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How Do You Respond To Requests For Free Samples?


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I didn't mind giving away free samples to those that hadn't tried any of my products. I also gave samples to those that had purchased. I did get sales from the samplers. That is what I'm supposed to be working on this weekend...making sample packages. I think samples are a very good way to generate more sales. I had a customer who never used a tart and I just happened to put one in her sample package and told her how it was used and she came back a few days later and purchased more. It's really just advertising:wink2: gotta spend money to make money, right? and we aren't talking full size products. Soap shavings and 1/2 tsp of lotion or cream..lol...for every sample I've given out i've gotten a sale and it wasn't always from the person who i gave the sample to!

I don't expect to get a sale for every sample but along with word of mouth and other forms of advertising it can't hurt.

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We offer a "free sample" if the buyer pays S/H. That particular cart button charges them a flat $5.00

For customers that email requesting a sample shipped I direct them to the pages where these are offered and/or tell them almost word for word what you already stated. Every once in a while somebody will go ahead and order "just 1" but most of the time it's just somebody fishing for free stuff that I don't believe ever intends to buy anyway :wink2:

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Maybe you should add a section on your website with a 'Sample Products for sale' that way you will still make money off your samples and people know right away that you sell your samples. That is what I do. 5 samples for $3.00. It's usually odds and ends of soap but perfectly good. You could do the same with any other products you have too. HTH:highfive:

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Tell them to emal "Yankee" and see if they can get a "Free" sample before they order. Don't think so!!!!:laugh2:

You know that yankee has spent years building their reputation to the point of not having to do that unless it's some new promotional item. Which is where we, or at least I am trying to get to. My website isn't up but when it is I wil offer samples if they pay shipping and send an evelope for it. I suspect most people won't bother. there will be a limit. Have you ever seen those tiny sample packages where there is a smidgen..lol of product? just enough to give you an idea of what to expect...that's what they'll get!..:D

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I agree your wording sounds just fine. I'm the same... I don't offer "free samples," but I do include a few goodies in with orders, more or less depending on order size, etc.

I'm getting ready to add fabric by the yardage back onto my site, and I'm going to set up to where "swatch packs" can be ordered for a very nominal charge, basically to cover postage plus a little for the fabric and cutting. I like the idea others have posted here about offering "samples" for enough to cover shipping plus a bit.

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