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Craft Show Ebook??


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Hey girls! I wanted to see if anyone has a copy of the craft show ebook the candletech member sold? I bought a copy about 6 weeks ago b/c this is my 1st year doing craft shows. I didn't really have the time to look all over the internet to find a list of what to bring, etc so I thought it'd be a great help. Well when I bought it, I skimmed through it and put it aside until my craft shows got closer. Well my 1st one is next weekend. I have emailed the candletech member I bought it from 3 or 4 times over the last few weeks. 1 of all the times got a reply that said she no longer sells the book, but if I still had my password I could access it. Well I can't. When I go to the site, it says it disabled or not accessible or something. I'm really really frustrated. I paid somewhere $29 for this darned ebook for nothing. I saw all the warnings on here about 'why would you buy that', etc and agreed with the few that said it would be a good source all put together in one place so I coughed up the $29 and now I have nothing! It's really frustrating, did I say that already? Anyways I tried to get a copy from the actual seller and yeah that didn't work out. I can't even get an email response. Anyways the whole point of this rambling is.... does anyone have a copy of that ebook that they will pretty please forward me? If you need to see a copy of my paypal receipt showing that I purchased it, I will gladly forward it to you. If anyone can help, please let me know. You can PM me or email me at lexismommy23@yahoo.com. Thanks! :)

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I bought the ebook and have had no trouble at all accessing it with my password. The one time that I did have a question, I emailed and got an answer in a very timely manner.

I've bought a good many items from the classies from that seller with no problems whatsoever. If anything, she sent more than what I expected. I've also ordered jewelry from her other website, and I always got my item quickly and without the slightest problem.

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A couple weeks ago I posted on thread on here asking for any tips on craft fairs that weren't covered in the tutorial. Just stuff that people may have picked up along the way. I too, have my first fair next month, and have to admit, a bit nervous. Anyway, the next day I got a pm from this woman as well, trying to sell me her e-book. Told me that everyone on Candletech has it, and I should buy it. I didn't think someone was allowed to solicit their own products on here? I wasn't sure though. But...I didn't buy it, just cause I thought it was tacky...bad manners....now I feel bad for Lisa.


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I actually have the copies of the messages I sent her. I can prove that I did in fact email her. I am a VERY honest person and would never say that I did something I didn't.

I didn't come on here to flame this gal or make her look bad at all. That's why I didn't list who I bought it from, her website addy, nothing. I knew that the people who had bought it would know what I was talking about and might be able to help me. I honestly just want a copy of the darned book! I have my paypal receipt, my emails to her, anything you need. Just please let my book go, LOL!!

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I entirely believe you, I don't think anyone here doesn't feel for you. I think it is a shame you had to post here in an effort to gain the sellers attention, but guess what--that usually works. Nothing can spur customer service like an announcement that it isn't happening.

I had problems with a lemon car before and I was being brushed off by the service department, I walked out on the showroom floor and started asking people if they wanted to know what the service department was doing to me at that precise moment, and dam--they had my car up on the rack working on it within five minutes. It is sad to have to get to that point, but some sellers put you there. A simple response would have solved this before it got here.

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Ok the situation has been resolved with the seller. She refunded my $29. Really I wanted the book, but she doesn't have a copy.

According to her, my PMs and emails were not delivered to her b/c her email address on here was incorrect. So she saw my post and responded to that through a PM. We PM'd back and forth and she sent me a refund through paypal.

Sooo anyways!! Back to my original problem... the upcoming craft show. I think I have everything together and ready but I still feel like I forgot something. I did find these two sources online for lists though, just in case they might be helpful to anyone....

101 things to take...


160 things to take...


Oh and of course I used the search box and the list on here. I guess I'm ready I just wanted to read everything I could. :) Thanks!

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I just want to let everyone know the situation has been resolved. It seems Lisa emailed an old email addy that I had listed on here, which is why I didnt get her emails. Luckily, she posted here and I was able to realize that she was trying to contact me. I have refunded her and updated my email addy on here. Sorry about all the trouble and confusion.

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Ok the situation has been resolved with the seller. She refunded my $29. Really I wanted the book, but she doesn't have a copy.

I'm glad it got resolved, but I've got a question that it's just gonna bug me until I ask. It's an e-book. How can she not have a "Copy" to send you? It's not like it's a paper copy. If that were the case, I could understand not having a copy. But an e-book is electronic. It doesn't really have copies.

Sorry if I'm digging up something that's settled, this just struck me as very odd.

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Oh my gosh Di! That is too funny about the car showroom! I would never be able to do that. I was hesitant to even post my post and it wasn't even directed at anyone. I have such a hard time speaking about things like this. I can see the car dealership running to fix your problem though! Too funny!!

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What I don't get and it may be I just don't understand the concept of these 'E' things is if it was an electronic book that you pay for why weren't you able to download it onto your computer so you have access to it when ever you want? That is what I thought ebooks were anyway! Glad you got your money back, ya it is sad that it took going 'public' with this to get her to do something about it!

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So Soy,

It wasn't a matter of making it public. She had an old email addy of mine. I changed hosts recently and no longer had that email addy. It was a mistake. Several people on here have done business with me and I haven't had problems with communications. She emailed me via the addy I had on here. Like I said, I have since corrected my email address. Everything is resolved.

As for the ebook, she did download the book on her computer. For some reason, her key no longer worked. I refunded her the money. End of story. :D

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I've bought several "how-to" ebooks over the past few years, and most of them worked in the same way. I paid and was sent instructions by the seller on downloading. A couple of times I was simply sent a file. A lot of ebook writers/sellers use a program to protect themselves from one person buying a copy and distributing or selling it to lots of others.

What doesn't make sense to me is that in the original post, it was stated that the book had been downloaded and skimmed. Was it not saved? I ask this because I downloaded my copy (had a password from the seller that works ONE time on ONE computer) saved it on my hard drive, and printed it. A couple of weeks ago, I had reason to reprint, so I simply opened my saved file and printed out the section I selected. It was very simple, and I had no problem with it.

It would be very nice to be able to download the file on all 3 of my computers, but I certainly understand the seller's need to limit that. If I spent my time writing a book, I would want some sort of protection from someone pirating it and reselling to others.

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No, I did not save it to my computer. I didn't think I needed to. It seemed that it was saved in a format that I could go online and read there. Since there was a password to get in, etc. I didn't know I needed to download and save the book. If I had known the site wasn't going to be up or my password wasn't going to work, etc I would have saved it. That is my mistake. I just figured I'd be able to access it when I needed it. I obviously learned my lesson and now know to always save anything I download.

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Hey lexismommy,

I just read your private message to me about sending you a copy of my ebook, only today. I very rarely come on here anymore. Anyways, I wouldn't have been able to send you a copy since it is password protected. Charmie is a good girl, she's a full time student with a job as well with tons going on, thats why she stopped selling the book. Its too bad you had the wrong email addy because she always responds immediately. I have bought from her on the classies as well as her sites. She's awesome to deal with.

Anyways, I was foolish too a few years ago for not saving something I should have. Lesson learned. Now that this is resolved, I hope everyone can just move on.

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