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Why does Candlemaker's Store not post scent descriptions?


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This is what it states on their site:

"Due to the subjectivity of smell, we do not list fragrance descriptions. Obviously many scents are self-explanatory, such as Apple Pie, Wild Cherry, etc.. We also realize that many scent names have no descriptive nature to them, but we also do not want to mis-lead you with an opinionated description."

That makes no sense, because every time someone sniffs a candle they associate it with a description, or if they tell you what they like about it they're being descriptive. "Oooo, smells like Summer time!" "Wow, that's fruity!" "I love the vanilla in this!" With no descriptions I have no hint of what something named 'Silver Bells' is supposed to be trying to smell like, or what their interpretation of Yule is in 'Yuletide', or what kind of spices are in 'Christmas Spice' (a single spice? multiple spices?), or what's snowy about 'Snow Cream', or what makes 'Sweet Pine' sweet.

Guess I'll have to depend on reviews from you guys. :undecided


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I understand their explanation however it doesn't work for me!! I at least want to know what the top note is. I really hate the 'green' smell but can live with it if it isn't the top note in a scent. Same thing with grapefruit -- just absolutely hate it if that's the dominant smell.:confused:

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I totally agree with you, I think they should be there, but I don't think it's a marketing ploy...as most of us just don't order any fo's rather than trying samples. After all, there are tons of other suppliers that have descriptions and ratings. Steve is pretty good about replying to emails, so maybe we should all email him and say we'd like to see at least a basic description so we can buy some fo's from him. I love his wick stickers though, and they will work with you on shipping for small orders.

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That drives me nuts. I wish all suppliers would include scent descriptions. There are a lot of FO's with names that give no indication of what they smell like. Angel Hearts, Angel Wings, Driftwood, ??? Even if my nose doesn't pick up the same notes at least I have an idea. I have no idea what Angel wings is or how it might differ from Angel Hearts. Who knows what weird things I might order with out knowing the scent.

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I think most other suppliers will at least add the description provided by the oil manufacturer ~ or will describe according to their own "none".

So I could only assume they are not getting a description AND have no experience or knowledge of what the notes are in a fragrance. Their business is probably suffering a bit for it...I have only gotten Baby Powder from them because of the self-descriptive name!

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Has anyone mentioned this to Steve? He may not think that it's as important as it actually is. You know men. (grin) No offense to you gentlemen on the forum.

Mt Annie


I don't buy from Steve ... I think that giving a buyer a description of what they are buying, is part of good customer service. I used to feel this way about Cajun too ... but, now they have descriptions on their website ... way to go Cajun Candles! :thumbsup:

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Has anyone mentioned this to Steve? He may not think that it's as important as it actually is. You know men. (grin) No offense to you gentlemen on the forum.

Mt Annie


Mt. Annie,

You are too funny girlfriend. I sent off an email a while ago regarding scent descriptions and was told that I could call to get descriptions on the phone. Never did it because it was too time consuming (that and I'm too lazy!).

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I had ordered a few things from him in the past and one item was listed on their web page as out of stock for about a year, I called and emailed and then they finally said that they would not be getting that product back in. I will never order from them again. There are other places that offer better service that will get my money.

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I like descriptions but not so sure they are real. Top note this and middle note that and base seems like it's always musk. I still find I have to get a sample to see what it really smells like. He should pay JS or Sweet Cakes to make him some scent descriptions cause they are the best.

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