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Candles and B&B websites


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It seems like every one has a website now in this business. I was just wondering how lucrative it is to have one. Are you guys making any real money off of them? I have been wanting to get one set up, but if it doesn't generate any business then I don't want to bother.

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How lucrative it is depends on how much work you put into developing it, marketing it, etc. Maintaining the site is one extra job in itself and if you do not have the time for it, it can be more trouble than it's worth. Having someone else do it is another option, provided you can afford the expense. I don't get a whole lot of sales from mine, but still consider it a necessity as it's the only way customers (both local and out of town) can view my catalog. I don't have a paper catalog because what's available is constantly changing and a paper brochure would get outdated very quickly.

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WOW! I am in the process of building my own website, because that's what I do by trait, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy to hear most of you say you have success with it. But I have a few questions for those of you doing a lot of business on your site.

1. Do most of your clients find you on the web, or are they returning customers from shows, parties, etc?

2. If most of it is people finding you on the web, what method do you use to market the site? Search Engines? Paid Ads?

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My website doesn't necessarily bring me any sales (yet!). I use it as some of the others do as an online catalog. I do have a shopping cart on there, just in case! However, I don't have it listed on any search engines yet, have not done my meta tags so maybe once that part is done, I might see more sales on it.

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Yeah, mine doesn't bring any sales either. The only marketing I've done is adding it to google, yahoo and a few other search engines. But, I hope to start a marketing plan at some of the new craft shows I go to that will give them a discount if they place their next order on the web.

People should not think "build it and they will come" .... it soooo doesn't work that way. There are so many places out there with candles, aromatherapy, soaps, etc....that I think search engines are currently cluttered....and it will take some work to get away from the pack! :)

I REALLY hope to see some ideas for marketing out there from other members. I need some ideas :) I can do marketing for others, but when it comes to me and my business, I completely fall short. So....please help! :)

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I think the idea of offering a discount if they buy online is a GREAT way to generate traffic to the site and get some orders! GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!

I probably wouldn't be building a site so fast for my own stuff, but that's what I do for a living so it doesn't cost me anything but a little time to put a website up for my stuff! And you are so right about building it and they will come, that just doesn't happen! You have to advertise is somewhere.

In my experience with websites, most of them generate the traffic to the site by putting the url on EVERYTHING they print, on the business cards, on the flyers, tags, bags etc.

I need to check out costing on the keywords from google, anyone tried that yet? I haven't had any clients doing it yet, because most of the sites I have worked on lately are just not niche areas.

Also, anyone had any luck with ebay and the ebay store? I know a lot of people that put some stuff on ebay, knowing it will go for way less, just to generate traffic and new customers. Anyone have any luck with this way of marketing?

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