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Help me get over my fears!


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Hi guys, I'm hoping you all can help me get over my fear of working with Lye. I have all the equipment and ingredients ready, have had them for a few months, but I just can't seem to convince myself it's safe to go ahead and do it! I'm just so scared of getting blinded or burned or something.....I'm really scared! BUT I REALLY want to try my hand at CP, I've done my research and have everything I need except the guts to try! Help! :)


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I'm laughing at you because I made my first batch ever this afternoon and I was pretty apprehensive about using the lye. Actually I've had everything I needed and put it off last night, then again this morning and finally got up the courage this afternoon. I followed every precaution that I have about and I'm still here. And even better, I think I have soap!! (I've peeked......twice.):o

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Just use common sense and you can do it! Don't soap when you're tired or distracted. Focus. Concentrate. Don't fear the lye, but respect what it can do. It's powerful stuff, but if you get a bit on your skin, you can easily wash it off. Rinse, rinse, rinse. And any time you are working with the lye, lye water, or raw soap batter, just be sure to wear your goggles.

You can do it! Deep breath ... :)

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Nothing to be afraid of. After your first, maybe second batch you will chuckle at how nervous you were. You DO have time to wash off any splatters (unless in the eye - so wear your goggles). In fact you have plenty of time. The things I fear are DUMPING the lye on myself or the kids, or eye splatters - the rest is small stuff.

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I am still terrified of lye, even though I have gotten small splashes on my skin and know it’s not like some horror show… the skin doesn’t start bubbling away. Yes, it’s uncomfortable but a little cold water flushes it away. But still… every batch I make a big production of. Getting out my safety equipment (goggles, mask, gloves, rubber apron, and my “soaping clothes”… long sleeved shirt, jeans, old boots). I pace and look a the oils and lye sitting, waiting for me… finding excuses to not start, until the urge to soap over comes me (it really is an addiction) and I dive in. Once I have my oils measured and melted it’s to late to stop (can’t waste the oils) and I will don the goggles, gloves, and mask and measure the lye. After that… it’s easy. Ok… still some apprehension when I pour the lye into the water… but not that much. I set my lye jug in a pan of cold water so it cools pretty rapidly as I stir it… then pour into oils… and the magic starts. I watch as the oils incorporate with the lye and start making soap, as it goes through the stages and add what ever additives I have spent days thinking about… planning… and pour it into the mold… wrap it up and tuck it into like a new born baby… clean up the mess, remove my goggles and gloves, change my clothes and then wait… none to patiently… knowing I’m going to do this again, laughing at myself for all my anxiety. But the next batch, whether it’s an hour or a week later is just the same.

So dive in and do it. Follow basic safety precautions . Do it when you can lock the door against kids and pets at a time when you should be free from interuption. if you start feeling over whelmed stop for a few minutes, you can until you mix the lye water and oils. Won't hurt a thing. once you've poured the lye water into the oils put the lye pitecher in the sink and run cold water in it... you'll start to feel a lot safer then and won't want to leave. you'll be fine.

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Took me a year to do it. Don't wait that long. I thought then that there would be a mushroom cloud in the sky when I made my first batch. Notice nothing made the news! We're all safe. Just make yourself do it and then your apprehension will go away.

If you wait a year, I could be dead and wouldn't get to see your firsts! Now that's not fair is it?

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I too had the same fear and after about a year finally did it. I used Robin's instructions http://www.candletech.com/coldprocess/ that I printed out a re-read several times and followed them step-by-step. I can tell you that my first batch turned out beautifully and I got perfect swirls the first time.

Make you sure you take precautions and you will be fine. Measure and double check your measurements. Wear googles, rubber gloves, long sleeves, shoes and pants. Some people wear a respirator or full face shield. Keep vinegar close by as it will neutralize any lye spills. I mix my lye water (make sure you pour the lye into the water and not water into the lye as it will cause a volcano like affect) in a container in the sink that has a lid on it with lye written on it so no one mistakes it for something else. I make sure no pets are in the area while I'm making soap and my family knows they aren't allowed in the kitchen when I'm making it. After you make your first batch you will be so excited and wonder why you worried.

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So - you are on your way!!!! Woo hoo!!!

You mentioned making sure there are no pets in the area. I stepped outside to mix the lye because I was concerned that the fumes would be harmful to my birds (cockatiels). Don't know for sure, but I would be crushed if something happened to them.

I recall someone worrying about their birds but don't recall the outcome. I think that she, too, did her lye elsewhere.

But I want to mention that carrying your lye solution can be quite dangerous - if you trip (stepping over the doorway, for example) you are screwed. So you might want to re-think that and mix near an open window or with a fan blowing away from the birdies. (I don't think it would hurt them but they can be delicate things so I'd err on the side of caution. Or if you let it cool outside be sure it's safe from beasties who might get burned, and then cap it tightly before carrying it in.

Just a suggestion.

BTW: I think for the most part people worry about curious kitties sticking their noses/paws into the solution or critters darting underfoot rather than fumes issues, but your concern is certainly valid. Same goes for kids, btw - keep them away too!

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I no longer have birds but as I remember they are very sensitive to fumes. I would certainly isolate them from the fumes just to be safe. Even my cat has shown a tendency to develop respiratory infections if I allow him to enter my soaping area before I have completely vented the air. It doesnt take long to vent the room when you're done. I stick a fan in the window next to my work area faceing out with another window open across the room to set up a cross ventieltion.

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Long sleeves, gloves, goggles and ventilation:D that's basically it. If you mix outside, like the others said, be sure your container has a cap.

There is only one more thing you will need, and that is determination because that will kick fears butt right outta there!:D

Have Fun!

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Wow you guys are awesome! Seriously! :) Thanks so much for the encouragement. :) I'm going to ask my mom to babysit this week-end so my two little boys are not around and then I'll put the kitties in the basement for a couple of hours. It's so good to know that my skin won't melt off me if there is a splash, I was thinking it would be like acid on skin we see in movies or something LOL. I do worry alot about eye splashes though but I do have safety goggles and also wear glasses. I KNOW when I do my first batch I'll wonder what the heck I was so worried about. I'll be sure to post when I do make my first batch. That's a special moment now, gotta find the perfect recipe and scent to work with! :)


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