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Soy Wax Nightmare Need Advice Please!!

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Hi Everyone,

I have had such a crazy hectic week. I had an order of 300 candles come in so I order 4 cases of c-3 soy wax. I have worked with this wax for so long and up until this point it was perfect.

So I went to pour the 300 candles with those batches of c-3 and I knew that it felt different in the box. The wax was sooo sticky and pasty that the measuring cup had to be manually scraped off to have the clumped wax taken off of it.

Anyways the candles were poured around 160 a second top was put on to smooth inperfections and the next day half it not 3/4 of the candle was pulled away from the jar. Needless to say I ended up pouring 500 candles to get 300 decent looking candles to send out for this order because I had a deadline.

I was so stressed out that I literally cried. I lost sooo much $$$$ & I pulled 2-24 hour days because I kept pouring and getting the same horrible affect.

I called the company that I ordered the wax from and I told him that the wax looked different than before. I even told him that I live in florida and the temp has been well in the 90's and the ups freight truck he sent it on kept the wax on there from the early am until almost 6 at night. I

truly feel humidity and moisture got in the wax because some of the candles you could actually see condensation and what looked like mold.

I am running a professional business and can't have my name on candles like that. I called the company and asked for replacements and basically he told me to call cargil natures wax main office and discuss it with them.

All that I wanted was for him to ship me atleast one case of wax to see if it was any different. I asked him if he could ship it the regular ups way because I know all the other wax that I got that way from him before was perfect. He wouldn't send me anymore and basically told me to try to find a supplier closer to me. He wanted me to call Cargil and try to get free wax to replace mine.

You could tell he thought I was an idiot and just didn't know how to pour candles. Well anyways sorry to vent. I am so upset over the situation that I am looking for a different soy wax, and supplier. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone tried Natures Garden Joy Wax? Also, I bought my 8oz tapered jelly jars from this guy and about a dozen were broken or had major defects. Of course it was an act of congress to get a credit for them. Where is the best place to buy these jars. Thank you all so much for listening to me and helping me out.

Ps: that guy at that company really lost out. I will not ever buy anything from him ever again with suck horrible customer service.:angry2:


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I am really sorry to hear about your TERRIBLE ordeal. I can'teven imagine what you must have felt like.

I don't know if this will help you or not, but there is a company called The Natural Artisan http://www.thenaturalartisan.com/ . It is owned by a lady named Laura. She is a SUPER lady and is very understanding and helpful.

They sell only soy products and carry the "Nature Way" brand of soy. They are in New Hampshire and you are in Florida, and I'm not sure that is an issue for you. But what I CAN tell you, is that you won't have any customer service issues with this company. They are as personal as it gets. HTH

By the way........they are in the process of adding a whole bunch of new products that arent yet on their site, including Anchor Hocking glassware.

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(((hugs))) what an awful experience. Sounds like they are loosing a super de douper customer that knows what customer service is since you poured and poured to get perfect candles for your customer.

Don I read your other post about this supplier and I checked it out and must say very impressed with them. I no longer use C-3 cause I couldn't get it wicked/throw for me :( but I did just place an order for wicks with them at a great price, THX

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300 candles!!!


Anyway, your supplier should make good with you, or lose your business. I hope my votive wax supplier does, or she will...

That's beside the point!

The point is, your supplier made a lot of $$ off of you. You need to recoup that money.

Stand up for yourself, know you aren't alone. We are here for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If a supplier screwed me over, I'd be broadcasting their name loud & proud! There's nothing any of us can do to support you or avoid making a bad purchase, if you don't share the name.

I'd recommend calling Florida Soy Solutions to see if they can help you. I'm on another group & Michelle (owner) is an active member & a lot of help.


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Hi Everyone,

I knew that it felt different in the box. The wax was sooo sticky and pasty that the measuring cup had to be manually scraped off to have the clumped wax taken off of it. :angry2:


I just got a bunch of C-3 that also feels greasy and pasty, and it is getting cold where I live and no humidity. It must be this new batch...

I cringed thinking...Here we go again with the wick drowning issues...

I tested the new C-3 and all my burns are perfect, no wicks drowning out.

That might help make you feel better..

