill and also upset with her son so it was just more than she could take. It took a big toll on me. Just happened 6 weeks ago so it is still fresh. Then last week I was in the hospital with a sickness and dehydrated. Now on my feet but just got over doing alot of craft shows that I think wore me down along with the other things. All this happened within 3 months so it is really really hard to do what I am undertaking but will do it.

I will be doing some contemplating for 2008. Will work on these additions with re-thinking my priorities. I also feel life is passing me by. Our family was hit hard by the tragedy. I always have my grandkids but will be very busy this year attending ball games etc. They live quite a distance but WE need to be there now and take the time. Just less overtime for my husband and more family time. Work will be on the second burner from now on and will see how candles and what the turning point in our life will be this coming year.


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More of the same for 2008. Weed out the bottom 5 soap scents and replace them with others.

Work on marketing/branding of a new soap line I might debut this year (though I might wait 'til 2009). In any case, concentrate on marketing/branding.

Expand production. I've finally worked out a system so my stock levels will stay more consistent.

To hit next year's budget I need to hold the line on expenses, and will try to increase gross by 25%.

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Minimize and sell my leftover crap ( i think I'll do something or its cute and never use...will post on classys)

Revamp my website

Maximize the use of email for sales/promos

Send out a new updated catalog to minimum of 2000 stores in Spring

Send out some flyers to local non-profits for fundraisers in Summer

Clean my office...there is some scart stuff in there

Reopen our retail store as an outlet store

Pay myself more,and work less hours:D

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I plan on testing FOs pretty hot and heavy to expand my fragrance line.

Will add a lotion choice to match my cream, and have an idea formulating for a second type of cream and lotion. I'd love to add either a sugar or salt scrub, but that won't be till later in the year.

Candle wise I'm going to start looking for a good wax to play with for melts.

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