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Disaster CS Pumpkin/What could have caused this?

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I am using paraffin wax. I added 1oz of CS Pumpkin Souflee cured for 3 days and tested. Everything was just fine, nice strong scent throw, no seeping. Continued to burn the candle to the very end and everything tested perfectly. I made another one for myself and lit it every evening for the last few weeks. No problems! I made 25 of these 3 weeks ago for a show that is scheduled for next week. I already have orders for 6. I stored them in a box in a cool room. Today I took them out to start packing my things up for the show and this is what I find on each and every single candle made with this fragrance.

There are wet spots but that is not what concerns me. The major problem is the yellow spots along the sides. It isn't liquid but more of yellow crystals. It is on EVERY SINGLE one of my candles made wich Candle Science Pumpkin Souflee. So far I don't have anything that looks like this on any other candle. I've never had this happen before. Last thing I need 5 days away from a show and people waiting for their order. Anyone have any ideas as to what this could be?

Photo link wasn't working so I deleted the links.

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Sorry, all of this is new to me. I don't know of any other way to post photos here.

I just stuck a skewer down into the wax and the yellow spots are indeed FO seepage. It just hasn't made it to the top yet. I added at the correct temp for my wax and this hasn't happened with any other FO. I don't know what could have happened with this one?

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I had almost the same experience with that fo. I had to take the lids off the containers and now I don't put lids on them or store them in a box. I'm not sure if it's because it's such a heavy fo or what. The only other fo that has reacted weired was the first orange-vanilla I bought. Since then, I haven't had this problem...until PS came out! Leaving them in a cabinet with no tops has really helped me...everyone loves it or I'd quit using it.

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It is a preblend and I did not use any additives.The good news is that this is the one and only candle scent that is seeping. All of the others are fine! I did put the lids on 2 days after making them and stored in a box in the closet. In the past when using some really heavy oils It was necessary to add them at a higher temperature than usual. This was the case with a very heavy vanilla FO I used several years ago. It just didn't incorporate in with the wax if I added it at a lower temperature. Since this is more of creamy pumpkin instead of a heavy spice I might just have to increase my wax temperature like I did with the vanilla FO and lower the percentage of FO as well. It just goes to show that seepage doesn't always occur right away. I am very thankful I didn't send these out when I first made them.

Is there anything I can do to salvage all of these seeping candles? If I leave the tops off and the FO should happen to evaporate won't the wax still be holding too much FO? Once I place the lids back on and they are stored again isn't it possible that the oil will begin to seep again?

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Hi GrannyEmily,

Have you contacted CS and explained the situation to them? I believe that they are committed to having really good customer service and that they will be quite willing to help you if they can with this problem. I would definately call them A.S.A.P. and see what they can do to help you.


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I didn't use any additives. I have a small amount of the FO left and I'll make a couple of testers with 5% and increase my wax temperature. I will store one in the closet with the lid on and one without and see in a few weeks if there is any seepage. If that doesn't take care of the problem I will contact Candle Science. At this point I don't think it would be wise to give or sell candles that have FO seeping. I have no way of knowing if the candles would start seeping again at a later date. You guys are great for helping!

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