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Anyone know what caused this...

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I had some candles at a local store and was there today to see how things were going. I had a 10oz apoth with 100%soy and Peaks Vanilla mint. I had used a ivory dye block to color it. It really didn't color it much, it was kinda a creamy color instead of the soy wax white. Anyway, one side of the jar has turned yellow, a rather bright yellow. This candle was not in direct sunlight and actually the side that turned yellow was toward the back of the shelf. I have had several other candles with this combo of wax,color and scent any they are still OK. Help!!:shocked2:

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I usually have that problem when sunlight hits my candles. I can't imagine what else might have caused it, unless it had been out where the light in the store got to it and then somehow got rotated to the back of the shelf? Sorry I can't be of more help...Stacy

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  • 1 year later...

I did a batch of candles yesterday using ivory dye chips and Creme Brulee FO. One of the candles is Ivory on one side and a light yellow on the other. They were not in sunlight. I have them in a corner cabinet in my dining room where the air conditioner is so they stay cool. The other candle is all Ivory, but the top has "pock" marks. This wouldn't have anything to do with the color change, would it? And I make sure that my color is very well blended as is my FO. (nothing better to do while waiting for the wax to cool to pouring temp so I stir, stir, stir.)


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I have used the Peak's Vanilla Mint fo as well and colored my candles a very light minty blue. Guess what? They turned bright green! They were NEVER in the sun! I wonder if it's something in the fo? :undecided


My candles changed with that fo as well...wonder if it was a bad batch or if the mint in it is turning the candles yellow/green? I've used their vanilla alone and while in darkens the wax a bit, it never turned yellow or green, makes me think it's the mint?:(

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Hey Top, would you use UV as well as the BHT crystals? I looked it up and it is just a small amount, so does it effect (right one?) wicking? Also, does this work in paraffin the same way? So much easier to ask you than to have to look it up is several places. Hope you don't mind. Beth

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