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Turkey fryer caution

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My hubby came through---I got my turkey fryer:grin2:

Tried it for the first time today. I thought I'd keep the basket in to protect the heating element OOPS! I had my first and hopefully last wax fire (very small). The wax did not melt covering the heating element fast enough. The fryer turned itself off. When I lifted the basket out of the fryer there was smoke, then a small amount of wax ignighted, but quickly extinguished itself.

Since my first experience I've added the wax directly into the pot without the basket. No problems. I love it! Hopefully no one else will make the same mistake as me.

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I got my turkey fryer too for Christmas and have yet to fire that baby up (no pun intended) actually fire is what I am afraid of. Anyways just so I got this right.... I should heat up about 8 lbs of wax in my presto and then put the melted wax in the "BIG BOY" and then turn it on? Or should I turn on the "BIG BOY" and then put in the melted wax or it doesn't matter which way just as long as I am added already melted wax to it the first time I use it? And then if I read in other post correctly after that is all said and done and the next time I use it I should poke holes in the wax before I turn it on and put the lid on also as I heat back up?



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Hi Sandy,

I should have read more posts first. I'm still using my TF for the first time. I'm pouring candles now. Yes, first melt 8 pounds of wax in your presto then pour the melted wax in your TF to cover the heating element.

Since I messed up the first time I'm not sure if you should preheat the TF first or not. After the small fire I let the TF cool down, added the melted wax then turned it on.

I haven't shut it down yet but when I do use it again I will definitely poke relief holes in the wax and keep the lid on it.

Hope you like yours as much as I like mine:)

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I am not sure what these turkey fryers look like - does anyone have a link to a picture? The ones we use around here for frying turkeys are the same pots and burners that we use for boiling crabs & crawfish. Because these are huge pots set on a base over an open propane burner, I cannot imagine that that is what y'all are using... You also have to use turkey fryers outside because of the size, flame, etc. I can't imagine melting wax outdoors... seems like it would get stuff in it from the air, etc. and besides - it's COLD out there!

I have another question. Why would you want to melt wax in the presto pot then transfer it to the larger container?

I don't think I would melt any kind of wax in a container where the wax could actually contact the heating element! Sounds like a bigtime fire hazard to me, not to mention that the wax contacting the element would be heated to a much greater temp than the surrounding wax...

Please educate me! If there is a good reason to use these, I'll go out and get one; but if I am gonna have to melt stuff in the presto pot first, I just can't see why I would transfer a pot of liquid wax to another larger pot... I would just fire up another presto pot if I needed more wax... I just don't get it... :confused:

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I have two of them. Here's what I do.FIRST TIME EVER USING, I put a whole melted presto pot full of melted wax in. THIS IS ONLY NENEEDED THE VERY FIRST TIME YOU USE IT. Then I turned on my fryer to about 150. Then I add my wax and additives. About 33 lbs. worth. Then turn up the temp after it's been melting for a while. I never let the melted wax go below the heating elements. It's about a few inhces worth. If you do that, you'll never have a problem. After it's been shut down and hardened again, BEFORE I turn it back on I poke some relief holes in the wax all the way down, then turn it on to about 150 and put cover on because even though there are some relief holes I still sometimes get a small stream of wax shooting up when it starts to melt. No problem with the cover on. After it has started to melt a while and no more chance of shooting up stream, I add more wax to melt if needed. Turn up temp for a while. I love these. Poured up many candle at one time before Christmas. HTH

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I am not sure what these turkey fryers look like - does anyone have a link to a picture? The ones we use around here for frying turkeys are the same pots and burners that we use for boiling crabs & crawfish. Because these are huge pots set on a base over an open propane burner, I cannot imagine that that is what y'all are using... You also have to use turkey fryers outside because of the size, flame, etc. I can't imagine melting wax outdoors... seems like it would get stuff in it from the air, etc. and besides - it's COLD out there!

I have another question. Why would you want to melt wax in the presto pot then transfer it to the larger container?

I don't think I would melt any kind of wax in a container where the wax could actually contact the heating element! Sounds like a bigtime fire hazard to me, not to mention that the wax contacting the element would be heated to a much greater temp than the surrounding wax...

