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Olive Oil


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Also look for restaurant supply stores. A lot of them have cash and carry sections to buy supplies in. Our local rss has pomice grade OO for $13 a gallon.

Oh my goodness, thank you so much for this advise.

I was just able to find a restaurant supply store in my area and I can get extra virgin OO for $12.27 per gallon!!!!

:yay: :yay:

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Yes, I was in Cash N Carry the other day and noticed that they had OO for pretty cheap. I was going to pick up a gallon but there were a few different kinds and I didn't know what to get. Is there a real difference between them other then some are lite and VOO? There were getting ready to close, so I didn't have time to examine them closely..

It didn't appear that they had coconut or rice bran. Which is a bummer, it would be nice to get it locally..:cry2:


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Our local resturant supply has the Olive Pomace for $16 a gallon. I should check out the other supply place and see what they have. This one only had the pomace....and no other good oils. I usually buy mine at Sam's.....I think right at $20 for 3 liters. I did buy the pomace one time but my soaps appeared darker using it.

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I've been getting my Olive Oil at Costco. It's been just less than $23 for 5 liters. For shipping to me, Columbus Foods would be about the same, so I tend to pick it up at Costco, since my husband works next to it, and I can just tell him to one (or two or three!) on his way home.

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I've been using Rice Bran Oil from www.riceland.com for years now. I only use olive in my Castile.

Do you know if their "Rice Bran Oil" and their "Rice Bran Vegetable Oil" are the same thing? I'm guessing they probably are and the price difference is just for the packaging, but I'd want to make sure. I went through a gallon of RBO last month alone. If the Rice Bran "Vegetable Oil" is still 100% RBO, then I'd love to get 35lbs for $19! If it's not, even the 6 gallons is a great price at $35! :bliss:

Either one makes me happy!

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Do you know if their "Rice Bran Oil" and their "Rice Bran Vegetable Oil" are the same thing? I'm guessing they probably are and the price difference is just for the packaging, but I'd want to make sure. I went through a gallon of RBO last month alone. If the Rice Bran "Vegetable Oil" is still 100% RBO, then I'd love to get 35lbs for $19! If it's not, even the 6 gallons is a great price at $35! :bliss:

Either one makes me happy!

I don't think they are the same. I use the 6 for $35; great oil. You would need to know the blend %'s for the RB veggie to calculate it correctly,


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I've used both of the RBOs from Riceland and can't tell the difference once it's in soap. There isn't too much of a difference in price since I'm pretty far from them - the shipping is more than the oil lol... But it isn't too much more expensive than when I could get it at Cash & Carry, maybe a cent per ounce more.

I've never used olive, only RBO. (Well, my very first batch had olive) I'd look up the actual price diff for you but my 'puter's in the shop - I don't have access to all my data.

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I was lucky enough to find a great supplier for 100% RBO at this little Japanese market in our area. A gallon cost me $6 and there is no shipping to pay. I can't beat that.

Of course I use a great deal of Olive so I still have to find that perfect source. I just get mine at Costco since I am there often enough as it is. Around $24 for 5 liters.

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So, do you use stearic to harden it up? What percentage do you use? What would a typical recipe be like? You've got my curiousity up now! I'm going to have to give this a try!

Here's the one that soaped like a dream for me last night:

5% shea butter

5% castor oil

5% babassu

10% coconut

15% PKO

10% palm

10% avocado

40% RBO

I use that recipe a lot, and vary the avocado for other oils. I took a long time formulating it and use it often. It makes a very bubbly, conditioning bar.

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