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Does anyone here, burn soy and own birds?

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Hi all,

I have a potential customer that was asking me if burning soy candles harmed birds? When I did a search, I did find out some info, where birds have died, but they were burning parrafin.

Now, I know that birds, especially smaller ones, can be sensitive to fragrances, since their lungs are so tiny.

I just thought I would ask here, to see if anyone had any thoughts on the matter.


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Tia, if you must know a long time ago minors use to take canaries down to the mines to test if there was carbon gas emission in the mines. If the birds died that meant their was. Birds are hypersensitive to carbon emission's which burning candles do give off. So my guess would be don't burn anything around those birds.

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I help an organization and supply them with soy candles.


It's an avian rescue.

If you have any questions, she will be glad to help you.

I have been supplying them with candles for a couple of years now, and they have not had any problems whatsoever. They are actually a rescue that houses the birds in their home. So, they have many birds at one time in their home and burn soy candles and have not had any problems.

I would suggest to not burn the candles in the same room, even if they are soy. The problems the birds have are with the scent not the wax. She has told me stories of owners taking their birds to the vet and the birds dieing from the air freshner hanging from the mirror in the car.

Email her and ask as many questions as you can. Her name is Nell Knapp, she is a doll.

Even though she sells my candles as a bird safe candles, I do not. The reason for this is I am NOT a bird person and am clueless. But she pretty much knows the birds and birds with candles.

I hope this long story helps you in some way.


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Tia, if you must know a long time ago minors use to take canaries down to the mines to test if there was carbon gas emission in the mines. If the birds died that meant their was. Birds are hypersensitive to carbon emission's which burning candles do give off. So my guess would be don't burn anything around those birds.

I believe the canaries were used to test for "carbon monoxide" presence in the mines rather than "carbon emissions."

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I worry about this too as I was completely ignorant to that being an issue, and my children have parakeets. Ignorance is bliss!

We have lost a couple parakeets over the years, but I think it was from drafts instead of the candles. About a year ago we moved the cage to the middle of our living room and have not lost one yet. I do burn soy candles in the house and melt tarts, seems to be ok.

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