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Little Black Dress


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Thanks to everyone for your wonderful compliments. I hate working with black....it always ends up making a mess. This time is wasn't so bad.

Thanks Candle Man for the head up on the SOS scent. Sounds good.

Kay....I used black powder....that is why I always make a mess. You have to be very careful with black powder. Little specks of it fly around the studio and find their way into other molds.....not a good thing.

Jenn.....yes, I tilted the molds in sand. You don't need a tutorial for these....it is just a candle. Tip mold in sand, rice, beans or just prop them up somewhere.....pour in the first layer.....at 180 and then wait until it is almost set up....hard on the edges but soft in the middle then stand it upright and pour in the next layer at 180. Tap the mold. Then poke and refill as usual.

A bit of trivia......the customer that I shipped these to emailed me yesterday with some bad news. Her son took her car during the night and wrecked it.......she had 1800 of her own candles in the car for a craft show. Ouch.....that hurts. Her son is ok. Donita Louise

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A bit of trivia......the customer that I shipped these to emailed me yesterday with some bad news. Her son took her car during the night and wrecked it.......she had 1800 of her own candles in the car for a craft show. Ouch.....that hurts. Her son is ok. Donita Louise


I could kill for something like that!


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Sabrina....this woman is incredible. She has had the worst luck of anyone I know....but she is back to making candles and teaching a young woman how to make them. Had to cancel a show because the candles were ruined.....and to make it even more sad....this woman has devoted her life to raising money to help children. She stays up for days at a time making candles and gives the money to Make a Wish...etc. Just a wonderful human being. Big Sister, Donita

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Donita, stunning as usual. Not only did you actually manage to make a black candle that really is black (and not dark purple) but your layers didn't bleed and your surface is smooth. How do you do it????? You're simply the best!

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Thanks again everyone....Mozzie....the only way I have found to make black is with the powder. It seems to dissolve better with some stearic added. These had stearic and vybar 103. Alex told me to try some liquid dyes too. I will. The powder flies around the room and ends up ever where. One speck of black in a mold ruins a candle. I just poured these at 180. Nothing special. Donita

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Thanks again everyone........I made some in a pyramid shape yesterday. I am going to unmold them right now.......the last batch was remelted. The black got into the white layer and it was really ugly. If these look good I will post a pic....if not....back to the melter they go :) Donita

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