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Yes, but does it lather???


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I've recently begun making M&P soap, and hope to eventually do CP as well. I often send pics of my soap to friends and family, just to show what I'm working on. I haven't given any away yet as I am still playing with various oils and butters to get the soap to my liking.

What I find frustrating is that if I send pics or talk about my soap, the #1 question I get is, "Does it lather?" Argh!!!! It really ticks me off for several reasons, which I won't get into as I know for the most part it is just my own bruised ego. I usually just respond with, "Yes, it lathers great." Because it does.

I am just wondering if others have been asked this question (for CP, MP, HP, whatever). And if so, how do you handle it? Does it drive you nuts, or no?


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Ha, You are not alone my dear. My opionion is that most people have no clue about soap making so when they see you created "SOAP" they are pretty amazed that its "SOAP". I find most people are pretty surprised no matter what kind of soap that a normal person can make soap without a big factory to do it for them. it is annoying, so people dont think how there question soounds. Keep some small samples with you, give them a sliver and after they try your wonderful soap they wont ask that anymore :yay:

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In my experience

I have found that people are going to ask this question regardless of what type of soap it is.

I have had people say they have purchased handcrafted soap in the past and it did not lather. I just tell them that mine does and it really does lather well.

If you are making MP then you have to make sure you have a good base that lathers well before you start adding anything to it. This is a good starting point. Now, if you are making CP or HP then you have to know which oils are going to give you more lather and add those to your recipe.

I am on a mission to create a conditioning recipe that lathers well, is not to soft and is not drying. This is not an easy thing to do but I am making progress.

Don't be suprised or upset when someone ask this question. They really just don't know. You have the job of educating them. Good Luck

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Thanks for the input. I guess I better just get used to that question, even though it ticks me off. It assumes that I'm not trying to make a quality product. I know the consumer wants lots of lather. I do too.

However, in one of the CP books I've been reading, it seems that lather is not what cleans a person, even though that's what many consumers think. Rather, the dirt gets suspended in the later until it is rinsed away.

Do I understand that right, or am I missing something? Furthermore, what about using a product in hard water? It may not lather very well. Does that mean it's not a "good" soap? That a person is not still getting clean?


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Lather is not necessary for cleaning but has come to be seen as an indicator of it because if there are a lot of oils present you generally cannot get a good lather. For example, if you haven't washed your hair for a few days you might not get much lather the first time you wash it, but if you repeat the shampooing in the shower the next time you will get tons of lather. Funny thing is, the first round did the job and carried the oil away with it, the second round is probably unnecessary unless you were really really oily.

ETA: Just to clarify that you don't NEED lather to get cleansing, it's an indicator that we've gotten accustomed to.

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Take it with a grain of salt and do not take it personally. People are not questioning the quality of your products they are simply asking a question.

"Does your soap lather well?" is a very common one. A lot of homemade soapers do not make soap that has a good lather to it- IMO. Also, many customers like a good lathering bar of soap.

Have fun!


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You could also say something like...'It's too pure to lather like soap that has chemicals added- but yes it does lather.' :grin2:

I've been known to also say that if they like I can add a chemical detergent booster(SLS or slsa I think?) just for them...if they are the type that really likes lather.

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LOL. I've had all kinds of questions about my soap. Not only "Does it lather?" but "What is it?" "Does it work?" "Can you use it in the SHOWER?" :shocked2:

In my opinion, the lather makes it easier to spread the soap out over your body or through your hair. For example, I won't buy paul mitchell shampoo because it doesn't lather and I have a hard time getting it dispersed through my hair.

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Someone asked me this same question, lol. They'd bought some handmade soap somewhere before and said it had no lather, at all. I just assumed it was Castille soap and explained to them the benefits of different soaps without going into confusing detail. I then simply said yes, my soap lathers very well.

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