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Chandlers License????


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This may be a dumb question but could someone tell me if there is such a thing as a Chandler's License (as pertaining to "candle making")? It occurred to me that so many professions require "licensing" .... electricians, contractors and so on .... just wondering if there was such a thing for candlemakers?????

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I would think it would be a good thing, at least if you are gonna sell. I am a hairstylist and I have to be lisensed. With the possibility of burning down someones house, it would be wise.

I could be opening a can of worms here ... but that is exactly my point. In my opinion, it sure would be nice to have some type of guidlines that had to be followed, or licensing, or something before you could actually sell a candle. I'm not picking on the hobbyist (that's how we started out and are still relatively small time compared to others on this board) but it seems to me, to many people start selling way before they are ready (I'm speaking of people that I personally know of in our town ... just makes me cringe).

I know the old saying is be careful what you wish for ... you might get it.., but truthfully I'd gladly go through whatever steps was required for licensing. Just some thoughts.

By the way, to keep from starting another thread ... does anyone know where I can get a copy of the ASTM 2417 Standard Specification for Fire Safety For Candles for free ... don't mind having to pay for it if I have to .. just wondering if there was a free copy somewhere available.

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Maybe other states are different but here they do have a license for manufacture. Mine has 3 parts... manufacture, storefront, and transient vendor...each was a separate fee, of course. :/

Thanks for the info, after you mentioned this I did a brief search about if for our state and not sure if it applies to "us" at this point but will look into it further when I have more time.

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Locksmiths don't require a license either. All you have to do is get a business permit and hang your sign, then you are privvy to all kinds of information. You can join organization that will give you certificates and take classes etc...

Is there an organization out there for candle makers? Even that would be a good thing.

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Sorry...I have to go the other way and disagree here. No licenseing.

That is just another way for the government to stick its nose where its not wanted or needed.

Being licensed or even certified is not a cure for being unethical, or shoddy in production of your product. All it means is you read a book probably and know what you should do.

If a license or certification was all it took to force someone to do what is right....then you wouldn't have so many lawyers filing so many lawsuits against doctors and hospitals.

Well I ranted enough...i'll put my stock in the good morals of people, rather than the good intentions of government any day.

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Sorry...I have to go the other way and disagree here. No licenseing.

That is just another way for the government to stick its nose where its not wanted or needed.

Being licensed or even certified is not a cure for being unethical, or shoddy in production of your product.

That's a different way of looking at it and I can see your point and in all fairness, things can happen rather you've been in business for 30 yrs. or are just starting out but when tragedy strikes because of a poorly made candle it seems to reflect on all candle makers (insurance rates sky rocket to boot), I guess that same thing would apply to all areas of business though. It would just be nice to have some way to combat the situation.

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I don't know what organization it is but it's the one with the candle flame that say's "We've Checked" what a bunch of BS that site is. Pay us and you can use our logo. They don't even bother to check your product, so long as you pay your good to go. I don't even bother with that kind of bs. Licensing yeah I would love to that kind of endorsement if my product was truly tested.

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