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Mia Bella?

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Buying from Mia Bella and reselling as your own is the same as buying from gel illuminations and selling them as your own..

It all seems a bit twisted to me!!!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Yeah, but there is a big difference between selling manuafactured candles and saying they are handmade by you and dropshipping supplies.

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Wow. you made your first candle in around January this year (when you asked what a flashpoint was) and now you have a booming business with tons of wholesale customers? I wish I could have set up that quickly. Well done.

Can't really tell if your being sarcatstic but either way, business is not "booming" but I have gotten several wholesale accounts which keep me purty busy.

BTW: I have not had to deal with PL yet. I guess they will be the next to come around. We already have a Yankey, Woodwick, and Beanpod dealer around and they have about shut down. There are some people who will pay near $20 bucks for a candle but the customers are sure are not lining up.

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HA dont worry about his customers. If he is slapping a label OVER MB's the customers will notice the fraud when they burn the candles down. DUH, the other sticker will

A. Show through when lit from the inside

B. Be seen from the inside when it burns down.

DUH!!! LOL. He'll be seen as the fraud he is!

Report him though, I would!

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So why does you site say handmade??? :rolleyes2

Your seem to be the Pot Calling the Kettle Black!!

I do have my handmade products but, I do dropship candle making supplies from gelluminations. I repeat. Everything listed on my site is handmade, by me except for the things you can acess by clicking on the crafting supplies button. The candles, lotion, soap, and all the other things like this are made by me.

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I do have my handmade products but, I do dropship candle making supplies from gelluminations. I repeat. Everything listed on my site is handmade, by me except for the things you can acess by clicking on the crafting supplies button. The candles, lotion, soap, and all the other things like this are made by me.

Are you really 16?

Boy you have alot of time :o

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All the craft shows around here allow all the candle people GC, PL, HI, CR, MB and I ask the promoter every time why they allow that in a hand crafted show they just shrug and ignore me.

OK - Educate me! PL is PartyLite, MB is MiaBella. What are the others? Never heard of them. Are they all "reseller" companies?

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Craft shows are not what they used to be. I have been doing them for 5 years. First couple years some were "make your own only". Then the last 2 or 3 years I see mass producers there. I don't say a word. I had a lady tell me she cannot get in a show because her most of her stuff is wholesale items and she re-sells. Strange I saw plenty with sweatshirts etc they didn't make. I know of places where some suppliers set up and sell for less than the other candlemakers. Anything goes nowadays. It's about making a buck. It is the economy and we all know alot of us around that are honest but always someone who beats us down or out.


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BTW: I have not had to deal with PL yet. I guess they will be the next to come around. We already have a Yankey, Woodwick, and Beanpod dealer around and they have about shut down. There are some people who will pay near $20 bucks for a candle but the customers are sure are not lining up.

NOthing compares to MB. If they're around, they won't go away till Tom, Dick or Jane gets tired of weekend shows.

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NOthing compares to MB. If they're around, they won't go away till Tom, Dick or Jane gets tired of weekend shows.

Seriously, I think you have to pass an annoyance/arrogant/dishonesty test before you can sell their candles!!

Out of all the competitors I come across, MB people are by far the worst. I had one actually leave brochures on my tables in front of my displays (so It looked like I set them out for people to pick up). She thought she was sly by doing it while I took a Bathroom Break, but my booth neighbor was a dear friend and pulled them off lol.

damn leeches, they always seem sooooo desperate

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Okay everyone, I've been keeping up with this thread b/c I thought it was really interesting. Anyway, I did my 2nd craft fair last weekend and there was a lady next to me that had a whole bunch of retail stuff that she was selling like purses, baby books, and yes candles. I thought it was kind of wierd b/c they looked like palm on the top. They were a creamy yellow and then it looked like it was topped off with a layer of palm. However, the lady was marketing them as pure soy. I'm not an idiot, I know what palm looks like. I asked her why she was marketing part palm as soy candles, and she looked at me like I was crazy! She had no idea what I was talking about. She also had votives that were made out of palm as well.

She had some thing that people were able to register to win a free candle and was passing out a brochure with a pamphlet on how good soy was for the enviorment etc. etc. etc. It was really annoying, b/c here I am set up next to her trying to sell my comfort blend. Yeah, that was fun! Nice experience for only my 2nd fair. Anyway, lots of people signed up for the free candle and I felt like a schmuck! I did get some sales, but I"m sure not as many as I would have. I really marketed the handmade and hand-poured thing. That seemed to help.

Well anyway, I just looked up the Mia Bella that ya'll have been talking about, and I will be damned, that's the stupid candle with palm poured on top of it that she was marketing. I guess I was lucky she wasn't as aggressive as some of the sales people ya'll have described. Just thought I would share my experience with ya'll. Now I know what to watch out for!

Thanks for listening,


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I've had limited experience with MB. I did an outdoor show this spring and the guy walked up to my booth with his daughter, and they started smelling everything, and she looked at her dad and said, "Dad, these are nicer than yours." He grinned and said, "Yeah honey, they are." I wonder if he's still selling? LOL!

