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Hello & a Newbie Question

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Hi there! My name is Jen. I've been lurking on the boards for the past week and I am amazed at how much info sharing occurs here! I have learned so much already! I'm really excited to get started!

I wanted to start with a Beginners Soy Candle making kit that I found on Gelluminations. I was wondering if that's the right way to go? I don't want to go crazy and buy a bunch of supplies I may not need. So I thought a beginner kit would be good to see if I will even like making candles. Any suggestions if this kit is good, or can you point me in the direction of another kit?

Also, from what I understand with this kit, the wax is microwaveable? Is this true of all soy? And is this really the recommended way to go?

Thanks for answering a newbies questions!


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Any kit that gives instructions to melt your wax in the microwave I would steer clear of.

Wax needs to be heated carefully. Using a microwave can heat your wax too quickly. Wax also has a flash point and can ignite under the right conditions.

Also-- I can't imagine the burn you could get from accidentally touching or spilling it on your skin. Horrors!!!

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NEVER use the microwave to heat wax. ALWAYS use a controlled method, such a a double boiler (I still use a double boiler, even after 12 years). Feel free to skip that part of the instructions. :D

As a side-note...I do use the microwave to melt Mold Releasant, but I also don't really recommend this either...

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I was using microwave at first ,still new and a lot to learn:tiptoe: now use pot in a pot my fancy:rolleyes2 double boiler welcome to the board Ive been learning from all these guys ,don't know about the kit since I jumped in with both feet and bougt 50 lbs of soy first off , so happy o have found this board, Just Country

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Hi there! My name is Jen. I've been lurking on the boards for the past week and I am amazed at how much info sharing occurs here! I have learned so much already! I'm really excited to get started!

I wanted to start with a Beginners Soy Candle making kit that I found on Gelluminations. I was wondering if that's the right way to go? I don't want to go crazy and buy a bunch of supplies I may not need. So I thought a beginner kit would be good to see if I will even like making candles. Any suggestions if this kit is good, or can you point me in the direction of another kit?

Also, from what I understand with this kit, the wax is microwaveable? Is this true of all soy? And is this really the recommended way to go?

Thanks for answering a newbies questions!


A kit is a great way to start. Your head will be spinning reading all the technical data around here. Don't feel that you have to perfect your first candle. Have fun with it. If you decide that you want to turn into a hobby or hobby/biz, then you'll want to start controlling the way you make your candles. Then you can start getting all technical.

Regardless, just be safe and have fun.


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Welcome to the board! I agree about getting a kit to begin with. I did that and became addicted right away. Also great advice about finding suppliers close to you, the shipping costs can kill you when buying large amounts of wax or glass. You may not always be able to find a supplier close for your every need, but it can save you money if you can keep most of your supplies coming in from fairly close to you. Welcome to your new addiction, this board has a lot of people with a lot of good advice as well as a lot of talent. The archives are also a very good source of information, I still go and read it from time to time.

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I just found this board a short bit back and havent really posted much but as boards go, this is one of the best. Everyone seems very nice and the advice so far (from my own personal experience over the years) seems to be right on spot.

The one piece of advice that I will give is this: no matter how excited you get, take good notes on EVERYTHING you make. You may think you will remember exactly what you did, what you added, what you left out, what temp, etc., but you won't. And the worst thing imaginable is to revisit something you made last month and find that 'it' actually burns or smells better than what you made this month and then to not rembember exactly what you did. It took me years to develop the self discipline to finally slow down and write down but there is nothing more valuable you can do for yourself.

Other than that, enjoy!

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Thank you everyone for the welcome and for the advice.

I now know that microwaveable soy...not good! Which figures, cuz it sounded to easy! LOL!

I looked up the kit at Mill Creek. It says that it comes with 3lbs of soy and 3 16oz jars. So is it safe to say that you would melt 1lb of soy for just one 160z jar?

Also, the kit does not come with a thermometor so will any 'ol thermometer work? And when you talk about temperature, do you have one thermometor to watch the temp of the boiling water, and another thermometer for the temp of the wax? Or are you just concerned about the wax temp? I hope I'm asking this right.

Thanks again everyone for the advice. I'm really looking forward to this.

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One lb of melted soy is about 20 fluid ounces, so you will have a bit left over (which you can use as melts, dip pinecones or washclothes in, etc.). With one pound, I'm able to do a 16 oz container AND a 4 oz container (by volume).

One thermometer- for the wax, not the water. When you hear the water start boiling, the wax will be almost melted- from there it takes a few more minutes to get it hot enough for FO. A candy thermometer will work, but don't use it to stir with, however tempting that might be!


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I didn't bother with the kit, at the moment I'm using kids tumblers as moulds lol (but have some coming), I just couldn't wait and rushed straight out to hobbycraft and bought wax.

I'm slowly getting bits and bobs.

One thing though, I read about using a microwave, but thought what about the smell and taste on your food afterwards, I'm assuming you'd use a different one ;)

I'd go for the double burner thing, trying to get my own at present.

Btw, it is addictive, I wake up now and my first thought isn't the kids breakfast, its what am I going to make today! What a bad mother I am :D

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Hi Jen! Welcome to the board. Everyone has given you great advice to start off with so I can't think of much to add. Taking notes is SO important. That's great you got a kit because when I started, I got some things off Ebay so I didn't know what kind of wicks I had. Then I found out just how important that is. I still can't decide which type of container jars I want to use-always testing! Have fun.

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