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When you test burn your candles?

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I usually do the same, but if you don't want to waste those pre-tabbed wicks, you can make it wickless and skewer a hole for a wick to try, take it out if not working and try another. I usually flatten out the top with heat gun or torch after I put a new wick in...just to be sure it has the same level playing ground.

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If you have already wicked a container with a wick assembly, you may be able to pull the wick out of the tab with pliers... or not!:rolleyes2 Most folks don't use a wick tab when testing to make it easier to change wicks. When you pour a tester, simply wait until the candle has cooled to the slushy point then insert the wick (sans wicktab). If you want to change, pull it out and insert a different one. HTH

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Now I understand I only have pretabbed wicks, so I guess I would need some that are not pretabbed. Thanks for this helpful info. I have a sugar cookie FO that I thought I wicked up on cause I could clearly see it was a thick FO. Guess I didn't wick up enough.


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You can remove the wick from the wick tabs either by pulling them out or by clipping off the wick tab. I keep extra wicktabs so that if one lets go, I can fix it. I also don't need a 6" wick for my containers, so when I snip off the excess, I have enough to do another one simply by crimping a wick tab on the unused piece of wick.:grin2:

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I pour my wax into a jar with no wick. Wait until it's nearly set up and poke directly down the center with a wooden skewer. The skewer makes a perfect size hole for the wick to slip into.

I do the same as Stella1952. I cut what I need from the tabbed wick so I'm not wasting an entire wick.

Good luck with your testing!

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