Please educate me! If there is a good reason to use these, I'll go out and get one; but if I am gonna have to melt stuff in the presto pot first, I just can't see why I would transfer a pot of liquid wax to another larger pot... I would just fire up another presto pot if I needed more wax... I just don't get it... :confused:

These are electric ones with a spout and the the part about melting wax in the presto first is something that is done only the first time you go to use the fryer, to cover the heating elements so you don't start a fire with the first initial use after that you don't need to do that again, from what I understand just always make sure you leave enough wax in the fryer to cover the heating elements (never drain it past that point) I hope I'm explaining this correctly...if not someone will chime in and explain it better:smiley2:


Here is a pic of one http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p128/ayshapooh/turkeyfryer.jpg

EDIT: Sndfrddy was posting the same time she explained it better :)

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I've never seen an electric one, only a propane one, but if I were to use it for melting wax, I'd put some water in the big pot that came with it, then put a slightly smaller stock pot in, forming a double boiler, to avoid any risk of a wax fire. I doubt being outdoors, unless it's windy during the Fall, would cause much problems.

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I have the large fryer with the spout. I use soy wax which is basically a vegetable oil and it works great. I would imagine paraffin would be more tempermental with the elements since it is a higher melting point and requires a higher heat. I wonder how well it cleans off of the elements too when you want to clean it? I know I have cleaned out some containers with paraffin and it took me a while to get every last bit.

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Where have you guys been all year?? I've had 2 of mine running for 13 months.

OBVIOUSLY runnin' around like a turkey with my head cut off!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Might have to go see if I can locate one of those things... Good point, Stacien, about the soy flakes being so similar to the soy oil used in them...DUH!!

I feel an appliance-acquiring binge coming on...:D

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OBVIOUSLY runnin' around like a turkey with my head cut off!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Might have to go see if I can locate one of those things... Good point, Stacien, about the soy flakes being so similar to the soy oil used in them...DUH!!

I feel an appliance-acquiring binge coming on...:D

OMG I love my Turk and Surf, I use it a lot. I still have my presto pot (with no valve) and still use it for smaller projects. You may be able to find the Turk and Surf on sale somewhere...someone mentioned Linens and Things. Try hard to get it locally unless you find someone offering free shipping, it's a bit on the heavy side.

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I got one for Christmas from my step-daughter and I appreciate all the help you are giving on this site. I am anxious to start using it but right now I'm not making enough to get it out. I will probably use it this week when I start my valentine candles.


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Bed bath and beyond has them on clearance for 99$ and you can use one of their 20% off an item coupons. I may have one if you need it then PM me. They even accept the coupons 1 month after the experation date.

Also if you have a linens and things coupon BBB will honor it. No ideqa why, but they do, and vice versa. I have a linens & things right down the road and always use my BBB coupons with no hassle.


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THANKS, y'all! I was just killin' time until my mom awoke and I got her started so I can run out to the store. I know EXACTLY where I will be runnin' FIRST as we have a BBB nearby!:yay: We're almost outta wax, but are expecting a shipment later on this week so I see a planetary alignment forming...:laugh2::D Guess I'll have to buy two - one for soy and one for palm...

Dang! My Christmas Wish list is longer now than it was before Christmas!! I had a shrink-wrap kit on it, but apparently Santa didn't have his freakin' reading glasses on...:waiting:

BUT since we put nothing on the charge card this season, I have a great idea of JUST how to handle those little ommissions... :bliss:

Gotta keep stimulatin' that ol' economy, yaknowhutImean? :thumbsup:

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THANKS, y'all! I was just killin' time until my mom awoke and I got her started so I can run out to the store. I know EXACTLY where I will be runnin' FIRST as we have a BBB nearby!:yay: We're almost outta wax, but are expecting a shipment later on this week so I see a planetary alignment forming...:laugh2::D Guess I'll have to buy two - one for soy and one for palm...

Dang! My Christmas Wish list is longer now than it was before Christmas!! I had a shrink-wrap kit on it, but apparently Santa didn't have his freakin' reading glasses on...:waiting:

BUT since we put nothing on the charge card this season, I have a great idea of JUST how to handle those little ommissions... :bliss:

Gotta keep stimulatin' that ol' economy, yaknowhutImean? :thumbsup:

Good luck with your search, hope you get one or 6 hehehehe. Sorry Santa missed your shrink wrap, maybe the birthday bear will bring it? :wink2:

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Been reading the posts on these fryers and thinking about getting one of these. How long does it take to melt wax? I have a turkey roaster that takes about 2 hours to melt the 20 pounds of wax it can hold. These turk and surf seem to hold more but how quickly can you start pouring? Also, does the spout get colgged with wax? Would seem like it would need to be heated to keep it from clogging.. or do you pull melted wax out of the top?

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