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The sagga continues...


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Well, to continue the story of the woman who wanted free products to review...I just received the following response to the letter I sent her...written by Indescent...

I understand your position. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but Cybelesays.com is the opportunity to have your items possibly written about and publicized in the hopes of turning new people onto your products in that they will purchase them from you. That's what press is. I couldn't even imagine a magazine like Lucky having to purchase items that they feature in the magazine. That just doesn't happen and nothing is guaranteed when it comes to any magazine. I have a lot of stories from small companies trying to get their products into the big mags. Very hard!

Have a nice weekend.


Is this woman pushy or what? She is treating me as though I am a moron. I am really beside myself and want to respond to her downgrading reply to Indescent's awesome letter...but, am too pissed right now to even think up what to say.

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well, what i see is clear is that she dosen't even consider herself a big magazine. she "couldn't even imagine a magazine like Lucky having to purchase items that they feature in the magazine." she doesn't even know what she's talking about. she's saying you have little shot of getting into the big mags, so you might as well treat her like one and send her some free stuff! that's the next best thing right? :rolleyes2 haha i don't think so. if Lucky or Jane come knocking, lol, that's one thing. but someone on the internet you've never heard of? sounds like a great way to get free stuff. she wants your products, maybe take that as a twisted sort of compliment and send her email to your trash can and forget about her. that's my opinion anyways :yes:

eta: alright, i just checked this site out. i personally wouldn't bother, but that's just me. all it is is reviews of products. at first glance clicking through, i thought no way some of these companies sent her free samples for her little internet mag, but when i look closer, on some of the pages, i do see mention of some smaller companies that i have heard of that may have sent her samples, BUT there are no pictures of their stuff, they are merely mentioned in a paragraph alongside someone else's product picture.

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Oh Please, allow me...


Again, I thank you for your interest in my products. I would love nothing more than to have exposure and gain a new customer base. However, your policies are not agreeable to my current marketing plan.

Allow me to make some suggestions-- perhaps you would be able to review more products if you, like all of the other larger magazines such as Lucky (as you listed), Essence, and Marie Claire, would approach the review from the standpoint of a consumer. Most of the larger publishing houses with beauty editors purchase the products without the knowledge of the company and then review. Subsequently, it is the positive review of the product that then makes the company take out large ads in the magazine. In turn, it creates a mutually beneficial relationship. While you may have experience under your belt, unfortunately, your request makes you appear like a neophyte with a hobby in her fledgling newsletter. You may wan to consider changing your method of reviewing products.

It becomes increasingly apparent that perhaps maybe you don't know what you are doing. That is okay-- we all have to start somewhere. I had to read your email several times to make sure that you were not trying to defraud me out of products. I am sure that other businesses have or will feel the same way. You may be alienating yourself before getting yourself in the door.

Of course I could be wrong, but your story has taken on several faces in the past few hours of our correspondence. First, your e-zine is a successful newsletter, yet you don't have the funding to pay for shipping (which could total to a maximum of $7.70). Nor do you have the resources to invest in a system that would allow you to routinely review products for your e-zine (e.g. a budget to allow for purchases.). Moreover, you cannot guarantee any placement for my company. I find this absolutely ludicrous and incomprehensible when you are asking me to shell out product and money for shipping.

That is my position. Again, I wish you much success with Cybelsays.com. I am listing a few professional beauty editors you may want to get in contact with; perhaps they can give you more information on producing a symbiotic and successful column.

Mikki Taylor (Beauty and Cover Editor) of Essence can be reached via Diane Weathers at editorinchief@essence.com

Please consider this my last communication with Cybelsays regarding this matter. If you ever change your policies regarding reviews, please feel free to contact me again.



PS-- any further comments can be directed to yourlips@mybutt.com

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Nothing like a little tact put in with some creative wording to let a fool like that know what time it is... my hat is off to you, Indescent.

I find her response letter quite laughable. :P

Who in the hell does this chick think she is? The next Helen Gurley Brown? Oh please. I'd bet you'd see her in the free cheese line. She needs to go get some brains and quit acting like something she isn't. My God, posers are just everywhere!!

I love Indescents "go get a dog, and name it life~ so you'll have one"

OMG!! That is priceless. I can't wait to use it on some of the idiots I work with.... hehehehe!! :bliss: :bliss:

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Ok I just checked out that train wreck of a website.

Has this woman lost her mind?

If SHE is getting Stila, Dianne Brill and Basics to send her full size products, then I am NEVER buying anything ever again. Matter off fact, I need to get off CT right now and start telling companies like Aqualina and Dessert Beauty that I am would like to do a review of their products and request full size samples to review them on my geocities website.

Just when I thought I had seen it all!

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You are SO welcome :)

I wasn't too sure where to check and forgot about the SR. I poured that Chardonnay and I know my blood alcohol level shot through the roof! Throws like a dream :) TYSVM

I can't wait to see what she emails Beckie back this time-- b/c I know she will. She'll be hot and ready to justify her request or to say how successful her angelfire page is.

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Wonder how she will like the " Nair-enriched" spa-rific tingle SHE'LL be getting from MY smart line???????



I almost dropped my laptop. That was hilarious! Don't forget the designer eyedrops enhanced with KrazyGlue emolients.

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Well actually folks many products are sent free to press-related businesses in hopes of reviews in their editions, whether that be newspaper, magazine, television and radio. Regardless of the newspapers I've worked for, we're always sent several copies of books and a lot of press releases. Lifestyle editors get new product releases from companies targeting the area. Sometimes that includes make up or food or gadgets. Just speaking on behalf of the industry.

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Guest EMercier

I looked at that cheezy website and I would not send her anything as well. I've wanted to get my stuff other places and would send it to them to get me out there, but not when someone wants to solicit me and tell me to send them stuff for them to enjoy and no guarantee of product placement. I'm a business communications person. I will be getting my MBA in Marketing / Public Relations, BUT that I've never seen in my life anyone want free products for nothing. If it was that bad, she could've at least helped with shipping. Then you have to wonder, Hmmm, how did she get my name? Word of mouth? I feel it's a scam, I think I would've told her more than what everyone else here has said. Then I would tell her stupid a$$ to stop emailing me, that it's harassment. You can trace those emails, but then, how do you know she is really from that website? Where is the proof? I could direct you to any website and say I work for them. Or it could belong to a relative or friend.

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I wonder how she found you? Her asking for free samples would have had more credibility if her reviews were for products of similar nature and not brands like Stila. As Indescent pointed out, shipping would have cost her no more than $7.70. It is likely she spends more than that for her coffee service. I hope she does not contact me!

ETA: My guess is she's saying all these things because she realizes you're on to her scheme, and so now she's trying to save face.

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