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color suggestions

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Hi. I'm a brown person...rust, tan, coffee, red brown, orange brown, peach, etc. Any really good ideas for Christmas splendor, twigs and berries, mistletoe? I've thought of using a bit of glitter on top in different colors to cheer them up some, but not so sure about that. I have gone to green for the Christmas tree scents, but I guess my imagination is lacking at the moment. I've thought of pouring flat colored holly leaves, bells or whatever to just put on top of natural colored candles, but that that means buying more molds etc. What do you all use? Spark the inventive side of my brain...please. Beth

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I really like your idea of the leaves or bells being colored on top. You can get inexpensive candy mold at Michael's for those. I don't color my candles, but when I saw and smelt Twigs & Berries a deep burgundy or deep cranberry color came to mind. I have no idea what Christmas Splendor smell like, but when I hear it I think Medium Blue. Mistletoe either white (natural) or dark green (not hunter green.)

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Each year I layer my Christmas Splendor Red and Green. I used a deep burgandy last time I poured twigs and berries but think this time I will go with a deeper red for twigs and berries. I can't offer much help on Mistletoe - I am still waiting to pour it-but the blue sounds kind of nice. Post some pictures once you decide - we would love to see them!


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Guest Candelishis

Oh it's super easy. You just basically let one set up until it has a pretty thick skin over it, then pour the next layer. You don't have to wait until it's completely set up. I allow about 15-20 minutes usually between layers.

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Christmas Splendor is also called Victorian Christmas and Apple Cider by other companies. It is a apple cider cinnamon smell all its own. That might help with your color selection. I make it deep red, very pretty. I try to do colors that match peoples homes. Like deep reds, burgandies,deep orange and rust, creams. No one has straight up green or plain light red, ya know? So many of my customers are looking for colors to match their house. Maybe it is just my customers, not sure.

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