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Shell Hurricane

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This is the hurricane shell I've made for my aunty's 60th birthday. Its unscented but will have a vanilla votive inside in glass container.

Its filled with shells, although they aren't as close to the front as I'd like.

I've tested it, burning with a votive inside for 3 hours and the inside of the hurricane was only luke warm. Is this going to be ok?

I know its not brill, but its ok for a 1st attempt hopefully.


this is the inside, btw, is the size of these piccies ok?


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thanks everyone :)

I'm going to get some hurricane wax, is it actually called hurricane wax? but I need to more paraffin first, then try some soy, so its on the list :)

I did wonder about making it thinner actually, but some of the shells were bigger and would have stuck out into the inner bit.

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How lovely!! It reminds me of my 30-something year old (oh crap - it's 40 something...1973! DUH!) shell pillar. The center was burned out decades ago and I have been putting votives and tea lights inside for all this time. I really need to refurbish it - it's beginning to look more than dingy, but it was a wedding gift from a dear friend and I still love it so even though the man I married that day is only a vague memory to me...:o

Sure would love to see a pic with it all lit up... ;):D

Hopefully more of the 'caners'll come around and tell you the type of wax they use - you could also search the forums as I know Donita has told us many times...:D

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That's great for your first. I use a heat gun to melt off some of the wax on the outside. My first ones were like yours and people loved them too....sold a bunch until my daughter decided to heat off some wax with my embossing heat tool.....from then on I have used heat guns. And when I use large shells, sometimes they do stick out in the center, but I don't think that matters. What you want it a good glow through candle. Donita Louise

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