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I am assuming that you are talking about shipping a large amount of your products there at one time right? If you are couldn't some of the shipping companies help you with that aspect of it? And I am assuming that you are shipping candles right?

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The only thing I think I'd be worried about, would be the customs fees and trasnport. I dunno anything about it honestly, but who would pay those? If you do, would it still be profitable?

Sorry I can't help, just a thought on something to check up on.

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I would be wondering why China would want to import candles (or anything for that matter) from here? They seem to make enough of them, as well as containers etc. and their labor and costs are much much cheaper. Just be cautious and investigate this thoroughly.

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Yea that is what I am doing. I don't think it is legit but then it got me to thinking about possible future export and you know what happens when I start think I start asking questions even if I may never use the answer some one else might.

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You mentioned you have been approached did you meet with someone from China? If so, they should have all that information about exporting and shipping stuff over there. I would be very skeptical if someone just emailed you. Ask them alot of questions first. My first question would be where did they hear about you? Have they ever used your products and if so which ones? Also ask for their business license number. That usually weeds out alot of people.Good Luck.

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I would be wondering why China would want to import candles (or anything for that matter) from here? They seem to make enough of them, as well as containers etc. and their labor and costs are much much cheaper. Just be cautious and investigate this thoroughly.

Exactly what I was thinking. They probably want to dissect your product and copy it and will surely start with ordering samples and then decide not to wholesale after all. Sorry about being skeptical, but I would investigate further, too.

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There are some legit companies out there than import american made items to china. It's a specialty market. The ones I've seen and talked to are distributers. You usually ship them to a broker in the US, proabably CA, and they take it from there. However, the Japanese are a much better customer base IMHO!

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I would be wondering why China would want to import candles (or anything for that matter) from here? They seem to make enough of them, as well as containers etc. and their labor and costs are much much cheaper. Just be cautious and investigate this thoroughly.

I agree.

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There are some legit companies out there than import american made items to china. It's a specialty market. The ones I've seen and talked to are distributers. You usually ship them to a broker in the US, proabably CA, and they take it from there.

I have a wholesale account in Taiwan, and I asked a lot of these questions in the beginning too. From what I've been told, buying "Made in the USA" is a huge thing over there.

I deal with a local person for the actual sales though. I don't have to worry about shipping at all, and I've always thought it funny, but he even pays state taxes on them. When I asked him about getting me paperwork to waive the taxes, he said not to worry about it. Because it was international, it's more complicated than just getting a tax id number, and that the last thing they wanted to do was get me in trouble with the government. So they pay taxes.

For my shipping, the guy that buys from me, he usually places an order right before he knows he's going over there, and he takes it over with him. Now my account is solely for my lip balms, so he can take several hundred over with him, and easily fit it in his luggage. But I know they also ship my stuff over there a lot too.

My advice, ask a lot of questions. I was completely open with my ignorance in doing anything international. Because of that, they walked me through a lot of it. IMO, it's better to admit you're ignorant in the spirit of being taught, than to end up looking ignorant while you tried to make it look like you weren't. Ask them who's expected to pay shipping, freight, customs, etc charges. If it's you, make sure you're covered for ALL of it in your invoice to them. The biggest concern I see in you paying for all of this is that it's sometimes hard to estimate ahead of time. See if they have a contact person state side that you can work with, and also ship to.

Good luck! It's a little mind boggling to think about jumping into the international ring, isn't it! :yay:

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