Candles might not look as good, but at least they will burn properly!!:cool2:

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:confused: This isn't going to help, just wanted you to know that the c-3 isn't the only wax with this problem. I bought 4 cases of a widely loved wax from Ky & it just will not burn. I had used this wax for 4 years with no problems. I can use it by adding paraffin, but for customers that want the soy, I am trying other waxes, the c-3 is one I tested & was about to order more. I might not order a bunch of it since others are having issues with it. Seems like every new case of wax I get, whether it is soy or paraffin is different than the ones before. Makes me wonder why the heck am I making candles.


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Well the supplier was fillmore containers. They have lost my business for sure. Even if I have to pay a little more it is worth not being made feel like you are an idiot and just flat out don't know how to pour candles. His whole point was well it isn't my fault. I shipped it right. Basically it is ups fault. So I told him that I would call ups and he said they will not do anything for you either. A no Win situation. :angry2: Thanks for everyones advice I am going to start checking out all of those websites. Take Care & God Bless!:D


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Fillmore is where I purchased my wax and I definitely did notice a difference in its consistency.

I tested the new batch immediately.

I don't pour straight C-3.

I blend my wax, and I have not noticed any problems when blending. :tongue2:

The batch I have is L7H01. HTH

ETS: It will be this batch/lot # from all suppliers if this is one of the "bad batches"..

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I would call Cargill and tell them how their distributor treated you!!

Candlescience in NC has C3...

If this is a problem with a large batch of C3, Cargill needs to hear about this ASAP so they can withdraw and recall the wax and replace it with the right stuff.

I hope this gets resolved quickly - is there a batch number on the cases, etc. that you could share with us? I gotta order more soon and I would like to know which batch numbers are suspect...

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Well the supplier was fillmore containers. They have lost my business for sure. Even if I have to pay a little more it is worth not being made feel like you are an idiot and just flat out don't know how to pour candles. His whole point was well it isn't my fault. I shipped it right. Basically it is ups fault. So I told him that I would call ups and he said they will not do anything for you either. A no Win situation. :angry2: Thanks for everyones advice I am going to start checking out all of those websites. Take Care & God Bless!:D


Check with Early American Candle Suppy. I just placed an order for 4 boxes of C3 he said it will ship Monday and I will have it by Wednesday afternoon. Shipping total was $70.45 to a commercial address. I am glad I saw this thread I asked about the lot # posted in the above thread their lot # was NOT it

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What is your lot #? is it the same as islandgirls ?

Yes, the 2 new cases are the same lot number. I have not tried the new cases yet. I will try them this weekend. I had bought 10# of C3 to test and it is probably the same lot number because it came from the same vendor and only a week later.

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I think it's good to keep in mind that Fillmore is not necessarily to blame for this. The poster had a frustrating experience and blames the supplier. There aren't enough facts to draw much of a conclusion about what happened. It would have been sensible to pour one candle from a new batch instead of 300, in case any adjustments needed to be made. We know these products aren't perfectly consistent. The complaint is that the wax pulled away from the glass -- not exactly unheard of. The environment the candles were poured and cooled in is another possible factor.

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Oh, I agree, it is not Fillmores problem. It is not like Fillmore makes this wax. Besides the weather conditions on the bean crop have alot to do with it I am sure. I just needed 4 cases and it didn't matter where I got the wax from as long as I got the best price on the wax plus shipping but I felt it didn't hurt to ask if the wax I was purchasing was that lot number (I don't need any problems right now cause I am still getting ready for a festival). I have to run space heaters if my house gets down below 72 deg just so the wax doesn't pull away from the jar. I also agree fillmore has not been a problem dealing with in my experiences but then again I have not ordered wax from them just containers & samples of FO. Good points as always Top !

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the great info. I checked out Florida Soy Solutions and by far she has the best customer service ever. She listened to me and is sending me some free wax to try. Needless to say Fillmore Containers (where I bought wax and jars) has lost my business. Florida Soy Solutions is not that far from where I live so I can drive there to get my orders. I am so excited. Blessings do come thru difficult times. Thanks again to you all. Everyone on this site is wonderful. Take Care & God Bless!


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