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Anyone use a light box for their web photos?


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I made one CHEAP using a Rubbermaid container, white poster board, and clip on lights following the directions here.


I user GE Reveal light bulbs.

The lightbox is easy, the camera setting is easy, but if you don't have Photoshop for EDITING, it's hard to get the pic to look really good.

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Guest EMercier

I bought one off ebay and it's very dificult to deal with. I wanted to get one from Ritz camera that's $100, but I may try that link that was given to make one.

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I'm similar to MoonShadow. I use a cardboard box with the ends cut open, poster board, and clip on lights. It's been working good for me.


The pics are a bit yellow, but using the "auto level" and "auto color" adjustments in Photoshop makes them look great.

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Jenn I Made one the same way as dpowell with this link.


It was easy to make and it worked great. dpowell my pictures came out yellow too. I turned off my flash and they came out good. I use kodak easyshare for my photo editor and brightned them more.

I only have one up on my site right now but on my home page under the welcome sign I have one that I did with the light box. I have to make a taller box. I have a lot more pictures to take. www.wickcenteringtool.com

HTH Jenn

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Mine is a hybrid that I made using both of those tutorials. The frame is wood,

the fabric is tacked on with thumbtacks and the lights were 9.99 each at Staples. My photos were coming out yellow too and I thought I need to use different bulbs, perhaps floodlights or flourescents. Rob, I will take your recommendation and try turning off the flash next time.

Thecandlespastore inspired me to make one. She takes great shots and uses a light box.


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I made one similar to Eugenia's too - only mine is made with 3/4-inch PVC pipe and fittings so I can take it apart to store it. I use the full-spectrum daylight bulbs in 3 clamp-on lamps, 1 on each side and 1 on the top - no camera flash. My pictures are still a bit yellow, and I have to fix 'em up in Paintshop Pro X. The fluorescents may make for a brighter picture than the daylight bulbs - might have to try that (thanks BizzyBs!).


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I never use the flash on the camera for product pictures. However I did find a setting on my digital camera that I can't think of right now that made them a bit less yellow. Either way, they are easily corrected in photoshop.

I do like that wood frame idea though since I don't have a permanent place to keep the cardboard one I have set up. That would be much sturdier to move and put away. I'm going to have to make one of those tomorrow now.

Thanks for the idea.

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OMG!!! That's a great picture!! I have a light box I made and mine come out like that all the time. I also have photoshop but I can't figure out how to do that. Can you tell me how you touched that picture up so nicely? Pretty please

My photos come out with a pinkish background just like in the tutorial without flash.


But photoshop editing is what get's the background really white.


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