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My First Candle EVER!!!!

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I am so excited, that I just cant hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it. Ok seriously, I just finished my first candle and i LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D AFter I finish this post I am off to make my second one. I followed Peak's instuctions, minus the dont let the second pour go over the inital line of the first pour, so I have a ridge at the bottom, but I actually love the fact that its there, it looks like it was supposed to be there! Anyhoo, just wanted to share my excitement :D

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Congratulations! What did you make, container or mold? I am right behind you.. I finally have all my supplies and have been reading reading and trying to learn all I can before I get started.. I am waiting impatiently for my hubby to modify my Presto pot (he promised he would do it tomorrow..lol) Hopefully (fingers crossed) I will get to make my first candle tomorrow!! :D


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I think we all remember our first candle...I bought my daughter a yaley set when she was in Jr H.S. I remember that first airhole crater and not knowing what to do..but I have a question..maybe because some of you have mecanically inclined hubby's and mine isn't even permitted to pick up a phillips head screwdriver..do most of you have your presto pots converted? I just use mine the way it comes although I would love to have that little faucet on the bottom of my pot but do a lot of you pour with your pots converted? I must still be pouring like a cavewoman...lol..I fire up my pots in the a.m. and pour melted wax from presto pot into my pour pots. I would love to have my pot adapted but to purchase one that way is way too expensive for me so my only choice is to have hubby do it..which isn't a choice at all...in 28 years he has never opened his tool box and have it work out well for him..lol

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It works!! It really works!!! I burned my candle today and it was just absolutely wonderful to see it burn, with a great flame, and a great scent too. I actually used the double boiler method, not a presto pot. I figure, let me learn the basics before moving onto more tools. It was a pillar scented candle using a 3 x 6.5 mold from Peak Candles. Its cranberry scented and smells wonderful...now if I could only figure out how to post pictures, I want you to share it:D

PS: My third candle is cooling off right now, I NEED A NEW MOLD!!!! so I can make more than one at a time!

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Trust me, that first candle will always be the most perfect candle you have ever made - at least thats how I feel!:D

Keep going at it - oh, and I hope you have a bit of pocket money on the side because this is addictive and rather draining on the finances!!;)

Enjoy, Katinka

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