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Rudolph the brown nose reindeer


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Thanks again.....I didn't expect so much attention on this candle...very easy to do. I pour 1# 5 oz wax into a standard size cookie sheet for the chunks and make them with CBL 141 (blend)....then the over pour is 4045H or 4045EP......for the embeds I use a smaller cookie sheet and pour 12 to 14 oz into the sheet depending on what kind of cookie cutter I am using. I also make them with 5055 with 1/2 oz micro 180 and a little gloss poly to make it more flexible and to hold the color. That reindeer has to be poured thin....I did 14 oz yesterday and it didn't work....so today...remelt and do it at 12. The large Christmas Trees, Angels, hearts, stars etc. I can do with more wax. For my regular pillars, 3" diameter", I have to use #2 SB wick. The others just don't do it for me......the raindeer with 3 wicks has #0/5 SB.......that is what I also use for my "firecrackers" too (2" diameter). I'll post some more Christmas embeds as I do them. Donita

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Hi Donita! You already tod me about yours techniques, but one thing I was wondering.. when you use cookie cutters to cut embeds is the wax already completely solid?

I tried when wax was not so solid and the surface has deformed.. but I supposed it's normal.. so what should I do exactly?


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Wonderful looking candle, Donita. I thonk I even like this one more than the one on your site (even though its super too).

Did try wilth the same reindeer cutter. Tried two ways and both worked. One was - poured the wax on and immediately put the cutter on. The second was - put the cutter on the sheet and then poured the wax (that's how my local siupplier said they do it. However, as you said, Donita, the trick was getting the wax the right depth, or the reindeer were hard to get out or stuck in the cutter and broke.

Now if I could only get the rest of the candle to look as good. Am limited to IGI 1240, 1242, 1245, 1255 wax, but get some ideas from what you did, thanks.

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Sharyl...it scented Jingleberry and the one I did yesterday is O Christmas Tree. I also did a cone with jingleberry....will post that. Cybersix....what do you mean deformed? Did they sorta lift up? If mine do I smooth them down again with my fingers. I cut when the wax is almost set up, but still kinda soft. You have to catch it at just the right time. Dee I see what you mean but usually these work for me.....I just wasn't paying attention....kept leaving the studio and going over to the house....it makes a difference if you are a minute off. I am going to try some today and will let you know......the large cone I did yesterday came out with a look that I wasn't going for because I kept going to the house and cooking........so everytime I came over to the studio, I wasn't checking my wax temp. so one layer was poured too cool, but it is still a candle that looks kinda cool. I will post that and then the one I am doing today....I am sure they will look totally different. I am going to change the additives too. Donita

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Dee....here is what I did today.....I cleaned the cutter with WD40 then sprayed it with silicone. Then watched my wax carefully. Poured 12 oz in the med. size pan. You can see that now that they are cool, they are seperating. I already did one pan and only broke two because I cut them too close to the edge. Donita


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Sharyl....that cookie cutter was in one of those boxes of "a thousand" cutters.....you know those boxes at BBB and other places....well, I have collected all of them and I have just about everything....more than one person needs, but out of all of them I was lucky and found some that I like. I would rather have metal ones, but this reindeer is just too cute. Sometimes I like to heat the cookie cutter a little, but you can't do that with plastic, well I guess you could, but then it wouldn't be a reindeer....it would be "road kill"....heheheh Donita (TT)

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