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I need help with a candle with a masculine scent

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I had several men clients asking me about making a candle with a "man's" smell. I have men that do like blueberry muffin, kumquat,etc. But I want something that smells like a man.

I tried only one manly scented candle, I mixed 1/2 Midsummer Night and 1/2 leather.( Both FO I got from Candles $ Supplies) It smell ok, but kinda smells like burnt plastic.:cry2:

Can anyone suggest a strong masculine FO to use. I can mix several together if you have any ideas.



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You'll probably get more response from the Fragrance Oil section, but I'll tell you that NG's Bay Rum, Cool Water, and Ginger Bergamot are good. The Ginger Bergamot has an awesome throw and my kids call it "Daddy's Deodorant" and are always blowing it out cause it's too strong for them.


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I think citrus scents are more appealing to guys, and yet still loved by the ladies. Unless you have a specific request for them, I would stay away from heavy cologne or deodorant types because guys don't want to smell the smell of 'other guys' either, lol. I think what they want when they ask for 'manly' scents they mean more earthy, and not fru fruish. Which could be (for example but not limited to): patchoulli, pine, cedar, Ocean types (which are often loved by women as well) and then the aforementioned citrus such as Pineapple, maybe a heavilly spiced orange. And then ofcourse give the candle no color or a deep color. I know a guy who loooves the scent of Jasmine... it's almost heady enough to not be too fru fru but I dunno, lol. And oh yeah, they say men find the scent of pumpkin to be an aphrodisiac (sp?) Or you could go the other route and scent them in the scent of peaches which was found to be the strongest aphrodisiac type scent to women, so it would be a good hook, lol. 'Buy this, your lady will love you!":naughty:

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thanks for the input ! I appreciate it . I did make a few candles to test where I mixed 1/2 leather and 1/2 midsummber night. It was ok. Either people love it or they hate it. So I think I need to work on another mix. I do like leather, I want to use that in with something else.

I have tried Bergamont & Manderine from SOS & WSP and they stink to me and to my tester friends.

I think I will try the cool water from NG, but who is NG? is it Natures Garden ?

I have a lot of pine scents that I tested over the holidays. I never found a real favorite, but some were pretty good. I was looking for something that smelled like a fresh cut tree. Most of the samples I ordered in were good, but very soft. Not bold like I wanted.

I will try some of the suggestions you mentioned, thanks !


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Masculine scents don't necessarily mean they are for men though. I love Cool Water or Drakaar in my bathroom. The men in my life (boss, friends, boyfriends, etc.) are all different in what they like. My last boyfriend loved cinnamon scents and fruit, while my dad loved blueberry, one guy LOVED vanilla--I think because strippers wear it. LOL!!

Men who buy from me at craft shows tend to buy the oddest scents--gardenia, honeysuckle, Love Spell, White Tea & Ginger--I guess they are missing their women or something. But I really like Sandalwood from C&S, it's so different and manly but not to "earthy." Tall Grass from Peaks is also a nice scent.

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