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Ikea Moulds.

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Has anyone used the Ikea rubber ice cube tray mould thingies to make candles/melts?

I was there during the week and picked up some lovely lidded jars for 99p each and one of their ice cube moulds which makes jigsaw peice shapes. I was wondering if anyone had had much luck with these? Do they turn out ok? Which temp should i pour into them LOL


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OH YES how great is ikea!? got those ice cube trays jigsaw puzzle and bottle ones which look great as embeds for pillars,thought the bottle ones would be great for a 'new baby' keep sake candle, or maybe an 18th birthday with green bottles. makes a change to your normal ones and they are so inexpensive and easy to use. Saw the glass wear but had to resist buying too much!!! My boyfriend thinks im leaful in that place, hes probably right. Going bac soon wot other ones did they have if you dont mind me asking?

have fun;)

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Sorry forgot to add that i did mine at about 80 and they came out fine. poured at 70ish once coz i was in a hurry and they were quite rustic looking but i think it depends wot wax you are using i would just heat a small amount of wax and pour a line row of shapes at a time making a note of the temp of each and you should be able to see for yourself they don't take too long to set the top did dip a little but i wasn't bothered coz i was doing pillars and put them good side on the surface. would be great to see a pic of how they turn out, must take one of mine and be brave enough to post!:highfive:

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YAY FOR IKEA! :) LOL. Did you see the jars with the silver seal-tight lids with the little handle on?? I got those :D thought they were so cool for 99p!! But yeah, you have to be careful or you spend a fortune.

In the rubber moulds they had the bottles, jigsaw, triangle and ummm something else i can't remember :undecided

Thanks for the advice on pouring them. I can't post pics at the moment as Vista doesn't seem to want to accept my phone/photo suite at the moment GRRRRRRRrrrrr.


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Well good luck with them, no didnt see those,bummer!! will av 2 drag other half in again he loves it as much as me, last time we had just finished in a meeting near to ikea and stopped for a 'quick' look stuck to the path and whizzed round nabbing a few bargains as we went about £60 and an HOUR later we finally made it to the till where we smelt the hot dogs and couldnt resist (have you tried them- georgeous!!) An hour well it only felt like 20 mins could you imagine if i was let loose?

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So then......How do you get the tops of your melts flat and smooth?? I'm using up some left over wax and getting the dip that you usually get when setting, my problem is that I am absoultely rubbish at repours and they look totally cr*p afterwards - doesn't really matter with candles but does with melts.

Is there a certain kind of wax recomended for tarts/melts that doesn't shrink when it sets? Or is there a foolproof way of getting the tops nice and even?


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I did it, I did it, I did it yayyyy (did that sound like Dora the Explorer? LOL), I made some brilliant melts with the 'jigsaw' ice cube tray :D the tops sunk like they did last time BUT this time I overflowed the mould on the repour and levelled it with the back of a hot knife! Looked such a mess in the mould but when I turned them out all of the flimsy overpour lip just rubbed off, leaving a nice smooth top and neat edges. :whoohoo:

DAMN! Its nice to get something right for a change ROFL! Its about time :grin2:

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Here are the ice cube tray molds they carry http://www.ikea.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?topcategoryId=15570&catalogId=10103&storeId=12&productId=12799&langId=-1&chosenPartNumber=30043244

BTW - The top middle mold you could make generic Life Saver's, if you poured them thin.

As far as pouring...

I heat the mold in a toster over at 250*F for about 10 min. then I use a paraffin pillar wax and pour at 190-200*F and let cool at room temp. They always turn out nice and smooth with no defects.


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Oh wow! We don't have those shapes here in the UK :cry2: maybe we will at some time in the future.

Candle Man, you put your moulds in a toaster??? Do you mean toaster as in the 2 or 4 slice pop up toasters?? And they DON'T MELT!?!?! :shocked2:

And lastly, what are Life Savers? :grin2:


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Oh wow! We don't have those shapes here in the UK
maybe we will at some time in the future.

Candle Man,
you put your moulds in a toaster???
Do you mean toaster as in the 2 or 4 slice pop up toasters?? And they DON'T MELT!?!?!

And lastly, what are Life Savers?


Yes you can bake in silicone up to 500*F. I use a toaster oven not the slice toaster. You can use a regular size oven but it's a waste of heat & energy just for one thing.

Life Saver Candies




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Hey anjie good for you! theyre fun arent they!!! Wait till u turn out the candle. I saw some cross ones when i went so maybe u might have to rumage. When i go nxt i will look and let u no if i see some other shapes. How horrible is the weather today? its raining cats and dogs here definately candle making weather!! kids to bed @ 7.30 wax out at 7.45 OOOH YEAH:highfive: ;):grin2: :highfive:

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  • 3 weeks later...

i bought some ikea ice cube trays, tried the jig saw one and when i went to get them out snapped them in half:( my 9 piece jigsaw melts became 18 piece!! oh well back to drawing board

last time i was in ikea they had the jigsaw, bottles, and one i cant remember nor can be bothered at min to open the box but i did buy the arrows and x's off ebay doubt i will use them though seem to off bought more molds than anything else:( and im still looking for eyecatching / novelty ones

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Here are the ice cube tray molds they carry http://www.ikea.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?topcategoryId=15570&catalogId=10103&storeId=12&productId=12799&langId=-1&chosenPartNumber=30043244

BTW - The top middle mold you could make generic Life Saver's, if you poured them thin.

As far as pouring...

I heat the mold in a toster over at 250*F for about 10 min. then I use a paraffin pillar wax and pour at 190-200*F and let cool at room temp. They always turn out nice and smooth with no defects.

thanks for all the info

now i know what to do with my left over wax

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