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Soap #2 - Super-Tamanu Conditioning Scrub Bar

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Here's my second soap, which has been curing for a few weeks.

The gimmick with this batch is a whopping 6% tamanu oil. I don't know if it's the tamanu or the overall recipe, but I've tried some shavings from it and I think this is going to be a terrific soap. My DGF is excited about it and she's not the only one. I'm a guy who likes to use the good stuff. :)

This one is planed but unpolished. I made some real chunky bars out of it. They were 1 1/2 inches thick before planing. I figure it will probably want a good long cure time.

Fragrance is SW Fresh Sugar Cane. The FO melded beautifully with the tamanu oil, which has a slightly spicy pleasant scent to it. My first batch smells like neroli and soap, but the aromas in one this blend smoothly into something exceptionally nice.

The scrubbies are a fine apricot kernel meal.


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Those are gorgeous bars, and finished beautifully. :highfive:

I haven't experimented with tamanu oil much. But I can say that Monoi de Tahiti makes a primo bar for the skin. Very silky, and luxuriant. I buy the unscented because I am not a floral fan.

I am curious about the Apricot meal, are they very scrubby?

I had one in a facial bar and I found it be to a little too abrasive for me.

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Just knock our socks off Top! Forget the candles, you've found your calling LOL!

I wish more folks would take a page from your book. You did your research, asked a few questions, stepped right in and did it. Outstanding job my friend; I expected nothing less from you. ;)


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I am curious about the Apricot meal, are they very scrubby?

I've heard people say the apricot meal is scratchy but I haven't been able to evaluate it properly yet. No problem with the trimmings, for what it's worth. I used a very conservative amount and the stuff I bought is finely ground, so I'm guessing it's not gonna be a problem for a body bar.

Personally I wouldn't use a scrubby bar for the face. We use Zirh Scrub, which contains super-fine diatomaceous earth and it's a great product.

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Nice... I like the color- is that from the oil? I'd never heard of Tamanu oil until now!

The look of the soap was inspired by tamanu nuts. I lucked out because it's coming out just the way I envisioned it.

The tamanu does add a darker greenish cast to your oils, but the effect would be much more subtle if you left the soap uncolored. The color here actually comes from Select Shades. The blueish cast will get just a little more greenish as it cures. I also added a small amount of TD to ensure the soap would be opaque because I wanted a creamy look.

Another thing that probably contributes to the opacity is that my first few soaps showed no inclination whatsoever to gel. I force-gelled the first one in the oven and it came out slightly translucent. This one I left alone.

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The soap is very beautiful. You are really on a roll. Have you tried the "window sill test" :wink2: ....soaps that are superfatted with ingredients that help to repair or replenish the skin are my favorites... As far as the apricot meal, I was an estetitian several years ago and learned that being gentle to the face is a good thing. Apricot meal is just too sharp for the face. I also read an article by a doctor that said there isn't exact proof, but he and a lot of other doctors believe that there may be an ingredient in Aloe that helps to repair the cancerous damage the sun does to ones skin. So.....rather than wait around for exact proof I started using Aloe in my soaps and straight on my face everyday.....and most people don't believe I am 62. Or they think I am a very unusual 62 year old. I have been using Aloe for about 20 years. As far as a scrub on the body, apricot meal would be wonderful. Personally I use my own mixture of cornmeal and sugar and salt for my face....not incorporated in a bar, just a little plastic container. Apricot meal is great on feet. I like smooth feet. I am looking forward to other soaps you make. High quality soap is a luxury and most women appreciate a good bar. It is sooooooo worth the money. I prefer bars over liquids. Some men care.....but most don't. I need time to make soap :cry2: Donita

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