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Bubbles In Soap


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I get bubbles when I stick blend if I lift the blender up too much and get air. When I hand stir in the FO or EO it is gone.

I edited after I saw the picture that was posted while I was typing.

It looks like it is over stick blended... and the white on it is ash.

It looks different but not gross to me.... but if it smells rancid then I would not use it.

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I got it last month with some other soap. I don't plan on buying off ebay anymore, because of a seller that may be suing me (long story). I've bought a few off etsy and been very happy though. Is there a way to test the zap without putting my tongue on it, this stuff is stinky. I'm pretty sure it's either CP or HP soap though. I'm hoping to make my own sometime this month, but is there a list of soap sellers on here somewhere?

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I don't know that there is a single thread here that would list all the CT'ers who make and sell soap. The closest thing I could think of would be the sticky in the Secret Buddy area that has all the Secret Buddy friendly vendors. Or you could just see who posts in the soap area. LOL

Or try this: www.secretpalsites.com

Those are the only resources I know, other than browsing around on the board and looking for people who have their website listed in their signature line. Of course some might be strictly chandlers, and not have soap. But you could narrow it down by finding folks who post here in the B&B section perhaps. Or cruise the B&B gallery looking for pictures of soaps. Although I make CP soap, I seldom post pics in the gallery though. lol

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