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I'm going to try posting pics again...bare with me please.


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Alright...how are you guys resizing these? My only options are in pixels, inches, cm's...not KBs like it is suggested. Some of my pics will resize, some won't resize enough to upload them...it says I am xxx KBs over what is allowed. Help!

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OK...let's see if this works...It appears they are a bit blurry and after looking at my log candle again have decided it is butt ugly. Don't know how I got that other picture directly into the post but will work on it again later.





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Kaybee23: That's 1343 wax I used with 1 TB stearic and 1 oz FO per lb of wax. I don't use the 1343 much any more since switching to 4045. 4045 holds more FO, doesn't weep nearly as much as the 1343, mottles beautifully and has much better scent throw...IMO. Not dissing you 1343 fans but found I liked 4045 much better.

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Hi Fern,

Those are about the prettiest pillars I think I have ever seen anyone make.

Congratulations! Just gorgeous. Are they hard to make? How long have you been making them? I'm still working on wicking 8 oz jelly jars, but when I see what you have done I think 'maybe some day'.

topofmurrayhill is conducting a contest to re-create BBB mottled pillar candle,

are you joining in? You should.

Anyway, thank you for sharing, very inspiring.

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Kaybee23: That's 1343 wax I used with 1 TB stearic and 1 oz FO per lb of wax. I don't use the 1343 much any more since switching to 4045. 4045 holds more FO, doesn't weep nearly as much as the 1343, mottles beautifully and has much better scent throw...IMO. Not dissing you 1343 fans but found I liked 4045 much better.

Beautiful candles. thumbsup.gif I've been using the 4045H too. I like it more than the 1343.

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Fern-Marie: Thank you for the kind words. No, they're not hard to make, it just takes a lot of practice. The layers are the most time consuming and not always easy to get the temp right for the rustic look. The mottles are pretty easy as well...just need to work on getting the temp right and adding enough FO...it's really hit or miss most of the time. I've been making candles since November of 2003. I still love doing it although I took a break for awhile making pillars...now I feel the urge to start making them again. I saw Top's post about the contest...I'm thinking I may just join in on that one for the fun of it.

SteveinPA: I see another has defected to 4045. I don't use the 4045(H) but the plain 4045 does very well too. I think you get more consistent mottling with the (H) though. Did you know Candlewic has discontinued the 4045H? Yup, sure did...but don't dispair...4045 will do you just fine.

Donita: Thanks for the compliments. I like the blue ones the best too. They may look like winter snowflakes but they are scented Midsummer Night. I was actually going for a deeper blue but they came out a medium...more Federal-type blue though. Oh well...I tried.

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