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Sales Reps gifts?!?


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Does anyone give their reps Birthday and/or Christmas gifts? My husband and I are going round and round about this one. He doesn't give his employees gifts; he owns an asphalt paving corporation and doesn't feel it's necessary. However, he does give some year-end bonuses. I feel I should do at least Christmas gifts, but both have their birthdays in Dec, so I could combine both if I do it.

If any of you do, any suggestions for gift ideas?!?

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I don't give birthday gifts, but always send a nice Christmas gift. She works very hard for me throughout the year and it's just my way of showing her how much I appreciate her help. I wholesale primitive crafts, which she loves, so I always make her something extra special and one of a kind.


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I'm giving my "helpers" (can't really call them reps, but they do some marketing for me) melter/warmers that they have expressed wanting to buy next year (after Christmas) so I figured it would be a nice surprise. But if you want something outside of what you make/sell...food products are always a great gift...anything candy or even savory, you can get small gift packs of nice items at Costco or Sam's Club.

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If I had them, which I date the one I have so that's gift enough ha ha, I would do a year end gift thing as well as something for their birthday, at least a card for their bday. Being a December baby bites in that it's all lumped in with Christmas and that just ain't fair. Bet if you send a card you'll make their day that you remembered and they'll feel special.

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