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Ecosoya PB - help?!

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I gave up on V-1 after wrestling with it for several months and thought I'd give Ecosoya PB a try. It got here today, and I was so excited to try it. I read the tips and instructions I found out there, heated to 175 to add color and fragrance, poured at 155 - and now they won't release from the molds. :(:mad::shocked2: I tried to pop one out and it broke into four or five pieces. I saw a suggestion to remelt and repour the wax if that happened, that doing that would "condition" the molds. I don't entirely understand the need for that, as I've been using these molds for a while, but I'm going to try it and hope that helps. If this wax isn't better than the V-1, I'm going to cry, and right now, it's not better.

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Haning in there...it'll get better. :awww: I put my metal votive cups in the Freezer (not refrigerator...too impatient for that, lol) for no more than 4 minutes. I just use the timer on my stove. They usually pop right out after that. I gentle rap on the counter doesn't hurt either.


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I've hardly ever had a problem with that wax. Did you use a mold release spray (or Pam cooking spray?) That'll do the trick. Also let them cool real good then put them into the freezer for a few minutes and they will fall right out of the mold. I make lots of tarts and votives with PB and I love it! I've had a few crack but it's rare. Maybe that was a one time thing for you hopefully. the times I had cracks was because I tried CO. I don't ever try CO anymore. Never worked for me like other people.

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Well, I tried the freezer and that seemed to work OK. (The metal molds were what was sticking - I use candy molds to pour small tarts, and they release just fine.) Then I made a batch before I went to bed and just left it. And this morning they popped right out! :yay: So maybe I just rushed that first batch. I'm used to V-1 setting up quick, quick, quick, and the Ecosoya apparently can't be rushed like that. I'll just have to be mindful of that.

And the throw on the Ecosoya is fabulous! Even with nothing melting or burning, my house smells wonderful.

TxGirl - what's CO?

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Bunkie, I'm liking this wax (Ecosoya PB) very much so far.

When pouring votives, it makes a slight dimple around the wick, but not so much as to be objectionable to me (unless one is determined to have a perfectly flat top), so I have not felt any need to second pour the votives. No air bubbles whatsoever, the rate of contraction is small, so no need to make relief holes as there's nothing to relieve. The weather here has been unseasonably warm, though, so I expect the wax may perform differently when it cools down... Pouring at 83° is very different from pouring at 60°... ;)

The throw is quite good - no more or less than I expected. Have had NO frosting issues at all yet (but our temps here have been warm, so we'll see what happens when it gets colder).

I am most impressed with the texture/consistency of this product - very even and smooth all the way through before, during and after burning. Tops are smooth and shiny and remain so after lighting. No powdering, fading of color, lumpiness, cottage cheese, etc. A refreshing change from V1 for SURE!!

I am planning to pour a larger batch of votives today with different colors and FOs, so I'll see if they are consistent with the votives I have already poured with EPB. Am using CD wicks.

I am also testing pillars with it, and am pleased so far. I forgot to pay attention to the 2" pillar and apparently it blew out and collapsed... those 2 inchers are always a PITA...:rolleyes2 Am fine tuning the wicking (CDNs) on the 3" octagons right now. Will post results later when I am finished with the initial tests.

Hope you are having good results with yours - quite a change from V1, eh? I was impressed with it from the initial pour and demold, and it has continued to impress me thus far in the burn tests.:D

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Stella, is it ever a change from V1! :yay: No more cracking, the finish is beautiful (so shiny!), and as long as I don't get impatient, it releases like a dream. I find the throw to be better than V1, too. I was burning about half a tart that I'd made with the last little bit of wax in one batch, and it made my whole house smell good. It's been cold here, and even so, it's still performing well. I got a little circular crack at the top of one votive I made (which I felt compelled to repour to cover), but very little shrinkage. Love it, love it, love it! :grin2:

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Why, why, why?! The Ecosoya is now giving me problems. I was working on a batch of bubble bars last night and had tarts sitting over to one side to cool. I heard a snapping sound, and when I looked, two of the batch of tarts had cracked clean through in the mold. :(:shocked2::mad::confused: This happened with two more batches that I poured after this happened. Nothing has changed. I'm using the same bag of Ecosoya - haven't had to open the second one yet. My house is the same temperature, I'm pouring at the same temp (155 degrees, which was what the info sheet said would work for most applications, and did for me for a few batches), why is it all of a sudden cracking? And the ones that don't crack won't release from the metal mold for love or money unless I put them in the freezer - the batches that didn't crack released without being frozen for a bit, if I just waited long enough.

I'm starting to think it's me, or maybe the shape of my molds puts some weird kind of stress on the wax or something. I use the big six-pointed star molds. Maybe I'm just grasping at straws, but I can't figure out why this is happening. Help?

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