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What Is Going On With People....

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I ordered a banner on ebay two weeks ago and never received it. I had to ask the guy if he mailed it because he never sent a courtesy email saying he mailed it. Now he is saying well you didn't get the insurance and everyone that doesn't get the insurance doesn't get their item in the mail. WHAT!!! I usually get insurance but this time I didn't, but does that mean if I don't pay the extra buck and a half than I am screwed I mail 8-10 packages every week because I wholesale candles and never once did anyone not receive their package. That kind of service is pathetic!!!:mad: Sorry I am soooooo mad I could spit flamin wicks!!!!!:angry2: :angry2:

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That doesn't even make sense to me. I'm not that familiar with eBay but I just sold a package there my first time and they winner of the auction didn't purchase insurance. Does this mean he won't get his package? I hope you aren't out too much money... what kind of banner was it?

Make sure to leave him negative feedback if he doesn't work with you!

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It doesn't make sense to me either. I am just fuming.... I bought a business banner. I guess your customer won't get what they purchased too. That is so ridiculous it is stupid. I am out $23.00. Which isn't a lot of money but anything that goes thru the postal service if it was sent should get to it's destination in a timely manner. I think something is up with this guy.

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Well if the package I sent to my 'customer', I sure won't refund his money. It was a much larger amount and he was more then welcome to purchase insurance. I don't know what I would do...

I just think he never sent your item because things don't go missing that often through the post office, that every time this guy sends something without insurance it get's lost. Give me a break.

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A while back I remember a man on e-bay that some on CT brought banners from and were happy. Did they get insurance, don't know??? But since you opted not (I wouldn't either) he uses that as a excuse. He says "Should have got insurance and there would be no problem". I see a red flag here. Personally I don't see a problem with mail being lost(unlikely). I do though make sure I put my return address(sure he would too) but this doesn't seem right. Look into it because he could scam many others that way. Get money and not do banners because the customer didn't purchase insurance.


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From the way I am reading it, he is saying that because no insurance was purchased that he is not going to mail it. Not, he sent it in the mail already but because you didn't get insurance you wouldn't receive it. Did he specifically list in his item that you HAD to purchase insurance? I have seen some sellers on EBay who make purchasing insurance a requirement. If he didn't have that listed in his TOS that you HAD to pay insurance on the banner then he needs to mail it out, he can't start putting stipulations on the item now. If he did not have that bit of information listed on his banner listing then you can let him know that he did NOT have that requirement posted and you want your banner or your money back! Also, the insurance is not a large amount, what is it, $1.25? Email him to see if you can just send that amount and get your banner. If the insurance issue is not listed in his ebay listing and he doesn't work with you, leave negative feedback about him adding stipulations after the purchase. If he works with you on getting the insurance money to him and it's not listed in his listing I would probably leave neutral feedback about his requirements that are not listed in his listing.

But go and double check and read his entire listing to see if it is mentioned that the winning bidder is required to purchase mail insurance prior to receiving the item. I hope it works out for you and you get your banner :)!


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I'm not sure if I'm reading this right or not....:confused:

I sell alot on eBay and also have a webstore. I've been doing this for over 7 years now, and on both sites I offer the OPTION of insurance. I ship 100s of boxes and envelopes almost every week of the year around the world. After all that, I can tell you that boxes, as well as envelopes do go missing, especially via parcel post and standard mail.

I strongly suggest purchasing insurance in my auctions, and my webstore has a page during checkout that specifically asks if they wish to purchase insurance. I don't make it mandatory because alot of people are very touchy about shipping costs, especially with the new postal rates, so I try to save them money.

If he sent the banner and is saying that because you didn't buy insurance, you're out, that's one thing. But if he's not shipping because you didn't purchase insurance, and it wasn't mandatory in the first place, that's another thing.

Just wanted to say that things can mysteriously disappear in the mail from time to time. The only service I've never had that happen with from the Post Office is Express Mail.

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The way I am reading it is he is saying you didn't get the insurance so you aren't going to get it in the mail...meaning he ain't mailing it cause insurance wasn't paid.

Anyone else reading it that way?

