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Any EZ Soy Fans here?

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I'm "playing" this weekend on a budget so I bought a bag of EZ Soy for the first time. I usually use CB Advance. Anyway, I'm wondering how you guys like it? Any tips on working with this wax would be appreciated. I'm gonna do a search now to see what I can find, but I thought I'd also post to get some real time replies. TIA!


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I am sure you will discover a lot of info. when you do a search here. The main problem for me with that wax is that the frosting is awful!!! I've tried additives but the frost always appears, if not right away within the a few days. Good luck!

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I used EZsoy for over a year and finally got fed up because of the frosting issues. BW helped somewhat with the problem but not long term, as KMommy said. My last resort would have been to not use any dye so that the frosting wasn't as noticeable. But, like you...I'm playing with other waxes now. EZsoy is a great throwing wax and burns really clean, though.

Happy playing!


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if dying, liquid dyes will create the most frosting. chips work great, but melt them down with the wax so they have a longer time to dissolve well.

heat the wax to 175* add the fo, then let cool and pour at right about 100*. you want it either cloudy or even a bit slushy. this will give the smoothest tops possible without using a heat gun. or if you don't mind the heat gun, you can pour at a higher temp. but after they are burned, they will get the flakey tops. adding a bit of paraffin or beeswax can also help curb flaking/crusty tops after the pour and burns.

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Ack - I hate the stuff! Thanks for all of your replies. It's lumpy and ugly and frosts like snow! No thank you! I'll go back to my CB Advanced on my next order. Thank goodness I only ordered 10 pounds! I am still going to work with it until I use it up - who knows maybe I'll find a way to make it work. I did a blend and that helped, but still I really don't like it at all. The wick I used before doesn't work in this stuff and it even drowns and dies after a short time. And there is nothing I hate dealing with more than wick issues. I will stick to what worked for me and use the Advanced.

I do agree, however ... The scent throw is good! Too bad it looks so bad. It's too dry and brittle in my opinion. Not "oily" enough like the Advanced is. Anyway, thanks again!


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Yup the frosting is crazy, but it's 100% soy I love to use it in soap & balms though. I never realized though how bad the frosting was until I tried a blend and the blend hardly frosted. So now I might try the cb advanced, does that frost at all?

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CB Advanced will frost some, but if poured properly not very much (or any) at all. It does set up nice, smooth tops and all. I like it way better than the EZSoy.

I'm testing an EZSoy candle right now. I will say that it has a good scent and it is very clean burning but the flame seems so wimpy. Must have a high melt point. The ones I poured last night, most cracked around the edges so I had to rewarm them a little to smooth them. The more I play with it the more I can deal with it better with it's crazy little flaws, but .... I had to do a 75 Soy/25 IGI6006 blend. It still looks and behaves very much like soy which is what I want, but a little more manageable is good - the straight EZSoy is just awful.

PS. I think with the rest of it I'm going to do a 50/50 blend to use it all up.

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EZ Soy and GB 415 are one in the same. The melt point is 120-125. I pour mine when it has a tomato juice consistence or "slushy". I have always had smooth tops when I pour cool but the frosting drove me insane.

I blend mine with 30% IGI 4627 to eliminate frosting. It does have great scent throw for most scents though.

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Ack - I hate the stuff! Thanks for all of your replies. It's lumpy and ugly and frosts like snow! No thank you! I'll go back to my CB Advanced on my next order. Thank goodness I only ordered 10 pounds! I am still going to work with it until I use it up - who knows maybe I'll find a way to make it work. I did a blend and that helped, but still I really don't like it at all. The wick I used before doesn't work in this stuff and it even drowns and dies after a short time. And there is nothing I hate dealing with more than wick issues. I will stick to what worked for me and use the Advanced.

I do agree, however ... The scent throw is good! Too bad it looks so bad. It's too dry and brittle in my opinion. Not "oily" enough like the Advanced is. Anyway, thanks again!


wow...i started with and still use ex soy...i get very little frosting and if poured at the right temp, never get lumpy tops. i only heat mine to 160*..cool to 120* then add my fo, then let it continue to cool till it's quite thick and slushy....i have very few candles that don't turn out. imo, it's very oily....

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Maybe it's just this weather in Texas. Rain, rain and more rain, high humidity and hot.

I did a 50/50 blend with the ez soy and 6006 to use it all up. It was better, but there were wicking issues. I still want to go back to my CBA.

Thank you for all of the replies.

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Nanny, I tried CO in EZsoy and it worked a bit better than using BW. I thought EZsoy alone was ugly. Adding 3% BW helped make the tops smoother and cut down on some frost. CO helped reduce the frost even more. But...I was going for NO frost and that just wasn't working. But, maybe I gave up before I should have. I was just tired of fighting with this wax after so long.

As for throw (which wasn't my objective)...in my opinion, BW and/or CO didn't improve the already fabulous throw that EZsoy can give.

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I used EZ Soy yesterday for the first time. I used 1 pound, 1/2 t coconut oil, small amount of color. So far have no cracking, no frosting, no wet spots and have smooth, shinny top. Really a great looking candle with stong cold throw. Is it just to early to be seeing any of the ugly things happening?

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I used EZ Soy yesterday for the first time. I used 1 pound, 1/2 t coconut oil, small amount of color. So far have no cracking, no frosting, no wet spots and have smooth, shinny top. Really a great looking candle with stong cold throw. Is it just to early to be seeing any of the ugly things happening?

Nanny, that was the amount of CO I used (1/2 tsp pp wax). The candle turned out great as you mention but it did start getting some frost toward the bottom of the jar after a few days. If I wanted to continue experimenting with the EZsoy and CO combination, my next step/test would have been to place something between the jar and the cold countertop...something like a few napkins or a potholder to keep the bottom of the jar as warm as the top of the jar was/is before filling the jar. It just seemed odd to me that the frost was only at the bottom of the jar and THAT is where 'temperature' may have been an issue and could very well have been the cause of the frost. (I hope I'm writing this in a way that it makes sense).

Stella, I've also been under the impression that GB 415 is the same as EZsoy.

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