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Who uses paypal shopping cart?


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Hi all, I'm tinking to add a paypal cart to my site, I was reading how to add buttons and so on, but there is one thing I don't understand: they say the option menu (or drop down list) can have a maximum of 10 options, but if you write the html yourself instead of using the automatic creation of buttons you can add more options.

Since I mainly need it for the list of fragrances I need more then 10 options, adn would like to know if anyone is using for this purpose.


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Hello! I think they mean that they will only give you ten options, if you want more you have to code it yourself. Not too hard if you pay attention to how they do it. Look at the code generated for the ten items listed. Copy & paste that code into your site, like Paypal says. Now you can go to the portion of your site that contains that code you just pasted. The code before and after each choice, plus the choice (such as apple pie scent, blueberry scent, etc.) will be what you will have to code yourself. Say, (and this is just an example) the code for the choices was <blah>apple pie</blah><blah>blueberry crisp</blah><blah>candy corn</blah>....and so on and then you got to your ten. You could just continue with typing in yourself the rest of the options you want using the code they used. Don't mess with the beginning or ending code....just the middle stuff where you are adding your choices....and you should be fine. Sorry, this was probably clear as mud! LOL Hope it helps you a little. I am by no means a HTML expert, but I have learned a bit by just trying things out and reading alot. (HTML Goodies is a good site) Good luck!

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Having more than 10 options on a drop-down list is quite a lot. Did you categorize your scents into different types such as floral, fruit, and so on? I thought you had asked about it some time back but maybe I'm thinking of someone else. If they are categorized, each product/item could be one scent type, and then you should not need more than 10.

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If you have 200 scents, that doesn't mean that you need 200 options.

You need ONE option for fragrance, one option for size if you carry different sizes, one option for color if you sell different colors for the same size or fragrancet etc. etc. 10 options should be more than enough. You can add all of your scents to the ONE option for Fragrance. I may not know what I'm talking about though LOL. This is the way it works on my site, and that is what I'm going by, the paypal cart could be very different, and if so, sorry for the bad info.

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Prairieannie....According to the paypal cart...the options Paypal uses does NOT mean 10 different options such as fragrance, size, color etc....it means if you are listing your fragrances, it will only allow you to list 10 fragrances.

Cybersix..... The only way you can add more fragrances under the one option menu is to add it yourself using HTML code. We use it ourselves and we can add as many as we need provided we add it manually. It will work!

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Prairieannie....According to the paypal cart...the options Paypal uses does NOT mean 10 different options such as fragrance, size, color etc....it means if you are listing your fragrances, it will only allow you to list 10 fragrances.

Cybersix..... The only way you can add more fragrances under the one option menu is to add it yourself using HTML code. We use it ourselves and we can add as many as we need provided we add it manually. It will work!

Ahh, I'm sorry for the bad info then. Good luck to you cybersix.. it sounds like it can be done with a little persistance.

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Thanks all for your tips! I'm going to try today.

I'll begin from tarts and airfresheners, since I can't decide if I should sell my candles "designed" by me or let people choose colors(s) for the scent. Now I'm letting people "invent" their pillars, but for tarts I decide the colors to match scents.

Sudnswicks yes I categorize my scents but I'm nut sure I get what you're saying LOL!

PraireAnne, sorry I explained myself badly.

I'm happy that someone caught the point!

Paypal doesn't have a good management of shipping qotes thou... I'll see what I can do.

Thanks all

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I've used PayPal for years :) After you copy and paste your code into your website, just add your additional scents to the code. You will put <option value="scent you want">scent you want for each additional scent. I have every scent I carry in my drop down scent box on my site.

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I've used PayPal for years :) After you copy and paste your code into your website, just add your additional scents to the code. You will put <option value="scent you want">scent you want for each additional scent. I have every scent I carry in my drop down scent box on my site.

Thanks! That's exactly what I'm doing now...:tongue2: I just realized I offer more than 30 scents and I'm doing more than 30 copy-paste!!! Not that 38 is a high numebr of scents, but when doing these kind of things they are too much!!

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Thanks all for your tips! I'm going to try today.

