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anniversary article about my shop

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The article about my shop just hit todays paper. I celebrated my one year anniversary on May 20th. wow i've been here a full year now!! Time really flies doesn't it?

I had written to the local newspaper a few weeks ago trying to get an article done in time for my anniversary sale but they had other stories lined up. The actual anniversary was May 20th and today is June 5th. Better late than never i say. Business is great with lots of people coming in saying they saw the article and they had to drop in. My shop may be small but its my pride and joy.



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its not framed yet but its laminated and hanging on my wall. The local town historian always takes articles written about any business in our town and laminates the original and then prints up several copies. This morning when i opened up he walked in and handed me this enormous yellow envelope filled with full size copies of the article and one original that is laminated.

I had 2 other articles about my shop done over the past year but this one i like the most. Even the photo isn't half bad. :)

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Guest EMercier

That's neat! That's very good news and free press. I need to come and visit your shop. Bristol is not that far. I would have to mapquest it.

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Great picture! And your blouse didn't stand out at all, so you were worrying about nothing. It's nice to see a face to go with the name!

Bet you will be overwhelmed with business tomorrow, better get a good night's sleep tonight. :)

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well its true what they say that the first year is the hardest.

I mean the start up costs alone are a killer. Inspections, repairs, fees, signs, advertisements etc.

I had a lot of customers yesterday due to the article but i'm expecting a lot more the rest of the week. My husband kept the shop open late last night because we had a flood of calls from people wanting to come in after they had dinner. Usually we close at 7 but since the article hit we've been busy and i'm not going to close up if we still have people coming in. Thats just silly. So i went home at 7 and my husband stayed here till 9. We might do that all week just to handle the flow of customers. We are making sure to tell people that we normally close at 7 so they don't think they can come here real late and expect us to be open.

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Hats off to You (and your husband and daughter!) Way to Go! I understand some of the feelings and ramifications of not being able to do what you used to be able to do. Being disabled with chronic pain here (see what hours I'm awake at - 4 am.- oh yay..lol), candle making has become some good therapy for me, too...:smiley2:

I don't make soaps, but I know that you know, what I'm saying. Making either candles or soap can be good for the spirit.

That's a very good article and I loved the part about your daughter helping test the products. "If they think it stinks, they'll say so." ...lol...and the line about, "The only animals we use in testing are my kids.” was good for a chuckle as well.

I also love the name that you came up with, "Veronica's Lavish Lathers".

Best wishes for your continued success...:yay:

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