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Craft Fair Frequency


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Hi all, I'm doing my first craft fair soon and want to book other shows. However, I'm not sure how much time in between I will need to prepare. For one, not sure how well I will (or won't) sell at this first event. Ideally, I'd like to do something every other weekend. Is this too aggressive a schedule, or is this somewhat typical?

I don't want to overbook myself and then not be able to keep up. At this point, if I pay the fee to get into an event I will not be able to get a refund if I later find that I can't keep up the pace.

Any thoughts or suggestions greatly appreciated, as always. Thanx.

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I sell different things but NO. 1 seller is candles. Really about 80% so I would have no problem doing a show one week and another the next week. Just might have to make a trip for more supplies to get the certain fragrances I want. I make about 120 candles for each show BUT if I see a certain fragrance sells more than others I make more that night or make sure I make that FO for the show the following week. Really though I carry alot of different FO's at shows and it amazes that people buy different and not the same ol' same ol'. You never know. They turn down what you think would be a seller. This year I was shocked about Lavender and Lilac. Had those before at same shows and couldn't sell it. It was bakery scents then.

I would do shows every week BUT the only reason is they are work to set up and really long hours IMO. I prefer the simple 1 (12 hours)day get it over with, go home and rest. Instead where I live the shows are 2 and 3 days, 12 hours a day. Sunday sometimes they will close earlier.


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I think you are asking a question that only you can answer. Only you know the amount of product you have made to take, the time it takes you to make your product, the time you have to make it, how fast or slow you work and how much you are willing to put into this or work. After your first show, you might be in a better position to answer this for yourself since you will have a better idea of how shows are for you.

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I sell different things but NO. 1 seller is candles. Really about 80% so I would have no problem doing a show one week and another the next week. Just might have to make a trip for more supplies to get the certain fragrances I want. I make about 120 candles for each show BUT if I see a certain fragrance sells more than others I make more that night or make sure I make that FO for the show the following week. Really though I carry alot of different FO's at shows and it amazes that people buy different and not the same ol' same ol'. You never know. They turn down what you think would be a seller. This year I was shocked about Lavender and Lilac. Had those before at same shows and couldn't sell it. It was bakery scents then.

I would do shows every week BUT the only reason is they are work to set up and really long hours IMO. I prefer the simple 1 (12 hours)day get it over with, go home and rest. Instead where I live the shows are 2 and 3 days, 12 hours a day. Sunday sometimes they will close earlier.


Do you make 120 candles for 1 day shows or weekend shows? I have my first upcoming show which is 1 day from 9am-4pm and not sure how many I should make...just trying to get a ball park for what others do. Thx!

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I take 2-3 of each size and scent. It will all depend on how much you sell if you can get ready for the next one in time. I usually like a weekend off in between, to spend with family. I love to go to shows though. You will find they are A LOT of work for the money. but.... If I only had to worry about me and my candles, I would do a show every weekend!

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Thanx for all the comments, Meredith's especially. I had not really looked at it that way, that everyone's pace will be different. Yeah, I'll wait to see how the first fair goes and take it from there!

I can't wait for the day! *super banana* Although I must admit I am quite frightened also. :embarasse

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Don't worry. You'll do fine. And when its all done, you can then say you have your first show under your belt. :grin2:

You mean she won't be a virgin any more lol!

Empress, we do shows almost every weekend throughout the fall/winter months so it's not that aggressive of a schedule IF you feel you can pull it off. Warning though, it can wear ya out by the end of the season.

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Being that this is your first year, to be honest, I'd probably space them out a bit more.

It's exhausting. You don't know what will sell and what won't. You're on your feet all day, with a smile on your face talking up people about your products.

Set up, tear down, arranging and decorating your booth to look appealing. You are going to want to have lots of time in-between to not only "tweak" products look and set up, but to work on what you need to take next time, your spiel and of course, making fresh product.

Good luck with your first show. Make sure you think of all the possible questions that you will be asked. I'm not sure what you sell, but I do B&B, so I took reference sheets with me for the first while. That way, when someone says "why would you put "x" in here?" I can tell them of the benefits. Also, I like to tell them my rational for getting into this business and my philosophy on skin care. Rehearse to the family, talk to yourself in the car....Most of all, have fun!

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When I did my first show it was a little scary not knowing exactly what to expect.

But once you get there you will be so busy setting up and getting ready for the day you won't have time to worry! LOL

Like others have mentioned, your first show experience will help you make a more informed judgement for doing more shows in the future. Like how much to make, what to bring, how to set up, how much time in between shows, etc.

Good luck! Post some pics if you can. BTW-- do try to take pics as some juried shows want sample pics of your show and products.

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Good luck! Post some pics if you can. BTW-- do try to take pics as some juried shows want sample pics of your show and products.

Thanx for the support! Unfortunately, looks like that show is a no-go for me. They are all filled up now. :( I was told I could be in, but they realized they overbooked and since I was the most recent sign-up, I got canned. Ah well, off to find another one. :)

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