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Take a look at this candle and tell me what you think that I did wrong...

I used CBA, liquid dye (red & purple), Greenleaf Mulberry FO. Melted wax to 185 and added dye. Added FO @ 175 and stir, stir, stir. Poured at around 115.

I poured 12 candles the same size but with different scents and colors, 6 brown, 3 pink and 3 purple (the color in the pic). All three of the purple candles look exactly the same as the pic I am posting and the tops on all of the other candles look just fine. I have never had this happen with this wax before but I must admit that I have mostly poured brown, red and yellow candles.

I've puzzled and puzzled on this until my puzzler was sore :confused:


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Ok. I will try that pouring slower and tapping. I have never had to tap the jars before but there is a first time for everything. The heatgun should fill up the big ugly cater.

Thanks for the help. :)

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This happens to me sometimes...it's because my candles cool too fast. But try pouring slower, it will help. My workroom does get cold in the winter--need to up the heat a bit.

Same here. I had to start putting a box over my candles to help them cool slower. It's the only thing that worked for me.

And make sure that the air pocket isn't deeper than appears. I was using the heat gun to fill in my air pockets (before I learned about using the box) and one day I burned one of them and low and behold, the darn thing had a air pocket still :shocked2: . Bad thing is, I sold some of those candles at a show and I have no idea who bought those candles, so I can't even contact them to see if they are burning okay. Can't help but think I may have lost customers because of those dang air pockets.........that I THOUGHT I had filled in :mad:

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