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Scared by the Presto pot

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Hi all, my dear friend Raggedy Dani sent me a Presto pot.. but i'm really scared by it lol!

it doesn't have a spigot but regardles of this, I keep of thinking of what a mess should be melting a lot of wax in there then scoop it out (or pour it with the spigot) in another container.. then of the lot of things I'd need to keep the wax in the second container at the right temp while i add color and dye..

to me it seems a titanical mess, and a massive use of a lot of things! What do you all can tell me about it? Thanks!

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Hi Sabrina! Glad to hear you got a Presto! Don't be afraid of it! Put a piece of Aluminum Foil (a long piece maybe about 2 feet) under your pot and along your counter to catch any drips you might have when transferring wax. I use a glass measuring cup to scoop my wax, you could also use a metal Ladle or measuring scoop. I transfer my wax into my pour pot and do all my mixing in there.

The biggest advantage is being able to melt more than a couple pounds of wax at a time and you can always add more wax to the pot while you're mixing in your pour pot.

Just find the technique you like best! You'll love it!


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I hold my pour pot over the presto while I'm dipping out the wax then set the pour pot in a pan of hot water to keep it warm while I'm mixing in the FO & additives. I use stainless steel measuring cups to dip with. You'll love it once you get used to having all that melted wax ready & waiting for your next creation:)

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The best way to use them is to have a spout, by far it isn't as messy. It is just a matter of drilling a hole and screwing the spout in, and you are done.

I've used them both ways, and the spout is the way to go.

They melt the wax so much faster than the double boiler method when working with larger quantities,so they are great to have.

I have two and the temp gauges are very different. One gets very hot even on low, I have to watch this one carefully so it doesn't boil the wax. The other is normal and doesn't need babysitting.

You'll like it once you use it a few times.

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Congrats on moving up to the Presto Pot! If a scaredy cat like me can do it, so can you!

We just started transferring wax to a pour pot and doing our mixing of FO and color there. For the longest time, we just did all mixing in the presto, then using a metal measuring cup to transfer to the pour pot (which was just a two cup pyrex measuring cup) to pour our jars and votives. If there wasn't alot of wax in the Presto, we would pour directing into the pyrex measuring cup and pour.

I know it sounds excessive :embarasse , but that is what we were comfortable with at the time.

Of course, I am still working on getting my nerve up to use the turkey fryer, so I know EXACTLY why you are a bit hesitant.


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Hi girls, jeana thanks for the words about the spigot. My BF is really good in this kind of things (as well in others :naughty: lol) so I'll ask him to look at the instructions here!

Jane, thanks, are you playing with the turkey frier now? How brave!!!!

I'm afraid I'll do a mess depsite of all these useful advices. It's in my nature to be messy!

I need to buy a converter-transformer for the AC, once I'll get one I'll try this scaring pot!

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When I have leftover wax in my Presto, I let it cool, then rap it a couple of times and out comes the block of wax which goes into a ziplok bag labelled with the details of that pour. Of courst, this may not work well with softer waxes like container wax, but I have even done this with C3 by putting the presto in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or so...

Don't be afraid of your Presto! Good sense dictates that there is newspaper under the area where you pour. If a few drips happen, the newspaper will take the mess. You can dip out of the pot with a ladle or a can or a pouring pot... when it gets low, I can pour directly from the pot into a pouring itcher with no drips. If you really feel a lack of confidence, the instructions here for drilling a hole and installing a spigot should end all of your fears. HTH :D

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when i use the presto pot, i set my scale( tucked in a clear ziploc gallon bag to protect from spills), set my pour pot on the scale and tare it to zero. then scoop out the desired amount of wax, add dye and fo, then pour. when i need to reheat what is in the pour pot, i use a double boiler on the stove.

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when i use the presto pot, i set my scale( tucked in a clear ziploc gallon bag to protect from spills), set my pour pot on the scale and tare it to zero. then scoop out the desired amount of wax, add dye and fo, then pour. when i need to reheat what is in the pour pot, i use a double boiler on the stove.

Thank you Laura, this is what I was considering to do once I'll put my presto at work!

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Guest Candelishis

The spigot is the way to go!! I have my pots at the end of a table, and I just hold my big pyrex measuring cup under the spigot, just below the level of the table and open up the valve. I have figured out just how much of each kind of wax I use equals a pound, so I don't even have to weigh it anymore! And with my fo's, I have also figured out for each one if I need 1, 1 1/2, or 2 ounces per pound depending on what I'm making, and I have bought different sizes of shot glasses and marked them for 1 oz or 2, and so forth. You can really get a system down that speeds up the process if you work at it. But definitely don't be afraid of the Presto!!!!!! She is your friend!!!!! You will grow to love her!!!! LOL.

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Congrats on the upgrade to a presto. Embrace the presto and your candlemaking will never be the same!!!!!! I have my presto (with a spigot) sitting on a tile on one of those plastic 3 drawer organizers so it is high enough for my pour pot to be under the spigot sitting on the scale, I also always have a thermometer in the presto so I can keep an eye on the temp. I pour the wax into the pot and weigh at the same time, then weigh the fo and add color. I also have all of my wicks, centering tools, wire cutters, etc. handy in the drawers when I need them. I LOVE my presto pot, I want to get another one to have side by side melting ability. (the turkey fryers scare me!) Good luck with yours!!!

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Guest Candelishis
Congrats on the upgrade to a presto. Embrace the presto and your candlemaking will never be the same!!!!!! I have my presto (with a spigot) sitting on a tile on one of those plastic 3 drawer organizers so it is high enough for my pour pot to be under the spigot sitting on the scale, I also always have a thermometer in the presto so I can keep an eye on the temp. I pour the wax into the pot and weigh at the same time, then weigh the fo and add color. I also have all of my wicks, centering tools, wire cutters, etc. handy in the drawers when I need them. I LOVE my presto pot, I want to get another one to have side by side melting ability. (the turkey fryers scare me!) Good luck with yours!!!

I, too, have the 3-drawer organizers, and LOVE THEM!!! Wick pins in one drawer, random tools (degutted bic pens, plastic spoons, plastic straws, etc etc etc) in another, wick center-ers in another, scissors, pens, and pliers and stuff in another, and on and on. I have 4 of the organizers now. One just for wicks. They make the kind with the moveable dividers in them, and this works GREAT for storing wicks, you can keep them all separate, and i even write on the dividers what size of wick is in that section of the drawer. If anyone is looking for a way to organize stuff, the 3-drawer thingies are where it's at! They're fairly cheap too, if you get them from your local discount store. I got a couple of mine on sale at dollar general for a couple bucks each.

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thanks to everyone for chiming in!

I think I made a decision, lol!! I have to look for a new house, and i want it BIG with a BIG room all for me and my supplies (we seem a family lol!!) and when I'll arrange my workshop I'll buy everything I need to use the presto. Maybe I'll check better the converters so I can find something for more than presto.


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