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anybody have a show this weekend? check in!


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Remember when you were a newbie and read those great success stories? Let's give the new newbies some success stories!

My show turned out to be great. It didn't rain at all. The crowd was light, but it was a good day for me and a lot of other peple. I made 5X booth. A lady who had bought from me before came into my booth and started telling her friend how great my stuff was. Woohoo! A repeat and a new customer.

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I didn't have a show, but I did check out one that I was considering for next year and I will definately be doing it!! Wonderful attendence, and many many vendors of which only 2 had candles and with four rooms of booths they were in two different rooms and at opposite ends of those rooms even so the event planners definately know what they are doing!

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I had a festival this weekend. The weather was cloudy and a few showers around but the crowd was good and buying. There was 2 other soapers there but they were m&p soaps and they didn't have b&b, I had cp and b&b. I did 5 times my space I am very pleased about it. A lot of my customers came to see my new line. I think I gained a few new customers by the way they reacted to my products. I came home to 3 emails from people who purchased my products saying they used them and loved them. I had a few people who saw me and said they had purchased before from me at a show and were so happy I was there. I can really say it was a good weekend.

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A Few Sprinkles, But The Weather Held Out For Ssaturdays Show. Did Better Than Most Of The Other Vendors Around Me. Most Didn't Show Up Cause Of The Weather. Did 10x The Booth, So Was Ok For Me, Should Have Been Much Better Though. I Was Trying Out My New Stuff, I Would Say About 10% Of My Sales Were The New Stuff I Was Trying And The Rest Was Regular Old Stuff,,,was Hoping The New Stuff Would Go Over More.

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I did a show this weekend and did 3 X's what I did last year. I also got a new wholesale acct, possible fundraiser, and 2 accounts that want fall / holiday merchandise so all in all a good show. I had lots of repeat customers so that was nice, sold out of Monoi oil and whipped shea.

Janis Rogers


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Congrats Georgia and everyone else that had good shows!

I did a mini show. It was actually at a children's amusement park for charity. There's a group here that earns money for women and children in crisis, so my "booth fee" was actually a donation to their cause, so even though I didn't sell a ton, it was a worthy donation.

Although...I had an issue with a teenage girl across from me! She was with a friend from a "talent agency". You know the kind where they tell you your kids are the cutest and want you to spend $5,000 on photos and they'll try to get your kid a modeling/acting job. This girl accosted everyone!

She walked into my booth at one point while I was helping a lady and actually dragged her OUT of my booth. I was ticked, but let that one slide. I told my dh if she did it again, I would say something.

Sure enough! She did. I was helping a lady, having conversation, sniffing candles and into my booth this girl comes again! When she was done with her spiel and my customer RAN away, I walked over and put my hand on her arm, quietly said "Do not come into my booth again and take my customers. You can talk to them before or after they're in my booth, but do not come into my booth again"

She snapped "Do not put your hands on me! Don't ever touch me again!"

I calmly and quietly said, "I'm just saying, it's very unprofessional to walk into my booth while I'm helping them..."

To which she screams again "Don't ever touch me again!"

Oye. I was pissed, and walked away. She knew she was wrong once I pointed it out, but wouldn't admit that to me. However, she did approach the manager at the end of the show and said that she had done something wrong and she didn't want that to mean that they wouldn't be welcomed back. When the manager asked me about it, I told her my side, she laughed and said "Well, that's youth"


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Guest EMercier

That's funny! I would've pulled her to the side myself. At some point I would've made it known and I don't think she would've come back to my booth.

I did a show this weekend, well Saturday and it was in MD. I got to meet AndreaH1975 for the first time. I had a nice time. The turn out wasn't all that good, but I meet some really nice people and had a good time. I did at least make my booth, but I did a lot of buying from others there. My BF helped me which worked as I was really tired. Here are some pictures. I tried something new, but it just seemed like I didn't have enough space and I have to move a few things around to work, but good thing is I have a vendor day at BF's job next week and I'll be able to unload this stuff there. Pics attached. Some of these were taken after I sold some stuff. This is scaled down from when I have my BIG show in December. It was a lot easier to set up.






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Your displays look very nice. I haven't really gotten into the shows yet. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to. There are plenty within 50 miles or so of where I live, especially in the spring and summer, but I have a 2 and 3 year old that would be in tow, and they just don't mix well with glass candle jars.

I have done 1 show, last November. There were 3 more booths with candles, but we were all spread apart, no two were side by side, so I thought that was great. It was a great learning experience, I hope to be able to do that one again. This year maybe I'll be a little better prepared.

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we had a show on sat. a craft show that we EHH we made about 2x booth fee. then on sunday we decided WTH we'll do the flea market. went down there got a table not expecting much and made over 5x booth fee. were thinking of just setting up there every sunday. we got majorly wiped on stock so a TON of work to do now but so awesome.

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Guest EMercier

Thanks. I'm actually thinking about cigar bands. Don't ask me why. I would have the same label, but I want people to be able to look at the soap. We'll see.

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