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I've just made my first muffin :)

Don't know why but I poured it in 2 parts, as I wanted the top of the muffin to be a little darker than the bottom.

I think the bottom was poured a little too hot, as its gone white (165 degrees).

Got milk chocolate scented choc drops in, and the muffin is scented with Butterscotch Vanilla.

It smells yum....... the look on my 3yr olds face when she realised she couldn't eat it, boy did I feel guilty lol

(haven't wicked it yet, thats the next challenge)


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I'm a happy bunny :)

Just wondering how to secure the wick now though, gotta try an lx28 as only other I have is lx21 and that looks a bit thin. Might try another double wicking with lx21 next time.

Maybe a pre-tabbed one with sustainer?

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Hi Lisa,

nope, just butterscotch. I poured in 2 halves, and for the top I used 3/4 of a diamond chip, then there was some wax left, I added the rest of the wax and the other 1/4.

Going to try another and ice it, see what it looks like.

Think I'm going to use lx wick and a sustainer, attached to the bottom.

Can't wait till my dad gets round, gonna put it on a plate with a cuppa and see what he does lmao, I am naughty! :P

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Seriously delicious looking muffin there - (scurry off the cupboard to find a piece of chocolate or something to eat). As for the bottom part looking "white", for a few secs I thought that was a real muffin case, before I read your comments. I like the texture on the top of the muffin too. Test burning something so nice is a real PITA, but its gotta be done - good luck and let us know how it goes.:smiley2:

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