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damn leeches, they always seem sooooo desperate

Because they are ... lol!

We might see them once more before year's end, might. What's so great is that at one show you might have sachets and candles and they carry the candles. Next show you see them with sachets, well under what you're charging. Next show they aren't even around.

I can hardly wait to see what happens to our soap market. It's saturated enough, but I'm waiting to hear if washing with theirs will be something like saving a forest or some such. I know it will be beyond an experience.

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Because they are ... lol!

We might see them once more before year's end, might. What's so great is that at one show you might have sachets and candles and they carry the candles. Next show you see them with sachets, well under what you're charging. Next show they aren't even around.

I can hardly wait to see what happens to our soap market. It's saturated enough, but I'm waiting to hear if washing with theirs will be something like saving a forest or some such. I know it will be beyond an experience.

Well, as much as I hate to say it, I have heard compliments on their soap from consumers but, they are just that, consumers, whom can sometimes be uneduated in candle and soap making and quality. I think I am gonna report him. I have not dealt with him at shows but I truly don't wanna have to. My luck is, he would find a way around me reporting him or, Mia Bella would give him a second chance.

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Ok, I tried to hush... really I did...

I really, REALLY, can't believe how up in arms you are about this. Aren't you the one who was going and buying unscented laundry detergent... adding FO and reselling? You have proven yourself to be a liar, manipulator and shady character on this board so I'm sure it carries over to your products. You skirt the rules whenever possible! You sold someone else's candles when you first started and claimed them as your own! When you were busted you finally admitted that you were drop shipping them. You have absolutely no ground to stand on in this situation. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! The gene pool needs some clorox!

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Ok, I tried to hush... really I did...

I really, REALLY, can't believe how up in arms you are about this. Aren't you the one who was going and buying unscented laundry detergent... adding FO and reselling? You have proven yourself to be a liar, manipulator and shady character on this board so I'm sure it carries over to your products. You skirt the rules whenever possible! You sold someone else's candles when you first started and claimed them as your own! When you were busted you finally admitted that you were drop shipping them. You have absolutely no ground to stand on in this situation. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! The gene pool needs some clorox!


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Ok, I tried to hush... really I did...

I really, REALLY, can't believe how up in arms you are about this. Aren't you the one who was going and buying unscented laundry detergent... adding FO and reselling? You have proven yourself to be a liar, manipulator and shady character on this board so I'm sure it carries over to your products. You skirt the rules whenever possible! You sold someone else's candles when you first started and claimed them as your own! When you were busted you finally admitted that you were drop shipping them. You have absolutely no ground to stand on in this situation. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! The gene pool needs some clorox!

I've been watching and reading this thread for quite a few days now and heard what the others have said about the OP selling candles that weren't her own, etc... I have heard her defend herself, stating she dropships candle supplies. I am not sure whether there are other threads that relate to the accusations that she is deceptive herself, but if not, then I see no reason to voice them.

What's with the unscented detergent comment? Don't crafters buy unscented wax, gel, soaping & lotion products, etc, process it into candles/soap/lotion and resell? I don't know squat about soap, though. I just hate to see someone bashed if she doesn't deserve it. If she is dropshipping candle supplies, I don't see what the deal is. If she is taking a candle made by someone else and putting her label on it, claiming it her own, then that would indeed be wrong.

I don't know much about gelluminations. Perhaps someone could enlighten me?

I did take a look at her site, and from what I saw, the candles she sells are in mason or jelly jars. They look homemade. I also saw the page where chandlers can order candle supplies for wholesale rates. I didn't see anything bad about the site.

As for Mia Bella and all the others, I have mixed feelings. At my first craft fair, I was stuck in between Home Interiors and Avon. I sold a LOT more than they did... HI didn't get any sales whatsoever. And behind me was a person who sold all natural products made by a large distributor. But, they were all pretty friendly, even helpful in telling me where and when the next shows were, etc... No one got nasty with me at all. I have yet to encounter Mia Bella, except that I've seen posts on here about them and have seen listings on Ebay.

When I started out, I was curious about one company who sold kits that contained 'everything' you'd need to start your own soy candle business. While I was intrigued, I'd already gotten my own kit from AC Moore by the time they called me (I signed up for more info) and decided I wanted to use my own scents, wax, and research, etc... rather than use their ideas... In short, I felt my creativity may be curbed, as well as my ability to go out on my own and use my name to sell, if I started out with them. Also, they were pushy... they emailed me and called me quite a bit and I felt that the pushiness wasn't cool. I don't recall their name, but it was a company that has a lot of ads on google, etc.

I have only dealt with PartyLite once, when I went to a party my friend was hosting, which spurred me to make my own candles since theirs were nice smelling, but didn't last long at all, and were very expensive.

I hate judging anyone unless I know the full story. That is why I decided to post.

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