Unless he is being dumb by saying because you didn't get insurance it is already mailed but you will never get it because the usps hijacks all items without insurance and keeps them locked up in some building forever :)


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I think the seller is saying that he mailed it, but you're out of luck because you didn't purchase insurance, and expressing his frustration that every time he has a customer that doesn't purchase insurance, it's that particular package that gets lost. I am sure he doesn't really mean "every time" but is using that as hyperbole because it has happened more than once.

I can almost guarantee he doesn't mean that he doesn't send out the banner if you don't purchase insurance. This is because Ebay has a very active feedback system and if this was true, his feedback would be horrible and OP never would have purchased from him.

Just file Item Not Received from Paypal and you'll get the money back.

Kim (longtime Ebay seller and buyer)

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Unless he is being dumb by saying because you didn't get insurance it is already mailed but you will never get it because the usps hijacks all items without insurance and keeps them locked up in some building forever :)


The way I read it was that he was being dumb and making excuses, when he actually had no intention of mailing her goods.

OR maybe everything he mails out USPS without insurance has a tendancy of getting lost (not necessarily hi-jakced - but thanks for making me laugh).

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Ask for proof it was in fact shipped. Ask for the delivery conformation and or tracking number! If he can't prove he shipped it then you will win with paypal and ebay then get your money back. If he did ship it and it was clearly stated in the ad that you are responsible to insure your package as an option then you are screwed. Sorry :cry2:

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True...you should ask for proof of delivery. A couple of times where the customer told me they hadn't gotten their items, the delivery confirmation showed as delivered! When the post office checked it, the item had been delivered, but to the wrong house! Once...even to the vacant house across the street, and the customer saw the box, went over and looked, and it was her box!:rolleyes2

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If the big dummy can't provide DC or tracking number, ask him to produce a receipt from the USPS postal worker at the counter (assuming he actually did mail it). Also have the sender ask the USPS to put a trace on the package, although this usually can't be done for 30 days (I think).

Just don't wait too long like I did, and get screwed out of any help from eBay or PP.

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The way I am reading it is he is saying you didn't get the insurance so you aren't going to get it in the mail...meaning he ain't mailing it cause insurance wasn't paid.

Anyone else reading it that way?

Unless he is being dumb by saying because you didn't get insurance it is already mailed but you will never get it because the usps hijacks all items without insurance and keeps them locked up in some building forever :)


Yes, that is what he is saying.

Pay the insurance and he will probably send it out.

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I have sold a lot of items on eBay and never required anyone to purchase insurance to get their product. I give them the option to purchase or not purchase it; that is totally up to the buyer. If he wanted you to have it, he should have insurance required stated in the auction.

I've never had any problems delivering my items to my buyers nor have any come up missing since I started selling on eBay. Since I use PayPal for eBay payments, I always print my labels online with delivery confirmation, which is included free of charge. I check on the dc once in a while to see if the package has arrived. Depending on how far it has to go, it usually arrives in 2-3 days at the most when I send by Priority. If the dc doesn't show within that time frame, I contact the buyer to see if it has arrived or not. Sometimes the postal workers don't scan the packages and it will not show up as delivered.

If he doesn't deliver or send your package, file a complaint with eBay for item not received. If you paid through PayPal, they may require you to file a complaint with them first. Either way, you should be able to get all of your money back.

Good luck and hope everything turns out all right for you!

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I finally received my package. Which was a great relief. I can't believe it took 2 1/2 weeks to get my banner. That was weird. Where in the world has this package been. It must have taken a tour around the world. Well it was a good thing I didn't leave my ebay feedback yet on this guy. The date was correct May 6. I felt so bad I doubted this guy. But that is a long time to wait to get a package. Anyway I am so relieved and will always get insurance no matter what, just in case.

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I think there's a postal "black hole" and if your package gets close enough, it gets sucked right in.

I ordered a book from amazon.com nearly a month ago and it shipped standard mail. Never did receive that one, but when I contacted amazon about it they didn't hesitate, they sent me another one out 2nd day air UPS. Got it right on time. Still don't know where the one from the P.O. is.


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