Sudnswicks yes I categorize my scents but I'm nut sure I get what you're

What I was trying to say was, maybe each scent category can be a product. For example, instead of having all 38 scents in one drop-down list, you could have several drop down lists, to split the 38 scents into smaller groups. Each group would be its own product, so that the user isn't having to read through such a long list. Hope this makes a bit more sense.
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Thanks! That's exactly what I'm doing now...:tongue2: I just realized I offer more than 30 scents and I'm doing more than 30 copy-paste!!! Not that 38 is a high numebr of scents, but when doing these kind of things they are too much!!

Yeah, I have 31 scents but one good thing is you only need to do it once if you have several products with the same scents. :D Then all you have to do is copy and paste the scent options from that product and add them to your other's.

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What I was trying to say was, maybe each scent category can be a product. For example, instead of having all 38 scents in one drop-down list, you could have several drop down lists, to split the 38 scents into smaller groups. Each group would be its own product, so that the user isn't having to read through such a long list. Hope this makes a bit more sense.

Oh now I see... maybe it could be an idea.. for now I did only one list, I suppose people look at fragrance list then buy.

Will see how it goes, and maybe split them as you suggest!

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I would like to add my two cents about the categorizing scents. This is just my opinion...I hate catagorizing them as a shopper. One of the suppliers only offers their scents by catagories. I want the complete list to choose from. Takes too much time to go through all the categories. I'd rather have one drop down with all the scents listed, than have them in categories by fruits, flower, etc. As I said, just my opinion!

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I have categories only in the fragrance description page... today while I was doing the alphabetical list I thought to add this to the site as well, without categories.

I prefer browing by categories but I usually do my searches for area (i.e, I have few bakery scents versus a lot of floral, so I'm trying to add more bakery and I'll go directly to bakery page).

So since I like my category page I will simply add to the site the complete list.

Thanks for your opinion!

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I currently use the paypal shopping basket on my site but I am changing it.

Having done some order tracking and visitor monitoring, I have been getting a huge amount of abandonments at the shopping cart level. When I did a survey to find out why, it seems that the paypal screen doesn't explain clearly enough that people DON'T have to have a paypal account to buy things.

Not only this - people who DO have a paypal account but DON'T want to pay with it and want to use a debit or credit card instead are recognised by paypal when they put their name and address in, and paypal then forces them to sign in to their accounts and won't let them checkout without doing so.

With a 30% abandonment rate, with the main reason being that people don't understand that they don't need a paypal account, and don't want to sign up for one, I've decided that it's not the way forward for me and have changed to a payment gateway with internet merchant banking facilities.


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Hi Nat, I understand this point. i clearly state on the site that buyers don't have to have a paypal account, and when I see the page for the payment is horizontally divided in two section; the first for entering paypal credentials adn the second says:

"Pay with your credit card without registering" followed by the symbols of VISA, mastercard and so on. I hope it is sufficiently clear.

I will just try, my site now is a merge between the former order request (wich is still valid) and the new tarts section with the paypal cart.

One thin I don't like is you can't estimate the shipping quotes or give them by weight, and that quantities can be entered only on the cart page, not directly when you are selecting tarts.

Well it costs ZERO and for now I'll stick with it. When I'll make some money through the site(:D) I will study another solution.


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it seems that the paypal screen doesn't explain clearly enough that people DON'T have to have a paypal account to buy things.

You can get around it by stating on your site that they don't need to have an account. Have it in a place they're sure to see before they get to the payment screen.
Not only this - people who DO have a paypal account but DON'T want to pay with it and want to use a debit or credit card instead are recognised by paypal when they put their name and address in, and paypal then forces them to sign in to their accounts and won't let them checkout without doing so.

I think you can still get around this by using a different email. Paypal identifies members by their email, so if you check out using a different one, you should be able to get around this as they won't recognize that it's you. I think it should work, and most people who shop online have more than one email.

Well it costs ZERO and for now I'll stick with it. When I'll make some money through the site(:D) I will study another solution.

That's my feeling exactly. These free things have their faults but with $0 cost I don't complain.
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