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I didn't want to just lurk, so I thought I would say hi.

I'm new here. My name is Tasha.

I'm reading up on container waxes. It is just so confusing!!!

I was going to go with Bluegrass, but have heard some bad reviews. So I think I might try Ky.

Ok now that I have introduced myself, I'm off to more reading.

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Hi and welcome to the board and your newest addiction!

Don't worry too much about wax reviews, what works for one won't always work for you. First have a look at suppliers closest to you, shipping can be killer! Then order sample sizes of some of them and play with that first before you go buy a full 55lbs. At least, if I have to start again and I had all the choices you have, thats how I owuld go about it.



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Welcome to the board! I'm sure you will find invaluable information here, I agree with Katinka, find a supplier close to you for wax and test a small amount before you decide. What works for one person, another may hate it! You will find that shipping costs are sky high and you want to keep that to a minimum. Good luck.

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you might check & see how far tennesseecandlesupply.com is away from you tn would be closer then bluegrass or ky. as far as craftlobby.com on the oils i've had some very good ones & some that just plain stink. very hit & miss for me.

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Hello there Tasha! We like noobs. :drool: If I may be so bold as to recommend the GB 415 or 444 to start with, if you can find a close supplier. Alot of suppliers carry the 415 as their own house brand, and it is a versatile wax that throws well, and blends well with other soys and other ingredients, such as USA or beeswax. Good luck!

geek :grin2:

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Wow! You all are so nice!!!

Most other forums yell and tell you to try search first.

Geekrunner ~ Love the name, btw. You just spoke greek to me. The only thing I understood was other soys (I know of a few soys) and beeswax. LOL

I'm trying to get some of the lingo down I just need to figure out what all of the numbers mean!

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Hi tashak, this is an awesome board, I love it here. I find myself checking this board a bunch of times through out the day. This is just my :2cents: but when I tried a supplier in Pennsylvania, which is closer to me in NY, their shipping was actually more expensive than Bitter Creek in Wisconsin. I love working with BCN, and Doneen is wonderful. Their pure soy is GB415. And they have an awesome sellection of FO's. Good luck.

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Hi Tasha, Welcome to the board.

Geekrunner is one of our members that shares his knowedge and experiences with us when he tests out his soy waxes and blends. He is telling you about a brand of soy wax (Gold Brands) that might be easy for you to start out with. It is on the outside of post at the top of the whole Vegetable wax board. Everybody has their preference we have some new members that sometimes don't even know what particular brand wax to use and need some extra guidance. Go Into the Fragrance board and at the top is supplier abbreviations. It has a list of suppliers and you will be able to find one closer to you. There are a few in AZ and Texas that would benefit you better in shipping for waxes.

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I'm in the north east corner of Arkansas, so KY is actually kinda close.

Bittercreek, I forgot about them. I know Bittercreek south is in TX which isn't too far, not as close as KY. But I'll have to try them out.

Off to check out Bittercreek North and South.

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