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Im looking for new products. With the holiday season coming up, who am I kidding, already here... Im looking into opening a shop, a temporary shop, just for a few months this winter and then going back to my displays unless I do really good. Anyways, I need some new products ideas.that are pretty quick and simple to make but I am open to any ideas you might have.

Here are the items that I already make, or are in the works:


Bar Soap

Cut Soap



Lotion Sticks

Lip Balm

Car Fresheners

Carpet Freshener

Hand Sanitizer

Anti Bacterial Soap

Reed Diffusers

Bath Salt


Shower Gel/Shampoo

Country Bumpkins T-Shirts

Strummin (my new line of jewelry) Earrings

Strummin Bracelets

Strummin Cell Phone Charms

Jams and Jelly

Candle Quenchers ( just saw these as like wick dippers, mine are FO that you drop into candles or tarts that are on the warmer.

Laundry Detergent

Fire Starters

THE HITLIST ( a new line of t-shirts)

I am also doing slideshow DVD's for my high school which seem to be doing

great. I might even expand to all the Local Schools next year.

I think I must have some mental disorder:o . I continue to want to take on more and more. Maybe its just the entreprenuer in me:confused: .

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Many, many, many times people have suggested that you slow down... it's about quality not quantity. Yet you continue to come on here, blatantly disregarding any advice given... and expect different answers? I thought you'd stopped making jams and jellies? Or did you go ahead and get inspected? Or was that a stretch of the truth?

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I did say I was gonna stop selling the jellies until I finsished geting all of the other refulations together. I already have the inspection, had it before I started. I just have to check into all of the other Government regulations. They sold like crazy and I have people to this day asking for more but, I did take you guys advice and slow down on that atleast. I understand the advice that you have given about me slowing down. I feel that my products are up to par and that I can continue to make products. Is adding new products not what I am supposed to? I thought with a business you worked your way up the ladder by reinvesting and adding new products? That seems how everyone else works. Maybe I'm ignorant when it comes to the topic of business:confused: . I thought I was doing pretty good.

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I just took a look at your website, of the products you have, you are either out of stock or have a very small range of choice. For example, 2 soaps, 1 lip balm, etc. Instead of getting more and more and more products, you should be slowing down and improving what you have, and offering a greater range. Some people spend years improving and developing a few products, and a lot of people make a lot of money on just a few products. My impression from your website is that your sales are poor and you are desperately looking for something that will sell. Your prices on some things are ridiculously low, and you can't be making much money on any of them. Also, I have a shop, and not one of the things I looked at would be allowed to be sold in my shop. They look extremely amateurish. The wrinkled plastic wrap on the "cut soap" is especially sad. You need to do more research on the products you have.

An exception to what I said about not having much choice is your jams and jellies. I know people who make and sell jams and jellies for a living. They usually have a choice of under 10 varieties, and they make and sell jam constantly. There is no way that you can have over 20 jams and jellies made by yourself, selling well, homemade and of good quality, in addition to everything else that you do, and you said you are going to school as well. I think you are probably adding a bit of fruit to Jello, and selling it as jam. The reason that people constantly attack you is that almost everything you say and do is suspect.

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I just had to take a peek at your website. I would think if your going to add new items to your product line than you need to update your website with items you do have in stock or remove them completely instead of putting a sold out sign... It is kinda hard to make money if you don't have anything to sell.....I'd go broke with your list...

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I do make homemade jams and jellies in over twenty flavors regardless of what you say and, btw, jello with fruit added would barely even pass as jellies or jams. As for the website, I sell only about $30.00 a month from my site so that is the least of my priorities when I have displays that I sell tons from. doris, YOU personally can NOT tell me what I can do. You are basing your opinion on what YOU can do. I personally do make and sell my products whether you believe such or not. You and your abilities are not the base and the limits for my abilities. As far as the soap, I may have one mold but several different colors and fragrances. I also have different kinds of cuts soap, several flavors of lip balm, etc.

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once again, I'm compelled to post a link in which you mention that you NEED an inspection... not that you ever got one....


yet another lie, eh?

I was saying that that was all that I had to have, not that I did not have one. Sorry about that. I see where you could get that from what I said though.

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I personally think you should take a break from asking any of us questions for awhile because you should know by now where it's going to lead. You need to give things time to die down before you come in here yet again and tell us what a successful sixteen year old you are being able to make all of your millions of items and attend school at the same time. You obviously don't need our advice as you are doing quite well on your own experience of sixteen years of life.

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I personally think you should take a break from asking any of us questions for awhile because you should know by now where it's going to lead. You need to give things time to die down before you come in here yet again and tell us what a successful sixteen year old you are being able to make all of your millions of items and attend school at the same time. You obviously don't need our advice as you are doing quite well on your own experience of sixteen years of life.

