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Problems ordering from BCN


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Does anyone else ever have this problem?

I try to purchase things..and then the shopping cart asks for my zip blah blah...BUT it doesn't register it. It just stays at that screen as if I never entered my zip. So I never get a total..and I just simply can't order online.

Now, I've tried other zips..that doesn't work. For a time, if I deleted my temp. internet files & cookies it would solve the problem. But what a serious PITA

This has been ongoing for over a year. Anyone with insight?

Sometimes I get soo frustrated trying to order, that most often I give up and go elsewhere.

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This doesn't sound like it's a problem from BCN's side (even though they could have a more user friendly shopping environment). It does seem like it is an issue with your cookies or temp internet files.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

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Hmmmm, I have had that problem before. I just went to the site and I KNOW I did hit the "set shipping" button, but it still would not work. Last time it happened, I ended up closing out and trying to do it a couple hours later. Never did figure out what the problem was......

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Yes, I'm fairly certain this is on lindsaycb's end. I'm at work otherwise I'd try to help out more but I don't think calling BCN will do any good sorry to say. If everyone was having the problem then it is possible it would be some messed up code for that button but since not everyone is experiencing this I would say, I'm almost 100% sure (99.7% at least), this has to do with her computer.

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well I can cram that set shipping button as often as I like...but it doesn't work. I've ordered from BCN a gazillion times through the system, but for some crazy odd reason, I'm not sure what is attaching to my system to not stick that crap in there.


I did mention it moons ago...and all they said was it was me. Not them.

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I can't really help but just know your not alone. I've had this happen to me also & I didn't understand why I was being picked on. I also deleted cookies, temp files & all that stuff but still couldn't get that shopping cart to work. I was told by BCN it had to be me. (with 3 kids I'm used to everything always being my fault.)

I am on AOL & I don't think I tried my IE at the time. You can try that (if your using AOL) or if you can wait until tomorrow that's what happened with me it worked the next day.

Karen B (who doesn't have PMS, but is in a bad mood because she can't help her son with 6th grade homework)

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I've also been having this same issue. I've ordered from them a lot in the past but for the last month, I've been having an issue getting the shipping to set as well. If I keep trying (over and over and over) it will finally go through.

But when I fill my shopping cart and get past the billing page, my shopping cart is empty :(

Last week, Kasey from BCN called and emailed me because my order was blank. I didn't have time to mess with it at the time and tried to reorder this week - same daggone thing happened. Now she's calling me again wanting to know what I want to order because nothing came through and my order is blank!

Glad to know it's not only me!!

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I just placed an order and didnt have any issue (so far, and knocking on wood) with the shipping setting and got my email with my order as I ordered it, but I guess we will see if for some reason it's blank or not the next day they work. Hope you guys are able to figure out what's up, I would go nuts if I couldnt do my orders online.

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I wonder if it has to do with the privacy settings on the computer? If your settings are set to medium security, it may not be able to leave that cookie that tells what zip code you're from (and it may not be able to leave things in your card when shopping). Try clicking on "Tools" in the browser window, then "Internet Options", then the "Privacy" tab, then change the setting to "Low" and apply changes.

Might help, dunno. I ordered from them with no problems.


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You are not alone, happened to me too. I finally had to switch browsers and then I could get it to work. Same thing, too, I called and said it must be something on my end. Believe me, I am a serious internet shopper (lol) and that was the only one giving me issues. It would not work on IE for me but did on Mozilla.

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