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securing the wick advice...

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I have used the wick stick ems from JBN and hated them. I have been using high temp hot glue for months and am now having problems with the wicks not staying secured to the jar after the candle cools. (or at least that's when I notice)

I am thinking that there has to be a better wick sticker out there than the one I used. I really don't want to go the silicone route but I'm at a loss...Any advice on what works for you? I would like to stay with my main suppliers: ICS, Millcreek, & BCN. Thanks.

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Although I haven't performed any sort of scientific exp. on them, they seemed to be stickier than a couple others that I've used. I've used them on slightly chilled to the touch, unwashed glass jars without a problem. PM'd.

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I have always used a hot glue gun and have never had a wick come loose. I use a piece of plastic tubing sort of like a straw.........or an ink pen with the guts removed to thread the wick, put a drop of glue on it and stick it down in the jar and press for just a second. :grin2:

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lindanelson: " If you have a scrapbooking store near you, go there and buy the "Zots". They are clear adhesive dots. I just bought a box of 200 for around $5.00. They work wonderfully."

I tried the Zots when I first started making candles and couldn't get one to hold the wick.. Gave up on them.

IndyGirlI: "have always used a hot glue gun and have never had a wick come loose. I use a piece of plastic tubing sort of like a straw.........or an ink pen with the guts removed to thread the wick, put a drop of glue on it and stick it down in the jar and press for just a second. :grin2:"

This is how I am doing it, I have a couple different size tubes but my fav is the empty bick pin. I also have the wick centering tool with the magnet on the bottom so it is definatly secure. Yesterday, I tried even heating the jars and I watched one float to the top after pouring. I am sure that I have the high temp glue, I threw the other stuff away so I wouldn't get em mixed up. I just don't understand. :confused: :confused: :confused:

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I have used it all..wick stick'ems , glue dots, etc..and nothing worked. I now use a cordless hot glue gun and I've never had one move out of place. Maybe try different glue sticks? I know when I pulled the wick super super tight a few times (not with hot glue though), the wicks tended to lift.

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Yea' I use about the size of a dime on it, so when I put it down I get a little around the tab. I have used the same glue for months and just now having problems with it. Go figure, I finally feel like I figured out the wax, finished testing on most of my candles, am happy with the burn I am getting, and now this!!!!!!! Does it ever end?


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I've tried everything hoping maybe they would be quicker, easier or cleaner than the silicone but I find myself coming back to using my good old silicone every time...

I've tried hot glue - Craftsman High Temp glue - and the wicks shifted around the bottom of the container (never had one actually float but they definitely moved). I've tried the wick stickems from BCN and what I didn't like about them is that in my tealights, they raise the wick enough off the bottom of the tealight cup that the flame goes out with wax still in the very bottom of the cup. When I use silicone I haven't had one shift/move and nearly all the wax is completely burned out of the container before the flame extinguishes.

Those are just my experiences...not what you wanted to hear I know. Sorry!

I wish you good luck with finding what works best for you!

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