Is he/she seriously a 16 year old? Is it even legal to buy products off a minor?

Way too many different products involved.

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I do make homemade jams and jellies in over twenty flavors regardless of what you say and, btw, jello with fruit added would barely even pass as jellies or jams. As for the website, I sell only about $30.00 a month from my site so that is the least of my priorities when I have displays that I sell tons from. doris, YOU personally can NOT tell me what I can do. You are basing your opinion on what YOU can do. I personally do make and sell my products whether you believe such or not. You and your abilities are not the base and the limits for my abilities. As far as the soap, I may have one mold but several different colors and fragrances. I also have different kinds of cuts soap, several flavors of lip balm, etc.

"I" am personally NOT telling YOU what YOU can do. I am merely saying that YOUR whole set-up screams bogus. Probably MY problem is that MY definition of handmade is no doubt different from YOUR definition of handmade. MY laundry soap is an actual cold-process soap, YOURS is bought powder with scent added. I'm sure YOUR definition of hand-made is to buy a cheap base and by hand pour in the scent and colour. MY soaps, of which I currently have about 10 different ones, are all different recipes, all made up by me. You appear to be merely adding scent and colour to M&P, and selling it as different soap. It is not different soap, it is all the same soap with scent and colour added.

I have no problems with doing a lot of different stuff. I do a lot myself, with the difference being that in most cases I actually make the product, and don't just buy 2 ready-made products and join them together. My sweatshirts were in fact cut and sewn by me, with a design (my own design) appliqued on. I make kids clothes, my own design, with each piece cut and assembled by me. I knit as well, mostly my own designs, and in some cases I even spin my own wool. My soap is my own, as are my bath salts. I do make candles using bought molds, but hey, I can't do everything. People like you, whatever age you are, who just throw stuff together with the intent of making a fast buck gives every other soapmaker, candlemaker and crafter a bad name. I maintain that YOU cannot personally make all those jams and jellies yourself, in an inspected facility, and maintain any sort of quality, if you are indeed doing all those other things AND going to school. There is not enough time. But then again, pouring FO into unscented Tide probably can't take very long.

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Never heard of any high school that allows personal laptops to be brought into school. Hell 99% of them if not 100% won't even allow cell phones in school and have very strict regulations on internet usage and computer usages. I seriously doubt personal laptops are allowed in school to access internet during school time.


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Never heard of any high school that allows personal laptops to be brought into school. Hell 99% of them if not 100% won't even allow cell phones in school and have very strict regulations on internet usage and computer usages. I seriously doubt personal laptops are allowed in school to access internet during school time.


I totally agree on this and to allow wireless internet which is hackable would be odd!

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I don't make jams/jellies, but I sure do eat a lot of them! :D

Can you even make jam/jelly out of banana and cantaloupe? I've never heard of or seen such a thing.

Actually you can. Found a few recipes on line for these two items in jams and jellies. Pretty much any fruit/veggie can be made into a jam or jelly.


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Oh the laptop issue is easily findable. Just call the different school boards in his location (assuming the location he has listed is correct) and ask them the policy on this. You can find that out quick lol! HOwever, I am sure we all know what they are going to say :D , anyone who has dealt with kids and schools already know this info lol!


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On your site. where are all the ingredients and weights of the products. Without ingredients listed, someone could be allergic to something, have a bad reaction and sue the crap out of you. I suggest you get things properly listed immediately. You definately aren't following the proper guidelines the way your stuff is now. 300 fragrances?? Sorry, but I don't honestly believe in the short time you've been doing this they are all properly tested in candle or other products!! :shocked2:

Michi your questions "Can you even make jam/jelly out of banana and cantaloupe? I've never heard of or seen such a thing". The answer is a big NO!! A friend's uncle has been in the jam/jelly making business for over 20 years, so I know this to be fact. I'm beginning to sense some pathalogical tendencies here......sad!!

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Actually you can. Found a few recipes on line for these two items in jams and jellies. Pretty much any fruit/veggie can be made into a jam or jelly.


Yes for home use mostly, but to sell....ummmmmmm....let's put it this way, have you ever seen any for sale, even in specialty shops?

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300 fragrances?? Sorry, but I don't honestly believe in the short time you've been doing this they are all properly tested in candle or other products!! :shocked2:

Didn't you also know he is a supplier to other businesses? Right up there with Peak's and candlewic. I'm really not trying to crap on a 16-year old, but he is definitely going too fast too soon. I'm really of the school that thinks it is better to do a little really well, than a lot badly. I can't imagine that the word "quality" is anywhere in his vocabulary.

My kid, also 16, will soon be expected to bring a laptop to school. However, usage will be controlled, and they will not have unlimited access to the internet.

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