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fillmore has fo! for soy especially c-3!

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okay did anyone see that fillmore has fo for soy and they stress c-3!!:yay:

how exciting, they have great scents! have several in my basket right now, just wanted to share cause they have the warm vanilla everyone talks about and more.


check them out, they are super people! i told them i was going to announce the arrival of their fo. i guess they put it out on thursday.

also earlyamericancandle has great fo. i just was there on saturday and wanted to share them as a fo supplier.

creamy cinnamon chai is awesome! http://www.earlyamericancandlesupplies.com/store_supplies.cfm?Cat=8

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Hurray ... I've been waiting for them since February ... :yay:

Well, I just visited their website ... they only offer a 1oz sample size and 16oz bottles ... no 4oz or 8oz. Unfortunately, no sample packs either. They're new to fo, so hopefully, down the road, they'll offer more sizes and sample packs.

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The price for the samples drops a quarter when you select 10 or more. There is a $40 minimum.

I agree - it would be nice if they offered at least an 8 oz size, but I can understand why many suppliers do not... If I really like a tester, I usually order an 8 oz. size to test on my customers. I only purchase pound sizes when a fragrance is very popular. Perhaps if they receive some feedback on this, they will add an in-between size for those of us who are smalltime candlemakers...

Or not...:laugh2:

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$2.50 is the norm for samples that's what the majority charges. Or at least where I buy from.

The $40 min. isn't much if you buy your containers from there. I just put in an order and I only needed 5 cases, so adding a few FO samples to meet the min. was nice.

Mindy :)

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Yes, you're right, $2.50 is the normal price for 1oz, but many suppliers sell sampler packs to make it more affordable for their customers.

It's the $40 minimum that's a problem for me personally. I guess it's fine if you buy your jars from Fillmore and you intend on buying some jars when you want to order a few samples or a lb. of fo ... however, how about people who don't buy their jars from Fillmore?

As I look over their scent list, I'm interested in maybe 6 or so. But I can't just buy those 6 scents ($15) ... I must buy 16 scents in order to make the minimum ($40). The end result .... I buy elsewhere and they lose a potential customer ... it doesn't sound like good business to me.

Like I said earlier, Fillmore is new to selling fragrance oils, actually, they are just getting their feet wet ... things may change a bit with experience and feedback.

Okay, I'm getting off of my soap box now ... everyone has an opinion, I'm just voicing mine ... others may feel differently.

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Yes, that was the point I was trying to make. The sample packs bring the price down to $2.00 or less per ounce (even less on sales!!) and in most cases you order in multiples of 10 with no minimum. I rarely spend $40 all at once on sample sizes.

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they have an 800 number. call them and tell them what you said here. it would benefit them to drop the minimum order due to selling fo and being new. if people tell them hey, i'll try them but $40 is too high so i'll have to try new fo somewhere else, hopefully it would help. i wanted some choco samples from wellington and theirs is $100! or $10 tacked on, no thanks.

Toll-Free: 866-FILL-JAR (866-345-5527)

heck here is his email, i am going to email them now. why not......


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I understand what both of you are saying but I was just stating that for others that buy their containers there it's just nice to be able to hit the $40 min. without buying another case. I was gloating, lol.

I'm sure at some point they might do something about it, who knows maybe they are working on it right now.

With the discount, yeah my bad I forgot about the discounts with some suppliers.

Mindy :)

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great! i emailed too. i am glad they visit the board so they can see what their buyers (us) want. i get my order when ups shows today i am sooooo excited to check out the cocoa therapy (i am cocoa freak!):whoohoo: :rockon:

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I know $40 seems like a lot, y'all, but if I hadda measure out 10 or 20 samples into those itty bitty bottles and label them, I think I would have a much HIGHER minimum order, personally. Their business will not pay the mortgage on filling itty bitty bottles for $10 or $20 sales! I mean think about it from the supplier's perspective!

The only thing I found awkward was there being no mid-size between the 1 oz. sample and 1# size. I am good with their minimum and their pricing. Now I just gotta discover if their FOs are "all that" and worth my ordering from someone located so far away from me. ;)

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I know $40 seems like a lot, y'all, but if I hadda measure out 10 or 20 samples into those itty bitty bottles and label them, I think I would have a much HIGHER minimum order, personally. Their business will not pay the mortgage on filling itty bitty bottles for $10 or $20 sales! I mean think about it from the supplier's perspective!

The only thing I found awkward was there being no mid-size between the 1 oz. sample and 1# size. I am good with their minimum and their pricing. Now I just gotta discover if their FOs are "all that" and worth my ordering from someone located so far away from me. ;)

Maybe someone who is ordering from them anyway will post their results with the fo's, especially if they use Cargill wax!

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Stella ... I don't think any business pays their mortgage on selling samples ... the purpose of the samples are to give the customer the opportunity to see if they want to buy bigger bottles ... that is a supplier's perspective, to sell the larger size.

Fillmore not selling the 4oz or 8oz size proves my point, they want customers to buy the large 16oz size.

Samples are a great marketing tool ... you try it, you like it, you buy more ... then the supplier can pay the mortgage. :grin2:

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Samples are a great marketing tool ... you try it, you like it, you buy more ... then the supplier can pay the mortgage.

Well sure! Of course they are not making any money on samples - in fact, I would venture to guess that the sampling may actually cost them money, which they aim to recoup on larger quantity sales. Samples are promotional in nature, but if folks don't follow up with a sizable purchase, at least the $40 minimum will keep the supplier from going in the hole! ;)

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Hey Stella, I guess we both just feel differently about the minimum. But you really made me think about suppliers loosing money on samples. Here's my thought ...

A 1oz sample of say "Apple Pie" costs $2.50 ... the suppliers sells 16 samples of "Apple Pie" for $2.50 ... 1oz X 16 = 16oz (the equivalent of 1 pound) ... the supplier has just received $40.00 for a pound of "Apple Pie" fragrance oil.

I've really never thought of it like that before, but the supplier has probably more than doubled his usual price for a pound of "Apple Pie". Very interesting. :shocked2:

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