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Dye chips or Liquid Dye?

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I personally had a problem with the chips. When I started out 8 years ago I must have gotten bad chips and had speckles in the candles. From there I went to powder dye and a grain scale.

Now I'm strictly using the liquid from CS. Haven't had any aroma problems with theirs!

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I tried both, liquid is much easier for me and like the others, I got flecks with the chips.

The chips also, since they are so concentrated, for me at least and probably only me, it was hard to get a consistent color, because I'd think 1/2 a chip or something, cut it up and it'd be more like .6 instead of .5 of a chip.

For some reason, I have total consistency with the liquid drops and I don't have to break anything up! :D

KISS system rocks!

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As with most of the choices we have as chandlers, there is no better, only what you like best, and what you get used to. I tried the color chips the first week I made candles, and decided there must be a better way.

I have now settled in on the dye, because I can pretty consistantly control my colors. My "big drops" come from the eyedropper right out of the bottle, and my "small drops" are dipped using a small skewer point. Using big and little drops gives me a ton of flexibility in colors.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Candelishis

I, too, use Reddiglo chips and LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I had a problem with the little specks of color in the first tarts I made with the chips, but I started stirring my wax a little more thoroughly after putting in the dye chips and even use a wisk with the darker colors since they tend to do it more than the lighter ones. I have no problems with the flecks anymore. I haven't tried anything but the chips, and if it ain't broke, I ain't gonna try to fix it :)

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I use both but prefer the liquid. The liquid does have a smell, but once its in the wax U cant smell it! With chips I prefer to drop those in as soon as I get the wax out of the presto (200-198*)when it's the hottest, this way they are completely dissolved waay before it's the right temp to pour in my FO. I stir really good, while they're on the griddle, to make sure there are no flecks I check it by sitting the clear pyrex on top of a white paper towel, and looking thru the top for specks. Seems like a lot, but actually its not!:D

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