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Am I being unreasonable?

There is an aromatherapist in this area, who seems to have started to make soap.

This is a small, rural community. Being that I have been at every trade show, craft show and market in the last three years and the FIRST time I've seen her products is at the local spring trade show, last month, I don't think she's been at it long.

Now, apparently she is putting on workshops, teaching people how to make soap.


This makes me a bit nervous. Not from a competitors perspective, but from a practical one.

Can a person REALLY learn everything there is to know about soapmaking in 6 hours?

Considering it took me a YEAR of reading, and reading, and watching and researching and more reading before I took the plunge. I just find it hard to even CONSIDER being responsible for putting lye/water/oils and EO's in the hands of newbies. I would not want to be responsible for the potential fallout.

This woman, I know what her end goal is, she is trying to make herself up as a supplier. She tried "selling" to me, but she can't touch my other suppliers prices. I told her as much too.:D

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I am not sure what you are concerned about. Is it the fact she is teaching people to make soap and the class is only 6 hours long? It is hard to judge by that as she may give them the basics of soapmaking and then give them lots of hand outs and websites to visit to help them understand more. If you have not been to a class then you don't know how she teachs it. She may explain all the dangers and do a lengthy lecture on the importance of safe soapmaking. A lot of people will most likely take the class and see what is involved and the expense and not pursue it further. If your soap is quality then you shouldn't worry about them taking away your business. There are a few very good soapmakers in my area but we each have different styles and types of soap. I don't feel Threatened at all by this as I know my soap is quality and I have a good following. We also seem to have different venues we sell at and very rarely cross paths at the shows etc.

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Carrie - You are right, I shouldn't be quick to judge. But this is a small community, I should have heard of her before now. I just found it odd that all of a sudden this person is teaching others to soap. I'm pretty confident in my own skills, but I would never dream of teaching someone else.

LL- I'm concerned from the safety side of things. Everyone that attends this workshop is being sent home with a soap mold and the soap that they make that day.

Maybe I'm just overly cautious.

My mentor spent years teaching at the community college where I used to live, and her courses were several weeks long. Not 6 hours.

I guess I was being unreasonable. :undecided My husband didn't seem to see why I was so irritated either.

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I teach soapmaking classes, and they are 2 hours long. They don't learn everything, since no one knows everything, but they get a class that stresses safety, gives them basic info and a recipe, and sources for further info, supplies, etc. I also sell some supplies. Most people who have taken the class have never followed up, but a few have, and have come back for supplies and further help.

I learned entirely from a book and online, and they are further ahead after 2 hours than I was after several months. As far as I am concerned, people need to be aware of the safety issues, and at no point do I ever tell them that this is all they need to know. I tell them that my class is merely a starting point.

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Ok. I admit it, I'm a recovering drama queen who had a relapse.


I'm not sure why I was so annoyed, you guys make a lot of good points. Maybe I was looking for someone to be outraged with me?

Anyway, now I'm embarrassed. :embarasse

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Ok. I admit it, I'm a recovering drama queen who had a relapse.


I'm not sure why I was so annoyed, you guys make a lot of good points. Maybe I was looking for someone to be outraged with me?

Anyway, now I'm embarrassed. :embarasse

Don't be embarrassed. I can see both points to this. On one hand you want to make sure everyone is being protected and cautious, but then again on the other you shouldn't be so quick to judge which you recognize may have happened.

When I first started my soapmaking I bought EVERYTHING (including the lye) in a kit online. The only thing I knew about soapmaking was what I had read in books. (Didn't really know about all the online forums) so if the book got it wrong, or I didn't understand something, I figured I would soon figure it out. LOL There was no "teacher" to ask questions, or any guidance whatsoever... Everything I learned was by trial and error. Many many errors! LOL +

Anyway, sorry to have gone off on a tangent there.

My point I really was trying to make is, don't be embarrassed. It's not a big deal, you had concerns so you voiced them. It's really nice that you have a place that you can come to and vent. :)

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You will always have competition, you have to stand out. You have a reputation, a good one I'm sure. Focus on that and offer some deals. How many people do you really think are going to learn to make soap and go into business. Not many I would assume. Have confidence.

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That reminds me of the last time we went to taylored concepts they just finished a cp class. A guy was trying to explain it to this lady that was asking about it and he said you just have to be careful with the chemical. Then he tells her if you can bake a cake you can make soap WTF? My hubby and I just looked at each other in shock.

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I think what your saying is you had to learn the hard way on your own almost and here comes someone ready and willing to teach people in 6 hours? It's different when someone is physically showing you or just instructing you. Maybe she is making the soap and showing them step by step. I learned to make soap and candles on my own and my family and friends were honest gunea pigs! Plus I've been doing it for four years now. I find that when others physically instruct you it maybe easier to learn because at the same time your able to ask questions. :D

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Well, I think i understand! And I would be mad to! LOL!!!

It Stinks when people move into your Territory. Weather You wanted to Teach cp..Or Just Deal with some someone else opening up...

I don't get what or why people teach classes...I mean..I live in a one horse town and I Am NOT teaching anyone..why? because then I won't have any business left..and I am looking out for me! Maybe that is selfish..But U know what i work hard for ever $ I earn , And No one is gonna butt in!:D


I have Had a few beers..it is friday..Maybe I will re read this in the am and say...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

It's ok to vent...Don't feel silly!! Ever! :tongue2:

Have a good night!!

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I have found that for me it's easier to learn by hands on experience. I sell my soap & body products mainly to my friends. I don't have any of my stuff in stores at this time. There are at least 3 people here in the small town I live in that sell soaps and other products. I'm in it mainly for hobby and learning experience. I have never taken a class. I am mainly self taught by reading online, in books and asking questions on boards such as this and other email groups.I have so much fun doing soap and other product swaps. I do spend a lot more money than I make but I'm not in this for money I'm in this for fun. I did start a site for my products. But thats as far as I have gotten. I learn to make new things all of the time and I just can't decide what products I want to really sell anyways. I am also afraid if I get in it for the money it won't be fun anymore.

I can understand your frustration. It would probably irritate me as well. I myself do not know any of the other product makers in my town but I do browse upon what they are selling just to see if I myself can make something better. LOL! I've been doing this for less than a year which is another reason I have not really sold to the public. I like to use my friends as testers and I also like to perfect my creations.

Ok I've babbled enough.


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