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Oh, My Gosh, That's it....


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I am done doing shows. I have had it with them. I just finished my last show of the year, finally.... Well to make a long story short another crafter which I have never met in my life came over to my booth and started asking the personal questions, again on where I get this and that, no problem I handled it. Than she asked, "Oh how much are your wholesale prices?" I looked a little puzzled and said "They are half the price that is posted!" She proceeded to start picking out what she wanted to buy about $200.00 worth in candles and she said she would be back with the cash. I said that is fine I will have the total tallied and everything wrapped and ready for her. She came back with half the money and handed it to me and I gave her the receipt with the total amount due. She looked at the total and said "Oh I thought everything was wholesale?" I looked at her and said it would be if she wanted to buy everything in case lots of 12. She said oh I thought you were going to sell me them at wholesale. I said no I can't do that without a completed wholesale agreement. She just turned and walked away. What the *^#* is going on with people. Like I would walk over to her booth or anyone else's and say I want to buy their products wholesale. Give me a break!!!!!! I also had people asking me if the tarts were edible. WHAT!!!!!I was ready to SCREAM!!!!!!!!

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There are just no words for that scenario.. lol

Apparently she had no clue what wholesale was or how it works. :o

Dang.. I wish it worked that way.. Walk up to buy something and expect instant 50% off wholesale pricing just because you're another vendor...:laugh2:

It takes all kinds.:rolleyes:

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Yup, I had a customer buy some tarts because she loved the fragrance. Left my booth. Minutes later came back in and asked how they were to be used. Were they for eating? :o My kids nearly laughed in her face. :undecided




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Could she not tell they were made of wax? Hmmmm....some people....lmaoooooooo

Yup, I had a customer buy some tarts because she loved the fragrance. Left my booth. Minutes later came back in and asked how they were to be used. Were they for eating? :o My kids nearly laughed in her face. :undecided
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Sad enough there is always some ignorant person out there that sees the word "butter" or "tarts" and thinks its edible. A lot of huge manufacturer's put "Not for consumption" for liability reasons. It takes that one person to taste test and go into analphalaxis and then you have a law suit because they were a moron.

I do think its out right rude for other crafter's to assume that they get a discount. People always want something for nothing.

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Oh, and I won't even tell you how many times customers have asked if I'm selling fudge when they see my display soap bars. Once I found little bitty teeth marks in one of my soap bars. :laugh2: Guess the kid decided not to hack off a chunk since it apparently didn't taste as good as it smelled.

In the kid's defense, it *was* a chocolate raspberry truffle soap. :D

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People are nuts. I have tons of people think my soap is cheese or fudge, one dumb@^& actually bit into soap, others think the bath salts are rock candy or crystals, bath bombs are jaw breakers, tarts are cupcakes. I have had people buy tarts also and come back wondering what they actually bought...go figure.

I am basically done w/shows as well, just have my open house and a small thing for my sisters work. I am so glad not to be dealing directly with the public for a short while:cheesy2:

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