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We moved recently to a different city, but he was the same way at the old place. He used my bath butter this morning and told me he itched less this time so it must be something in these products he's sensitive to. It's just weird that everything he uses makes him itchy.

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If you itch after using cp soap or body wash do you just assume it's the water? This happens to my hubby and his skin turns red too.

Is it with all soaps - cp or body wash? Narrowing it down to which products casue this reaction can help to determine what the allergent is that hubby is reacting to.

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Yup anything he uses, now he usually uses the walmart brand shower wash I think the last one he was using was the green tea and cucumber it had real extracts in it. He usually buys their shea one though. He's used different kinds of cp soap too and they do the same thing. Maybe I should try that bath butter unscented and see if that helps.

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Is the water hotter or the air more dry? or if the water is harder the CP could be leaving more soap scum on him - but it happens with commercial body wash too... Or if the water is softer perhaps they are even more cleansing and he's just overdoing it?

Do you have a new poof or sponge or something? Or one that got moldy or icky during the move?

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We use those poofs and we change them often, we buy the bath and body works ones. He's tried wash cloths too. He has always itched with soap, worse with bar soap though. Even when we lived in another state he had the same problems.

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one way to check is to have him take a shower without washing...I know sounds funny. But I'm slightly allergic to chlorine(which unfortunately is added to most water). I get out of the shower and itch like there is no tomorrow, I used to think it was the soaps and such as well until I went swimming and had a really really bad reaction. Doc said it was chlorine. HTH

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I was going to mention chlorine too. I have a friend that went through this same thing. Come to find out, it was the chlorine in the water she is allergic to. She had to move to the country so she wouldn't be on the city's water and would be on well water.

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If it's not the chlorine, maybe start with a basic cp soap with no EO's, no FO's, and made with maybe only 2 or 3 oils. If there's no problem with that, keep adding things till you find out what it is.

I know someone who says her mother can only tolerate soap made with only lard and nothing else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well a little update for you guys, it must be fo's & eo's that make him itch. Thanks to Purple Lilac for sending me some unscented cp he hasn't itched. He's been going through this for probably 15 years now and to think it was the scent all along. I'm so glad though now I won't hear him whining anymore LOL.

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That's awesome that you figured it out! I have a friend who is like this; her whole family is extremely sensitive to fragrances. They have to use unscented laundry detergent and soaps.

I am getting more and more requests for unscented, uncolored soaps from those with skin sensitivities. So much so, that I'm adding two new types to my line -- an unscented castile and an unscented goat's milk. I used to think unscented would never sell, but lately it's flying off the shelves!!

So happy you found the culprit. :)

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I was going to suggest the FO's also, glad you got it figured out. I can use most fragrance oils, but just recently found out that I can't use white tea & ginger fo. I love the smell, but once I use it I start itching. I still make it though because my sister loves it and has no probelms with it.

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We use the dye and perfume free detergent too, because the perfumes bug my allergies so much. I haven't had any problems with scented soaps, good thing, because I would be so bummed. He told me he was suffering for over 20 years now so I really don't know how he put up with it. I can't believe he was even allergic to eo's too, but I guess those can be quite strong.

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we're allergic to so much I'm surprised that we are NOT allergic to fragrances. We cannot use laundry detergents with enzymes (no Tide, no Wisk, no Gain) so I stick with All and all is well!

I cannot wear fine fragrances on my skin - I get dry red patches from that.

I'd be so sad if I couldn't use fragranced products...

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Glad to hear you figured out this problem :highfive: your husband must be so happy.

My best friend and her family are allergic to almost everything. They have done really well on a 90% olive 10% castor soap I've been making them for a while now. They can handle the colors, but no FO's.

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Well now I know for sure it wasn't chlorine, because we just found out tonight we have well water. I think he likes the unscented stuff better though, he told me he's tired of smelling like a girl with all my scented stuff LOL.

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